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Everything posted by NJE

  1. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1421316544' post='2659669'] Agreed and this is a view I share, but I think that its great to have the range of options available - we're not communists. [/quote] I agree completely, I think it has got to be one of the best times for bass players in terms of amount of gear available to us at high and low price points. The quality and diversity has just got better and better even compared to what was available to me when I started 15 years ago. I just think there are a lot of people out there (myself included) who have spent a lot of time concerned with what brands they are using, as if someone at a gig was going to walk up and say "sorry mate that bass isn't good enough, your a fraud, please leave". If I had the money I would spend a fortune on basses, I love Mike Lull stuff and Sadowsky, but no-one will look at me any differently for turning up with a Squier.
  2. I wouldnt say I have ditched Fender, but pending payment my main bass after today will be a Squier Deluxe Jazz V. It was always my 'back-up' bass and basically never got used so a few weeks ago knowing my Fender was for sale I started to use it exclusively. I can honestly say I dont know why I thought it was only good enough as a back-up, it is an incredibly good bass and not just for the money. I have had far more compliments on its looks and sound than most of my other basses. The construction is very very good and the neck it very nicely finished. The machineheads are a bit heavy and unrefined but they hold tuning. I did replace the bridge with a Hipshot and converted to classic passive jazz wiring but thats as far as the mods have gone. After selling and buying far too many basses over the past 15 years I have learnt one major lesson (it may not apply to everyone) and that is, no-one gives a flying crap what bass or rig you have. Most people wouldnt really notice at a gig whether you have a 6k Fodera or a £160 squier as long as you sound 'bassy' thats all that matters. Most of my band wouldnt know whether I changed bass or not as I just sound like me when I play. I am even GAS-ing for a Squier P5 at the moment. I just tell myself; play something you feel comfoirtable with and can get a decent sound out of, it doesnt matter what the logo is. I once owned a very expensive Overwater J5, a guitarist walked up to me and said "not a bad guitar that mate, why havent you got a Fender, are they a bit too expensive for you".
  3. We have all been there, stick with it! Little and often was the key when I started playing but I know that isn't always possible. Play with a lighter touch and turn up as well, you tend to play harder if you can't hear yourself. Takes me back to when I started, I remember doing 3 nights in a row, two hours a night when my fingers were still hardening up. By the third night I blood pouring out of my two plucking fingers because the blisters under my blisters had popped. I can stick needles through my finger tips now.
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1420674697' post='2652172'] Congrats on the engagement! [/quote] Thank you, it starts getting even more expensive now I have proposed. I might not even be able to afford a cheap replacement for this now.
  5. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1420728067' post='2652668'] My 'rules' for being in a band are fairly uncomplicated. 1) Don't be a dick 2) Practice 3) Turn up on time You're welcome [/quote] That is the simplest and best set of rules for being a musician in my opinion. I am also a firm believer in bands being run as a dictatorship, and that too many opinionated people can ruin a good band. Oddly I am never really the dictator, I give my opinion when it is asked for and I am listened to but often overruled. The band leader in one of my bands owns all of the kit, the rehearsal space, gets us well paid gigs, picks the songs (most of the time) and its a case of, 'do it my way and do it properly of f*@k off' basically. I like it, everyone knows where they stand and if your a knob and don't work hard your gone.
  6. Thanks for all of the messages so far, let me know if you havent had a reply. I am open to cash and trade offers, I am opening this up to basically any kind of bass as I really cant make a solid descision on what I want. I have been lusting after a Yamaha TRB1005 the past few days, a long jump from a Stingray 4.
  7. That looks like someone has taken a Sterling neck and built their own body to replicate the old Stingray limited edition with the flame top. The pickups dont look right either, I thing the standard Sterling 34 has the new pickups with the built in sloping thumb rest bit, they dont look like normal Stingray pickups. I would stay clear, you wont shift that on IMHO.
  8. I have had a couple of really kind trade offers but nothing that is quite right for me yet. Cash would be great but happy to listen to any trade offers. I got engaged yesterday so this may be off to a shop as a commission sale soon if there is no deal in sight.
  9. [quote name='Hoppo75' timestamp='1419947620' post='2644191'] Gorgeous bass!!! 70's P bass of any use to you mate? [/quote] Thanks for the offer, I would love a good 70s P, but unfortunately I need to raise money out of any trade so it needs to be a much cheaper bass. Good luck with your sale though.
  10. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am happy to post the bass but I will only send it fully insured which adds to the cost.[/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]I am pretty much open to any trades at the moment as I can't decide what I want. The only condition is that I do need a cheaper bass with money my way.[/color][/font]
  11. I have always thought that as well as a Squire or cheaper backup bass I should also have a 'proper' bass. For the past month I have been using my Squier 5 string exclusively as my Fender Roscoe Beck is for sale. I have to say that I don't really miss my 'proper' bass and may just get another Squier. I don't know why I feel like I should have something better as to be brutally honest, if it plays well and sounds good, what does it matter, the folks in the crowd couldn't give a monkeys what you are playing. Its also quite nice to be complimented on your playing and sound when you are using a budget instrument.
  12. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1419014744' post='2635784'] Any interest in a Fender Active P bass Special Deluxe plus cash? Or a 33" scale ACG Graft Recurve 5 plus cash? Would like an RBV in my life again (didn't you get my last one, many moons ago?). [/quote] Hi, yes my first RBV was from you a few years ago, lovely bass too. I think it was in a trade for my old Stingray? I have my heart set on another Stingray at the moment as I have just started a new project and its exactly what I need for the music we are doing. Thank you for the offers though.
  13. Check out Cut The Funk, great band, great bunch of chaps. Their album Weekend Coda has been on heavy rotation at my house for over a year. http://youtu.be/wWiThA4r5uY
  14. I am getting seriously swayed by a MusicMan Stingray, interested in partial trades if anyone wants to trade in for a top notch 5 string.
  15. [quote name='EddieG' timestamp='1418150320' post='2627442'] Surprising to see my old bass up for sale, given that I know Nathan looked for one for a while before he bought mine, so I can only assume this is out of sheer necessity and not choice. I only gigged it three or four times in the years that I owned it and and from the photos it looks to be in exactly the same condition as it was when I sold it over 2 years ago, so any buyers can rest assured it has been well looked after. And if it wouldnt risk me being kicked out to sleep in the shed, I might have even considered buying it back!! GLWTS. [/quote] Hope your keeping well? You are spot on, I really don't want to sell it but the new house has a rotten bathroom which we didn't know about, and I have just forked out over 1k to get a new stove fitted to keep the house warm before we have people to stay for christmas. Apart from joint assets with my better half this is the most valuable thing I own so it needs to go. I will get another one and keep it one day. [quote name='elbasisten' timestamp='1418295937' post='2628850'] Hi Trade it for a Cirrus USA 5 2009? [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] [/quote] very kind offer, they are cracking basses but I am ideally after a cheap MusicMan or Fender Jazz with money my way for a trade.
  16. [quote name='TraceAmp' timestamp='1418028255' post='2626009'] Free bump for one of the best 5-String, Fender ever made! [/quote] Thanks, it is a superb bass and I think one of the best J stye 5 strings about. I preferred this to the two custom Overwaters I once had, great B string! [b]For a straight sale I would now take £1000.[/b]
  17. I think it is all about environment, for a pub rock band I would say music stands dont create the right 'vibe'. I play in a 11 piece soul band and the backing singers have notes and set lists on music stands, and the brass section have music. Lead vocals and the rest of us dont have anything. I also play in a smaller soul band and I share vocals with the female vocalist and we share a music stand, but we only play small social clubs and its not really an issue, we dont glare at the stand permanantly its just there for emergancies as both of us play in 3 bands and cant remember everything. The new band I have is a pop/dance covers band and music stands are being banned because they dont look right. The only option is to use a ipad clipped to the mic stand which looks a lot less obtrusive and actually looks quite smart.
  18. Spent a while playing a Stingray yesterday, does anyone fancy trading one in for a quality 5 string?
  19. Very sad, my dad grew up with him and they were inseparable for many years and through various bands, he even got mentioned in Mac's book. My aunt was in touch with him and I had been pushing my dad to contact him, very sadly it is too late now. RIP Mac.
  20. I am still pondering what I could replace this with and cant make my mind up. I will be happy to considder P and J basses, Stingrays/Sterlings, Laklands and 4 and 5 strings as partial trades.
  21. NJE

