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About NJE

  • Birthday 24/07/1983

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  1. I have been looking at Gator gig bags and couldn’t work out what the difference was between the Transit and the Pro Go X as gear4music have both at different prices. Thank you for clarifying.
  2. We have just gone up from a 7 piece to an 8 piece 🤣
  3. I just jam notes and lyrics in a pdf and put the pages in order of the set, works a treat.
  4. I had a 5 string 36” scale Progress and the reach on the neck didn’t bother me at all, however I just couldn’t get on with the tension on the D and G strings. They felt overly tight to me and didnt sound right for what I was playing, after coming from 34” scale. Would have been superb for lower tunings though.
  5. These look interesting….
  6. With all the stuff that has gone wrong at gigs over the years I take spares of most things apart from an amp (that’s more down to lack of funding though), plus I can always go through monitors and front of house at a push. Spare cables, strings, bass, power leads, and I have multi tools, and batteries in various pockets of bags as well. Comes in handy, last gig for some reason, 3 mic stands all needed tightening at various points and I had a multi tool for the job when no one could find a screwdriver. A good friend of mine plays in a band and they all go in ears and no backline. At some big festivals in front of crowds their Neural Pedals have gone down, DIs broken, guitars gone haywire etc. They are now taking multiples of everything.
  7. Hate is a bit of a strong feeling towards an inanimate object, but it was good click bait to get me in here 😄 I had an American Standard Jazz Bass for a short while, it was horrible. Heavy, lifeless, no resonance, badly built, neck felt cheap…it was just an absolute lemon. It was a real shame as I had an American Standard Precision when I was in my late teens and loved it.
  8. Mary Scully has done a lot of film scores, have a Google. One of my very oldest and closest friends does a lot of tv, radio and film work and has contributed to a lot of huge Hollywood films over the past 10 years. He works remotely from his small home studio, there is no studio time on those kinds of projects unless it’s for big orchestration. He’s not well known, no endorsements etc, and I would imagine a lot of the bass work is done by similar types of people.
  9. Ben Epstein is a superb player and been in various TV house bands I believe, most notably The Voice band. I think he played bass on the latest Snow Patrol album and is their touring bass player now.
  10. Based on my past experience with all of the brands, I wouldn’t say the Squier or Harley Benton would be much of an upgrade, they would just be a different vibe/sound. I have a Harley Benton Jazz bass and it’s a solid bass and very playable after some tweaking. Had a few Squiers and they have all been great as well, certainly more consistent than lower end Mexican made fenders. I think you would do better long term with a Squier, recognisable brand and easier to sell when you want to upgrade again.
  11. Bought a P bass yesterday, so I’m in! Can I buy a strap?
  12. Have you already tried the UK distributor Strings and Things? I ordered pickup covers from them a couple of years ago and they were really helpful.
  13. What colours did everyone go for? I’m currently deliberating classic clear ones or something a bit more “jazzy”.
  14. My wife works for the NHS and has these brilliant bags for the vast array of kit they need to carry. One of the zips broke so she got a new one and I snapped up the old one, it’s bloody amazing!
  15. Get Guy Pratts book, my bass and other animals. If you have a much bigger budget, get Geddy Lees big book of bass.
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