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Everything posted by NJE

  1. Ooh very nice, I was admiring that for a while on the retailers website. I may get a gang of angry traditionalist after me with pitchforks for saying this, but I thought a tort guard would look amazing on that.....(runs for cover ?) lovely bass though, I am starting my savings tin in the new year for a CS Relic.
  2. I cam across these a while ago, Tim Lefebvre has been using them for a while and they are all over his Instagram account. They seem to be fairly new and starting to pick up pace as a brand. Hand made and pretty pricey I think, but no doubt high quality especially if you have someone like Tim Lefebvre using them. Have you looked at talkbass yet? Bound to be a Serek club on there, they love their clubs over there.
  3. I used this as the basis when I played it:
  4. Whilst I do absolutely love the NG2, I would be going for the 3 pickup AB1 for a bit of flexibility and because if you are spending the money, why not have a fully fledged Canadian made Dingwall. However, a good 80s Stingray is always a good buy and that era tend to have some stunning flamed and Birdseye necks. The AB1 is a very cool instrument.
  5. Nicely done, I was actually wondering what they would do about the bridge on a complete build, and actually hadn't seen one finished, so that explains it. £1k doenst seem to bad to be honest, not that I have that kind of money at the moment, but certainly an option for those that don't fancy the JMJ Signature.
  6. If you have reverb and or Instagram, check out Jagged Offset Electric. I don't know much about them, but I believe they can make vintage correct Mustang basses as well as various other Fender type guitars. I know you can buy necks and bodies without the hardware on Reverb and they aren't mega bucks.
  7. Another big fan and I am thrilled they have found a way to keep going. They wrote some fantastic tunes and it would have been a shame to just stop because of Scott. Rob is a superb player and has always been great to listen to, he can be so busy but it just works so well. From what I have managed to find out, I think the bass is made by their guitar tech, I believe he also made his brothers telecaster.
  8. They seem to be in plenty of Japanese stores and Bass Japan Direct might be able to source one. They do a lot of variants, just google image search for Atleier Baby Z. Seem to come out around £900 from what I could tell.
  9. I haven’t even got one Mustang yet and I am already looking for my next one ? I have just rediscovered the Atelier Z Baby Z They do a PJ and an active version in loads of colours.
  10. I came to The Police and Sting through my dad who was a massive Sting fan. I had the 'very best of sting & the police' album when I was about 15 and his song writing and playing was a huge inspiration. As a young player I could grasp parts and play along to a lot of Police stuff fairly quickly, and it had plenty of energy. The more I listened to his solo songs and albums the more I appreciated his playing and song writing. I think he is hugely underrated as a player, he is a great example of playing for the song but when you listen carefully he has a great feel and note choice, and faced with the same song I doubt many of us would be as inventive and subtle as he is.
  11. I am desperately trying to join the club, Christmas and a 1 year old boy are depleting my bank account rapidly though. Soon......
  12. Its not fat, its stored potential energy
  13. Excellent news! I have never heard anything but good things about Mr Baxter and that is great customer service. I really need to stop looking at threads about Mustangs, it’s driving me nuts with envy!
  14. I think Sibob has hit the nail on the head. It looks very much like an amateur attempt to fit a regular precision pickup in there (seems to happen a lot to old mustangs). It won’t affect what is still a cool bass but you should have been informed and the seller should have known about it, especially as I thought he dismantled most of the basses he has in, or used to. You seem to have been really concerned about the bass from the start so I think you would be perfectly within your rights to return it. If it was me, I would suggest seeing if there was some haggling room and seeing if you could get a decent chunk off what you paid. As the Bass had been modified anyway, I would perhaps look at having the route properly done for a Precision pickup to smarten it up, and you have the option then to swap in the future. I doubt it would do anything to the value, especially if you have the work done by someone with a lot of credibility and shielded properly etc.
  15. Well folks I think you have me convinced! ?. Got a couple of gigs over Christmas which may help me gather enough funds. I’m off to Cardiff at some point in the next week or two so may have another try out in PMT with a more critical eye to make sure it’s not just one of my fads.
  16. Cheers chaps, I must admit its only a small tiny voice in my brain niggling at this issue, I normally don't give a monkeys about what people think of me or my choice of instrument. I was just curious to see if any other big fellas were proudly hitting the pubs/clubs with their short scales. On the subject of the bass, I was incredibly impressed with the overall build and feel, they really are doing good things in Mexico. The one I tried had the well known pickup switch issue, (a little intermittent when going between pickups) but by all accounts its a simple fix and a good haggling point for a discount!
