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Everything posted by harvey1-8

  1. Not mine but spotted this on Gumtree today. £200 [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/akai-deep-impact-bass-synth-pedal/80560645"]Link[/url]
  2. The only time I've thought 'get me out of here' was when the singer in a function band I was deping for forgot the words to a song and then went round asking audience members if they knew the words. I couldn't believe it.
  3. Had a fair bit of interest so far... Any more for any more?
  4. I'm sure I've read somewhere that Gibson reckon the Thunderbird pickups are indestructible, and that's why you can't buy a replacement set straight from Gibson.
  5. [quote name='Higgie' post='1218434' date='May 3 2011, 11:17 AM']Awesome pedal! Wish I could buy it back [/quote] Cheers Higgie
  6. Here's a link to the JTM family manual for anyone who's interested: [url="http://www.marshallamps.com/downloads/files/JTM%20hbk%20Eng.pdf"]link[/url].
  7. Up for sale is my Montgomery Appliances '77 Flanger. I bought this off Higgie about 6 months ago - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=107431&view=findpost&p=995213"]Original sale thread is here[/url]. I'm just not using it at the moment so it's up for sale at [b]£180 posted[/b]. Postage abroad will be slightly more. Power wise it runs a 18vDC, I have a Diago 18v adaptor which I can throw in if you need one. In Higgie's own words: [quote name='Higgie' post='995213' date='Oct 20 2010, 06:52 PM'][size=4]Montgomery Appliances '77 Flanger[/size] This pedal is rare as rocking horse poo. I believe there to be only 9 in the world, and this is possibly the ONLY one in the UK. I really didn't want to sell this as it's my only Flanger, and is the best one I've ever used, so much so I've never had to buy another one, but it just doesn't get used on my Live board so has to go. It is a clone of the original 70's A/DA Flanger with a few upgrades, which include: 2 speeds, which are footswitchable (right footswitch) Footswitchable even/odd harmonics (this was a toggle switch on the original I believe, but was made into a footswitch for this boutique clone, left footswitch) Middle footswitch is on/off Controls are: Gate, Manual, Depth, Enhance, and Rates A and B I've never gigged it since I've had it, I got it from Toasted here a couple of years ago, so it's in exactly the same condition. I might even still have the box for it somewhere.[/quote] This is a fantastic pedal and can produce anything from a nice mild flange to full on crazyness. This also works really well with other effects. I've had the Boss flanger in the past and it just seemed to sit on top of everything. The Montgomery flanger doesn't do that and works nicely with overdrive pedals in front of it or delay after it. There are a couple of YouTube videos floating about. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0LTKV9sSkY"]This one[/url] which also has delay involved. And [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2UFfsMi1A0&feature=related"]this one[/url] which is a newer version of the pedal. EDIT: Also open to trades: Delay Pedals - Akai Headruch, EHX Memory Man with Hazari, Diamond Memory Lane, Empress Super Delay.... Also interested in a Digitech Whammy. Also open to other pedals so could be worth diving me a try.
  8. [quote name='guzzibass' post='1216695' date='May 1 2011, 05:21 PM']Whereabouts in sussex?[/quote] I shall PM you.
  9. I forgot to mention that this also includes the Marshall foot switch for changing channel. I've also put this up on Gumtree.
  10. [size=4]SOLD[/size] Hi all, I'm selling my Marshall JTM-30 valve amp. It's a 1X12 combo, 30 watt amp and has 2 5881 tubes in the power section and 3 12AX7 in the preamp. I had it serviced 2 years ago at Surrey amps and last summer replaced the speaker with a Celestion G12H Vintage Series 70th Anniversary Special Edition speaker. It has mostly seen home use but has been gigged on 2 occasions over the last 3 years. It has a clean and a boost channel with a shared 3 band eq. It has a reverb unit also. The clean sound this amp has is perhaps its strongest point with the boost channel being quite impressive for an amp of this size. A little bit of research will tell you that these amps suffer from over-heating problems. Hand on heart I can say I have never had a problem with this amp. It has been played for hours without a problem and the 2 gigs it has done have both been in hot little pubs playing for +2 hours without a problem. Picture time: Looking at recent eBay listings these have been selling for between £200 and £300 so I've priced it in the middle at £250 but this isn't firm for Basschatters. I'm in Sussex but I'm willing to meet around the South East. Not too keen to post this as I don't have a suitable box or packaging to hand but I will be able to work something out with a bit of time. Cheers Alex.
  11. Currently: Catalinbread SFT Crowther Audio Prunes & Custard Keeley Fuzz Head Mesa Boogie Bottle Rocket Sansamp BDDI SOVTEK (Green Russian) Big Muff Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie B Zvex Woolly Mammoth Zvex Fuzz Factory
  12. I'm a little undecided if I'll get one now. From the sound of it, it can't do anything that I haven't already got covered.
  13. Sweet. Great round up. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
  14. Getting a new job where I don't have time to check BassChat every day and trawl the for sale section has been a blessing in disguise.
  15. Not sure what room we're in... I'm either taking my Mesa Walkabout Scout or Terror Bass + 4X10
  16. Hi all, Has anyone here played at the Olympia Conference Centre in Hammersmith? Just wondering what size amp to take. Thank you.
  17. I'm going to give the SFT a go at 18v. Haven't tried it before.
  18. The video clips I've heard have been pretty poor, but then youtube clips are never the best demonstration of how a pedal sounds. I'd be interested to hear what you think of it compared to the SFT.
  19. Anyone tried / heard the Mad Professor Blueberry Bass Overdrive? I'm interested to hear anyone's opinions or thoughts. From the video on YouTube, it sounds like the pedal is in the Catalinbread SFT camp. Here's a link: [url="http://www.tonefactor.com/mad-professor-blueberry-bass-overdrive.html"]Blueberry Bass Overdrive[/url] And the youtube vid: (Sorry if this has already been posted.... I did search.)
  20. Thanks for all the info ladies and gents. I have proposed a couple of the methods mentioned. I'm hoping that this will all stay the same, with everyone taking an even split and everyone pulling their weight (as I believe we all do already). This sort of thing really shouldn't be an issue with this band, I don't know why it's been brought up.
  21. Thanks ladies and gents, this was exactly what I was after. Keep them coming.
  22. Hi all, Just a quickie. In one of the function band I play in we currently split the payment we receive from gigs evenly between the band members. However, recently the members who organise the majority of the gigs have asked if it would be ok if they could take a bigger cut because of the amount of time they put into organising gigs. I should also add that we have a website that I spent a fair bit of time building, and I still maintain it, SEO it and I paid for the hosting and domain name out of my own pocket. To be fair I don’t mind either way, I’m just keen to see how other bands do it. Cheers
  23. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='1143650' date='Feb 27 2011, 06:32 PM']Mounring the end of Oceansize with a listening marathon.[/quote] Gutted
  24. [quote name='Johnston' post='1136171' date='Feb 21 2011, 08:25 PM']Oh that is tidy. IIRC someone on the forum has one .[/quote] The seller is a member on here. I've bought from him before. Top chap.
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