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About NJE

  • Birthday 24/07/1983

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Total Watts

  1. Have you already tried the UK distributor Strings and Things? I ordered pickup covers from them a couple of years ago and they were really helpful.
  2. What colours did everyone go for? I’m currently deliberating classic clear ones or something a bit more “jazzy”.
  3. My wife works for the NHS and has these brilliant bags for the vast array of kit they need to carry. One of the zips broke so she got a new one and I snapped up the old one, it’s bloody amazing!
  4. Get Guy Pratts book, my bass and other animals. If you have a much bigger budget, get Geddy Lees big book of bass.
  5. I love Shaun, seems like a genuinely nice human with some incredible insights into playing. There was a lovely bit in this latest interview where he was saying that he just wants to be involved in great music and that he wasn’t as expensive as people thought.
  6. It’s a Contemporary J Series. They are custom made so it’s just got custom pickup setup by the looks of it.
  7. I used to have a very big chip on my shoulder about this song after playing it for so many years. I vowed after finishing in a previous band I wouldn’t play it again. My current band were asked to play it as a request at a wedding as the bride and her friends love it, so we happily obliged and it has been in the set ever since. We do a good job of it I think, we have a great drummer and guitarist which makes a difference to giving it a good feel. Everyone has a sing along even drunk lads in their 20s when we play a pub, so I have learned to just roll with it and not take everything too seriously. I have no musical credibility, I’m in my 40s playing covers in pubs for £40 a night 😄.
  8. I have been using Pages on IPad for all of my lyrics and also scribble down the odd chord structure. I just export to PDF and then open with Acrobat to scroll through full screen whilst playing. It’s easy to change the order of pages should the set change as well.
  9. I used the 2x10 for a wedding gig a couple of weeks ago because my first 1x15 had issues. It was a big marquee and I play in a 7 piece with brass and it was fine for onstage monitoring across the stage but didn’t have enough low end to fill the space and I needed the PA support. It would probably be fine in the small pubs we play though. The 1x15 has a lot more oomph on its own but I haven’t gigged just that one yet. If you have PA I think you would be fine with just one for most small and medium gigs.
  10. Just posted in another thread as well, but wanted to report back on the Rootmaster rig after its first gig. Loads of power on tap, only went to the third notch I think. The 2x10 and 1x15 are a great combo, loads of top end for the slappy stuff and then loads of thud for the soul and rock stuff. One cab in each hand for load in is just heaven as well, and the footprint is small which is perfect when your in a 7 piece playing pubs and clubs. Got some compliments on the sound which was nice as well.
  11. Lovely local pub gig on Saturday. Good crowd and always well looked after by the pub staff. First gig with the Rootmaster setup and it was superb. Lightweight, powerful and cut through well. Got compliments from a drummer mate who was there and the brass section.
  12. I hate to be negative but I have always thought Nash’s relic work looked very unrealistic. Compared to someone like bravewood they have a lot of work to do.
  13. I ordered a RM115 cab to complete the Rootmaster rig for a gig last Friday. Unfortunately the cab was faulty when it arrived but the shop I bought it from were great and worked with Ashdown to hunt me down one of the last new 115 cabs with a white cone. Genuinley brilliant customer service and a huge part of the reason I decided to go with Ashdown. I had to do a large marquee with a 7 piece band and the 210 did a great job providing me some monitoring on stage and a out front, but I did need some front of house support given the size of the marquee. Really looking forward to the next gig and using the full rig at some decent volume.
  14. I recently picked up a Ashdown Rootmaster that came with a gator bag like this. Really impressed with it, feels super quality: https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Gator-G-MIXERBAG-1515-Padded-Mixer-And-Equipment-Bag/26PE?origin=product-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVPnnyrrWBAUXgku27nF5zCwQ5I2HH0C-BadQnjz7Fmxv_mG4sHJcLxoC4IEQAvD_BwE
  15. Trying to claw back some funds after my recent amp purchase, so this is next in line unfortunately. This has been an ‘always on’ pedal for me for the past year, it’s just adds a lovely bit of saturation to my Stingray and I love it. It can do way more than I have used it for, I pretty much set it and never moved the knobs. My new amp has some drive built in which is good enough for me and the few gigs I do. It is in superb condition, and has some small strips of 3M Dual Lock tape on the bottom where it has been on my board, but happy to remove if you would like. Comes with books and stickers and original box. Happy to package up securely and post if you would like, any questions please feel free to get in touch. I would potentially take a trade with a high pass filter like a Thumpinator or Broughton as well.
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