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Vasquez Rich

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Everything posted by Vasquez Rich

  1. Anything by The Jam Anything by Madness (tough songs though) and.. Teenage Kicks Ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with) Somewhere in my heart My perfect cousin how's that for a start..
  2. [quote name='Basszilla' post='11413' date='Jun 3 2007, 02:37 PM']Vasquez - I quite like that flesh and blood tune.[/quote] Thank you kind Sir.
  3. One hand! Arnold Schwartzenegger or what? My HA3500 has the new aluminium facia but in all other senses is just the same as it always was. Weight of the 410XL is just about enough to lift from the car to the house (about 10 feet) but no more. I have lifted it upstairs before and nearly gave myself a hernia. It's affectionataly known as "the monster" by my band mates as they always have to help me lift it and it's beefy enough to fill the room. Sack barrow.. good idea for long flat distances. It does fit nicely in the back of my car (Renault Scenic) although it's a big car. Escort estate should be large enough but I'd check with a tape measure. Weightwise.. it's 42kg. I weigh 85kg so it's like having half of me in your boot, no problem. I think people always worry about loading gear into their car but don't ever have an issue with shoving 3 mates onto the back seat with a collective weight of up to 300kg, as long as the weight is reasonable distributed, any car will be OK with it. Soundwise, hard to tell I know, and with my bass heavy bottom end (oo-er Mrs) ... I did have it all miked on two of our songs on myspace www.myspace.com/vasquezdownload (The Ballad... & Flesh & Blood).. can listen to the others if you like but they were recorded direct into the desk. Richard VASQUEZ
  4. I too can recommend Hartke gear. I had an HA2000 for a few years then bumped it up for an HA3500. Plenty of beef, if I use the active input (I have a Warwick Fortress) I can run gigs with the master at 4 or 5, if I use the passive input with the same bass (just a 20db cut between the two) I can play with the master on 2! I get the feeling I could blow the windows out if I cranked it right up. Decent graphic, not too fussed about the main top end and bottom end controls, don't really use them. Tube and Transistor preamp is good and I use a blend of the two, been using the compression recently. No issues with it so far, had it for about 2 years. Cabwise, took my bass and the amp into the shop and played just about every 4 x 10 they had within the same sort of price range (Peavey, Eden, Ashdown, Hartke) and came out with a Hartke 410XL, it just sounded better than the others. The cab seems pretty bullet proof but WEIGHS A BLOODY TON!!! about 42kg actually and is not a single man lift job. When we have a kitshare situation (as we do at most of our gigs) some of te other local bass players actually ask me to bring it all along so I guess they like it too. If you have the cash definitely go for the XL not the transporter range, not in the same class. Never played it with a 1 x 15 as well so no idea what that's like, the 410 gives plenty of bottom grunt though so maybe you won't need it. Richard VASQUEZ
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='11143' date='Jun 2 2007, 07:39 PM']Sounds like a business opportunity .. Got a shed? [/quote] I did think of doing that... but it'd be too much arsing about.. I don't think anyone would be that interested.