    Alleva coppolo

    [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1417542408' post='2621541'] can someone tell me whats the thing with these basses? why are they so expensive jazz basses? not that i underestimate them, i just really don't know, never tried one! [/quote] I would go with what people have already said. I would say Alleva basses are more about the person building it, the costs associated with renting a workspace in NYC and his overheads that the raw materials that go into the instrument. I played a LG5 (I think) a while a go, it was a nice bass, I can't say I was flawed by the build quality and playability and that it was worth every penny, it was just a nice bass. Was it better than the Overwater basses I have owned or GB basses I have played?.....not a chance, would I pay £3000 for one even if I had the money going spare?....probably not, there are just as good basses out there for a lot less IMHO.
  22. [quote name='ROBBIE' timestamp='1417346199' post='2619285'] Thank you LJE for your prompt reply - sadly a little too heavy for me. Regards Rob [/quote] No problem, completely understand. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1417369210' post='2619630'] If I can shift my 78 jazz I will be all over this [/quote] Excellent, good luck with your sale.
  23. I love this bass so much and can't believe it is still for sale at that price. I can't believe more people haven't jumped on the Sabre, great flexibility of sound and that is a great colour combo. GLWTS
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1417176757' post='2617776'] Generally not as we tend not to be a band from a website type booking. They have been referred by friends or good contacts so an e-mail chain is good enough after the initial phone call. If we get the impression the gig is a bit chancey, then we don't want to be doing it anyway. [/quote] That is how all of my band have worked up until now, usually friends of friends etc but we are aiming to do some function/events work with a well known venue so I think we need to look into having something solid. We also did a gig recently where there was not enough power for us (generator) and we couldn't play after travelling all the way to the gig and sitting around for 4 hours. We should have had full fee but we didn't get anything and I don't want to be in that position again. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1417179746' post='2617840'] We do all the time for the function band. PM me your email addy and I'll send a sample of ours. Do need to look at having / doing T&C's and check them with a solicitor to make sure you're saying / doing things the right way. We have them, but then they're done to suit our particular way of working and may not be right for you. [/quote] That is really kind, thanks very much. I won't just rip yours off I am just looking for what kind of thing people include and cover in their contracts. PM on the way!
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