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Everything posted by harvey1-8

  1. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='826888' date='May 3 2010, 10:12 PM']The decor is ok. It's the Zombies that roam the place.[/quote] Is that the Bells in Billingshurst?
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='831672' date='May 8 2010, 06:56 PM']I love amps/cabs. What I like is you can build up quite a collection for less than a boutique bass. Then again, don't get me started on overpriced basses that look more like coffee tables. I think I've hit my pinnacle. I've tried a hell of a lot, and even moved on cabs that have been classed as the best money can buy. Why? Because not all hype is correct! I just listen out now, and weigh it up, literally, with the size/weight/wattage/features etc. Do I miss my old Trace? A little...but the amps I have now are definitely more to my tastes.[/quote] You're an amp whore as well. I think the first time I had amp gas was looking at your porn thread and seeing your Orange rig, the 2 Aguilar 2x12 cabs, the white Orange guitar cab and something else....
  3. Can you feel the warmth?
  4. [quote name='Dubs' post='830710' date='May 7 2010, 02:54 PM']I've had Trace Elliot, Carlsbro, Ampeg, Genz-Benz, Epifani, SWR, TecAmp, and Orange... all in the last 3 years! ...that's not including a QSC power amp that I was using with an SVP-Pro [/quote] Amp whore
  5. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='830706' date='May 7 2010, 02:48 PM']There are some people that won't listen to what you tell them. My biggest bugbear with some customers is that they don't believe what you tell them because you are a salesman, and the salesman's priority is to take your money. I have had many that say they will have to come back with their guitar teacher or ask their teacher's advice before buying.[/quote] I can understand that if the buyer is young or doesn't have a lot of experience or knowledge. As the salesman you get a very short period of time to assess the customers’ needs and inform them on the products you feel is right for them. Where as, the tutor will have spent quite a bit of time with that person and has probably had some form conversation about gear.
  6. How much do you think they'll charge for that jack adaptor? EDIT: Ignore that, I've just seen.
  7. [quote name='crez5150' post='830461' date='May 7 2010, 10:56 AM']Sounds great to me.... My only criticism is that I would re-look at having the drums at least keeping a beat (maybe kick and hats) through the verses.... The function band I play with do this and it keeps the punters on the floor rather than there being a bit of a low when its just vox and bass/keys playing....[/quote] The kick is actually there, it's just so low in the mix you can't really here it. It was one of my criticisms too. I assure you, it’s there when we play it live. Thanks for your input.
  8. Last month one of the function bands I play in spent a Sunday morning recording. We’ve been together since November and this was our first time recording as a band. We did 7 songs in 4 hours and our vocalists recorded the following Tuesday evening. I thought I’d share one of the tracks we did and see if I can get some opinions from the BC community. Hopefully they’ll be more constructive then that of a drunk punter. American Boy – Estelle. [attachment=49104:02_American_Boy.mp3]
  9. [quote name='Delberthot' post='830300' date='May 7 2010, 08:10 AM']The way I see it, as long as you're happy with the sound on stage and you can be heard clearly with the rest of the band through the PA then go for whatever you like playing.[/quote] This. I use a Precision, Jazz and Stingray in function bands. They all sound great, but I find the Jazz easier to play so it gets more outings.
  10. I don’t think you’re missing anything; you’ve already got a top end rig that I’m sure anyone of us on here would be happy playing through. I don't really get amp gas either. I feel a bit of a hypocrite saying that seeing as I've had a complete change in amps over the last 9 months. First time I’ve done it.
  11. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='829884' date='May 6 2010, 06:14 PM']I wish I could pick this up would be great in any biamping rig or just jamming with friends[/quote] My guitarist biamps using a tiny terror and a JCM 800. They complement each other really well.
  12. Jazz body, Precision neck and pickups I believe.
  13. So yesterday was 'new amp day' for me. I've already posted this in a couple of other places but for completeness it's going in my own thread as well. So so so happy with this.
  14. I caved yesterday and bought something I've always wanted... A Mesa / Boogie 400+ ...I've wanted one since I was in school. I've been playing through it for much of the evening and I'm beaming. I picked up the Berg HS410 a couple of weeks ago, too happy right now. Right, where's that Bergantino thread?
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='827232' date='May 4 2010, 11:13 AM']Awesome because a full revalve is around £300 for them but should last a good 5-10 years depending on what went into it.[/quote] I had a feeling a re-valve was around that. It's what swayed me. I didn't want to take a punt on one on ebay then find out I needed to fork out on valves. Happy days, should arrive tomorrow.
  16. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='827214' date='May 4 2010, 10:56 AM']Insanely it was like £1899 but you can only get them second hand now and should be £700-£1000 depending on condition and age of tubes. (That 700 would be for one that needs a full revalve personally )[/quote] Cool, I've just bitten the bullet and bought one. I paid a little over your estimate but it had just been serviced, full re-valve and new caps. I bought it from a reputable guitar shop so it has a 6 month warranty as well.
  17. I bought a Specialized S-Works Tarmac carbon bike frame and had it insured delivered through PF. Needless to say the box was mangled when it arrived my end and the frame had cracked. The seller made a claim, which was rejected. He challenged and we were refunded. Good info Silddx
  18. With a few people recommending the Mesa Boogie 400+; does anyone know what the new price for one was?
  19. Happy days. Beedster, if you don't want the gig bag, I know someone who'll take it...
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='824427' date='Apr 30 2010, 10:12 PM']How has it not sold [/quote] Who knows, but I'll take the gig bag if your will to sell it separately, Pete?
  21. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58789"]Silddix re-sprayed his Warwick[/url]. That thread may be of some use.
  22. Blimey, someone likes Stingrays... Are they all 3 band or is there a 2 band lurking at the back?
  23. [quote name='Clarky' post='823934' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:30 PM']thx Chris, can't see it on the website unfortunately (search function doesn't come up with anything for 'wind tasting') would you happen to know if DR strings (of which there are a bewildering variety) are more along the lines of what I am after?[/quote] I've found DR rounds are smoother then Elites. Not sure how they compare to slinkys though
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