  6. We have (provisionally) 9.00pm Saturday night (great slot)... but we'll be there Friday as I hear there may well be an appearance by Motorhead (or at least Lemmy) as surprise guest(s)... We plan to do the whole weekend, camping out, job lot, should be brilliant I reckon. You can't miss my tent if you see it, it'll have a big black & silver VASQUEZ hanging on the outside. Richard VASQUEZ
  7. Where I used to work (I'm a metallurgist..no don't ask) we had a large ultrasonic cleaning tank thing. Fill it up with meths and dump the strings in it for half an hour... almost good as new, in fact I don't like brand new strings (a little too bright) so I used to clean and reuse strings a lot. Left there now so can't do it anymore. Richard VASQUEZ
  8. It's difficult for some people, I know that, but it really is worth the effort I think. To be blunt, and I can be cos I've been on the very sharp end of it, it doesn't matter when you're dead, you're dead and that's it, a bit of pain, a bit of suffering, lots of morphine and then gone.. what matters is those that you leave behind, those that have to witness the end, those that have to carry on with their lives when something dear has been taken away in a manner that could so easily have been avoided. Sorry to preach but if I can help one person to give up I will endure any amount of abuse I may take on this forum. Richard VASQUEZ
  9. ... err, sorry, I meant that I would grab the bargain.. not your good self. It sort of came out wrong there... anyway, I don't think I'll be bidding. Richard VASQUEZ
  10. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='7967' date='May 28 2007, 10:07 AM']I don't know anyone personally or third party who's reached my age (38) and hasn't even tried smoking.[/quote] That would be me then... never had the inclination, and I'm older than 38. Guess peer pressure never really meant anything. I'm looking forward to the ban. What amazes me is that in the first instance people make the [b]conscious choice [/b][i][/i]to smoke then, in the main, regret that decision. Don't want to preach to you guys, as I understand about addiction, but I saw my mother die from lung cancer, it's not nice and I wouldn't wish that on anybody, give it up if you can. Richard VASQUEZ
  11. Thanks guys.. will check it out. Richard VASQUEZ
  12. Hahaha yes, let everyone else be put off and I can grab a bargain.... Looks OK to me, I'm gonna ask him for some history and the serial number. Richard VASQUEZ
  13. There's an old saying (attributed to Ginger Baker).. "Good band, sh*t drummer, sh*t band" .. do you think this applies to bass playing also.. if at all?
  14. [quote name='wayne58' post='9371' date='May 30 2007, 05:19 PM']It makes me happy when someone passes a compliment on my band's performance, as i work hard on my contribution. Whilst I have respect for players who wish to advance to a higher level individually, it's not what drives me personally.[/quote] The one I like best is "sh*t.. you guys are TIGHT" Richard VASQUEZ
  15. Tony Reeves (Colossuem, Greenslade, Curved Air) under-rated 'cos he never seems to get any mention whatsoever. Richard VASQUEZ
  16. [quote name='anti-barbie' post='7153' date='May 26 2007, 02:17 PM']It is also thought that there [i]may[/i] be a genetic aspect to cancer. I know of an old bloke who should have asbestos related cancer as he worked in ships' engine rooms years ago, coming out looking like the abominable snowman. He also smoked from the age of 7 till his 30's. He's currently in his 80's. Technically, he should be dead and buried by now[/quote] Yeah.. and I bet all his work mates never made retirement age... also depends which asbestos it was... and, if he gave up smoking when he was 30ish, he's been smoke free for over 40 years.. not much of a good example that one. If anything illustrates that if you give up you can repair some of the damage. The problem with examples like this is if he dies when he is 90 everyone will say "ah yes, that just goes to show all that smoking stuff is rubbish" however, if he hadn't smoked he might have lived to 105!
  17. [quote name='MB1' post='6417' date='May 25 2007, 11:21 AM']MB1. They still going? played a charity gig the other week and theyre old sax player nik turner did a set![/quote] Going enough to have their own 3 day festival at Donington Park...
  18. [quote name='3V17C' post='5842' date='May 24 2007, 03:06 PM']Very few Chinese women smoke and yet they have one of the highest lung cancer rates in the world.[/quote] ..because they live with chinese men?
  19. Anyone else gonna be there? Richard VASQUEZ
  20. 1993 Warwick Fortress, burgundy gloss, swamp ash & big fat wenge neck and fingerboard, one of the first they made, not so chunky body as the later versions, little scallops where the neck joins the body. That's me with it down there...
  21. Looking forward to it... lost my mum to lung cancer... can't come quick enough.
  22. There's a nice looking thru neck T bird on ebay... I've not heard of Roberts Guitars before, does anyone have any experience of them, build quality etc etc.. Richard VASQUEZ
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