  17. I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks about stupid things like this. You are right, Dave and Pino are both very cool individuals and I watched a John Mayer video and he completely dwarfs his strats and doesn't look daft. No one would think it odd if I picked up a guitar as you say.... hmmm
  18. I had a day in Bath yesterday trying to break the back of the festive season shopping. As a spot of luck I walked straight past a new music shop there, Guitarbitz. What a lovely surprise that was, a lovely little shop with friendly staff and more than happy to let me have a try out and chat without any pressure. Anyway they had a few Fender basses in there at a few price points which was nice. They had a lovely RoadWorn, some squiers, SUB Stingray etc but what caught my eye immediately was the Capri orange Mustang PJ. What a incredibly fun and playable bass and well made for Fender, I was really blown away. I sat and played it for a while, it was so easy to fly around the neck, just sheer joy. I REALLY want one now, but the only concern I have is that I would look like a weirdo playing one. I am a pretty big chap, height and width (I do like a biscuit with my tea) and I worry that I will just look daft, like a giant playing some kids guitar. Most of the guys I see playing Mustangs are skinny/small hipster types and they don't look out of place on them. Are there any more 'substantial' members playing mustangs that can alleviate my concerns of looking stupid? or shall I just give up on my Mustang dreams
  19. And another image emerges: https://instagram.com/p/Bb736fqDCcU/
  20. I think as a player you need to decide what you want to achieve, do you want to get a ‘better’ sound or do you just want to change your sound? What sounds ‘better’ is all subjective and causes huge arguments on forums like this. Different is a lot easier to achieve and you have already highlighted the ways to create different. Without spending money, the quickest and easiest way to change your sound is to change hand position. Then age of strings, leave them dead if you want a warmer ’vintage’ sound. Next option, eq on your existing amp, try extremes of eq and everything in between. A plectrum is another big change for nothing (if you steal a mates plectrum). I can do almost any kind of music and find a complementary tone for that style with just these things. Personally, I would not look to pedals to help make my sound better, only to modify, leads IMO make little to no difference (in a live situation). That is where I would start anyway, but it’s all down to what you want to achieve and that’s down to the individual.
  21. I used to worry incessantly about what bass I was using, what rig I had, was it right for the job, were my strings bright enough etc. I came to realise after playing in 3/4 different bands over the past 4 years that, certainly in my case and situation, it doesn’t matter, and no one cares or notices how my bass sounds. I am about the only person who notices the difference in my rig or bass and most band members can’t really hear a huge difference in a live situation. This is also compounded by the fact that I go through a PA and ‘my sound’ can usually only be heard by me on stage, and everyone out front just gets the dry signal from my DI (pre EQ most of the time) which is set up by the engineer, I don’t normally hear it. Dont get me wrong, I will get a comment when there is too much ‘woolly’ bass or treble in a venue, but as long as I sit in a mix and play the right notes, no one cares if I’m using a Squier Precision, 3k Overwater, Aguilar rig or £250 Ashdown combo. For me it has become quite liberating, no one apart from me and few folks on here or other bass players (I don’t meet many to be fair) give a monkeys about my kit. This means I don’t swap my kit very often apart from out of curiosity, and I free up mental space to play and try and retain 3 bands worth of material in my brain.
  22. This is really interesting and I am so pleased to hear it has been working for you. About 18 months ago I was looking to do almost exactly the same thing, but I found very few examples where anyone had done it and anyone I mentioned it to seemed to think it wasn’t a good idea. For a long time I have thought that great quality PA speakers would work better for bass, but my main reason for it was wanting a wedge pointing back at me at gigs, as I am always going through the PA via DI from my Tonehammer amp. I gave up on the idea after I found a very reasonably priced cab and it was easier to keep my amp and not change my whole rig. After seeing this I am definitely going to look into when I next fancy a change, very inspiring.
  23. I’m the same, if this is a PJ with a proper precision neck, then there may be trouble ahead! He has obviously had a couple of prototypes at least, so It will be interesting to see what the final spec is.
  24. I love Premier Guitars rig rundowns, even if they don't talk to the bass player a lot of the time. I couldn't sleep last night so I watched the new one from Guns 'N' Roses. To my surprise they showed off a new prototype bass that looks like it might be hitting the streets soon. Im not a big signature bass fan, and not even a huge GNR fan, but the new bass ticks a few boxes for me, especially if they do a pearl white one. The video shows it a bit better: but here is a pic from the man himself:
  25. NJE

    Unreasonable Rant

    I don't mind a few sympathetic mods by any means, anything done properly is fine by me but be realistic about what you have and maybe do some research? Anyway as the title said it was an unreasonable rant and I have recovered from my bad mood now. Its not worth getting het up about by any means, I just don't like nice basses being abused.
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