[b]Both items now off to new homes.[/b]
I have a pan pot that came out of a Sadowsky pre-amp set. I'm not charging for it, so if you would like it; drop me a PM and I'll stick it in the post. Simple. I'm sure it can be of use to someone on BC.
I have a set of Fender US Jazz Deluxe pick-ups and preamp that are sat around doing nothing. They came out of a 1999 USA Fender Jazz Deluxe. It's wired master volume, pan pot, stacked treble and bass boost/cut and mid boost/cut.
To my knowledge everything is present and correct. What I know about pick-ups and pre amps I could write on the back of a postage stamp so I don't really know how else to pitch this.
I have no idea what they're worth. I'll start with [b]SOLD[/b] (£50) posted and if anyone thinks that is way off please feel free to PM me.
Cheers, Alex.