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About NJE

  • Birthday 24/07/1983

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  1. I presume they are doing this to help with vocals? Yes you just play everything as you would have but because the guitars (and potentially) bass are dropped it will just lower everything for vocals by a semitone. A few bands use Eb tuning, I used to play a few Stevie Wonder tunes and his bass player Nate Watts used to be in Eb. Playing those lines in standard tuning does make it a lot harder if there are open strings used in the basslines.
  2. I think the comment from matbard was in response to my thoughts on the Epiphone grabber posted earlier. I think he was saying the Epi version is contoured differently? As for the stingray, obviously it really doesn’t matter, it was just an observation. I am a terribly fussy person and like things to line up, look symmetrical etc so anything like this tends to itch my brain a bit. I love MusicMan basses, currently have a lovely Stingray and have been trying to find ways to fund a 77 Stingray this week. I am sure they are phenomenal basses.
  3. Yes that’s exactly what I thought, it just seems too close to the pickguard, not seen any original 70s ones that close.
  4. I was really interested in these until I saw the pickguard…shocking
  5. I don’t know if I am losing the plot and my eyes playing tricks on me, but has anyone else noticed that the control plates on the 76 Ltd edition and 70s Stingrays seem to be weirdly positioned? Most of the current and pre-EB basses I have seen have the control plate following the lower contour quite evenly/equally, I presume the plate was designed to follow the shape. However the new ones seem to tilt up to almost touch the pickguard and seem wonky. I love the spec of both but this just messes with my brain, I can’t un-see it. I know there are a billion more important things to concern myself with but I can’t see why it was done? Black one is a new 70s reissue and the Natural is a pre-EB.
  6. I had a bit of moment with a 77 Stingray yesterday, and after bit of playing I was really struck by how small/low the frets were. I don’t think it was a case of them just being ground down so did some googling and early Stingrays did apparently have smaller vintage frets. Do any of the knowledgable Stingray experts out there know when they shifted to the larger frets?
  7. I finally had my earplug moulds done yesterday at the Guitar Show in Birmingham. It was nice to see the colour options in person and talk things through with ACS team before ordering. It was so simple, and very tranquil when your ears are full of foam/gel! Gone for some transparent sparkly grey ones, and I can’t wait to give them a spin at practice and gigs.
  8. Visited today with my boy, the deciding factor was ACS being there, so I had my custom earplugs done as well. Some really good stuff there and a fun afternoon wandering around. My son came back with so many stickers and plectrums, but other than the freebies the highlights were: 1. Vintage Bass Room - some really lovely gear and it was nice having a wee chat. I was very taken with the Wilcock Long Scale, that nearly got me, it was just a lovely sounding and playing bass and top quality build. I was thinking about it for a few hours. 2. I played the prototype far east made Dingwall SP-1 PJ 5 string. Not much of a 5 string player these days but what a bass. Played beautifully, build was superb and sounded great with a nice 4 way pickup selector. Might be in trouble if the production model 4 strings are that good. 3. Absolute Music had a 77 Stingray that just floored me. I very nearly called the wife to warn her it was coming home but did resist even after a second visit. I think that bass might haunt my dreams and I’m still thinking about it. 4. Realising that I know what I like and what I need. I wasn’t tempted by much gear, most of what I tried was superb quality and sounded great (Spector Euro comes to mind) but it wasn’t for me and the GAS remained low. On the whole it was a great show for not much money and I will be going back next year. Only downside for me was the noise, but the quiet time came around quickly. I actually found the bass room worst of all, a mix of heavy overdrive pick playing and frantic slap at the same time can drive you potty! It made it hard to try a few things but almost everyone had headphone rigs which was great.
  9. I have been looking at Gator gig bags and couldn’t work out what the difference was between the Transit and the Pro Go X as gear4music have both at different prices. Thank you for clarifying.
  10. We have just gone up from a 7 piece to an 8 piece 🤣
  11. I just jam notes and lyrics in a pdf and put the pages in order of the set, works a treat.
  12. I had a 5 string 36” scale Progress and the reach on the neck didn’t bother me at all, however I just couldn’t get on with the tension on the D and G strings. They felt overly tight to me and didnt sound right for what I was playing, after coming from 34” scale. Would have been superb for lower tunings though.
  13. These look interesting….
  14. With all the stuff that has gone wrong at gigs over the years I take spares of most things apart from an amp (that’s more down to lack of funding though), plus I can always go through monitors and front of house at a push. Spare cables, strings, bass, power leads, and I have multi tools, and batteries in various pockets of bags as well. Comes in handy, last gig for some reason, 3 mic stands all needed tightening at various points and I had a multi tool for the job when no one could find a screwdriver. A good friend of mine plays in a band and they all go in ears and no backline. At some big festivals in front of crowds their Neural Pedals have gone down, DIs broken, guitars gone haywire etc. They are now taking multiples of everything.
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