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Everything posted by NJE

  1. [quote name='ROBBIE' timestamp='1417256593' post='2618567'] Hello NJE, What is the weight please. Many thanks Rob [/quote] I have just given it a quick weigh on the bathroom scales in a few modes and it comes in at 4.5kg or 9.9lb. The weight has never been an issue for me, I had a Stingray 5 which I loved the sound of but it was significantly heavier than this, which was one of the main factors of selling it in the end. It is very well balanced as leschirons says, very comfortable especially with a good strap like the Mono one I use.
  2. [b]Edit - For a straight sale I would take £1000[/b] For sale and trade is my Roscoe Beck V in teal green metallic, which is a 2005 as far as I know. I am selling because I have just moved and had several very expensive disasters in the past two weeks. This is the most valuable thing I own so I need to reclaim some money from it. It is a sore point, and I am not happy about it whatsoever but needs must and I am sure plenty of folks have been in the same position. Superb bass in every way, build quality is in my opinion about as good as it gets and most definately on a par with my old Overwater custom J series and various other high end basses I have played/owned over the years. Most people will know about these basses but google will drag up the full spec and pickup options etc. If you want any info, please just message me and I will send you everything I know. [b]Condition:[/b] It is in really great shape, it has some tarnishing to the machine-heads and some of the pick guard screws are a bit rusty but they are cheaply replaced. There is a scratch on the neck plate and some very light marks on the back of the top horn, but they wouldn't even show up in the pictures. Otherwise it is in very good condition considering it has been played regularly and is nearly 10 years old. An additional hipshot string retainer has been added to the B and E string, something that is standard on the Marcus Miller V. The bass originally had chrome dome knobs which I still have, but I prefer the black Jazz knobs that are currently fitted (genuine Fender parts by the way). The bass comes with the original G&G case and all of the original paperwork, strap, truss rod tool, allen key, and a Fender cleaning pack which is unopened. [b]Sale and Trades (edited): [/b]A straight cash sale would be the best option, but I also need a replacement bass. I would take a part exchange with money my way on a cheaper bass. I need somewhere in the region of £400-£500 on top of a bass, but may rethink that if the bass is really nice. Interested in: Musicman Stingray 4/5 Fender Jazz or PJ pickup config basses Lakland in J or PJ config Anything else with a 'Fender-ish' appearance I could probably post it, but for trades I would rather meet up and make sure the buyer is happy and visa versa. Please message me if you have any questions. EDIT: The pictures look a little grainy now they have uploaded, I have much better quality versions that I am happy to email over to anyone interested. [attachment=177398:DSC_0456.JPG] [attachment=177399:DSC_0458.jpg] [attachment=177400:DSC_0460.JPG] [attachment=177401:DSC_0463.JPG] [attachment=177402:DSC_0466.JPG] [attachment=177403:DSC_0476.jpg] [attachment=177404:DSC_0475.JPG]
  3. I am sure I have seen a thread on band contracts somewhere but I cant find anything specifically when I do a search, so apologies if this has been covered. I play in two bands that are starting to get bigger gigs and play more frequently and I was wondering if your bands use contracts when playing corporate gigs, weddings, festivals etc? If so where did you get the contract framework from or did you just write your own? I know MU have a basic template but I was wondering if anyone used another one just so I can go back to the guys and gals in the band with some options. Thanks everyone.
  4. Ziricote, 100% looks classy and that stripe down the middle looks fabulous. The Macassar looks like the really bad worktop my neighbours have in their kitchen.
  5. Oh dear, that PJ could be dangerous to the bank balance. I have been looking for a PJ Precision with a chunky neck for a while, I just hope its not a J profile neck as they have put blocks and binding on it. Edit: just realised it is in fact a J taper neck, what a shame, too slim for me.
  6. Not a bass but a very close friend of mine had a VIP session with Steve Vai once and got to play his main JEM, he said it was horrendous to play, action all over the place and generally uncomfortable. I think he expected it to be a 'excalibur' type guitar.
  7. I had an email last week saying Bass Direct's 2 for 1 offer on these strings was nearly up so I decided after much deliberation to give them a go, especially after seeing Paul Turner sing their praises. I have to say that I am very impressed with them considering how cheap they are, even at full price. They came well packaged and the strings are sealed in an air tight bag which I really like the idea of, who knows if it helps the string in storage but it makes me feel better! I got them on my Roscoe Beck just before a gig and they sounded ok on the bass but came alive when I plugged in, really beautiful thick bass and glistening top end. I would say initially they were a little lacking in mids (perhaps why they are aimed at slap bass players) but a small adjustment on the amp and the sound was superb. To be honest I find most new strings a little lacking in mids to start with. Some people on the other bass forum said that the tension was low on these strings and that the Nickel strings were rough to touch. I didnt really notice any difference to EB Slinky strings except for maybe a tiny bit more texture but nothing to worry about. All I can say is, great strings so far and performed well on Saturdays gig. I just need to see how long they last as I kill strings with toxic sweat pretty quickly so that will be a big factor for me. God knows why Dunlop are advertsiing these as strings for slap players, they have a superb fingerstyle tone, I dont slap at all and love them. I will update when I have had them on for a while if anyone is interested, but I highly reccomend them so far. I think i have my new favourite strings!
  8. AHHHHHHH This thread is so dangerous to my bank balance/credit card. Also I just found out Guitar Guitar are offering 2 years interest free on CS instruments. I was going to pick my favourite but frankly chaps they are all lovely, although I do have a soft spot for relics and Mr Palladino. One day, one day.........
  9. I play in a couple of bands that play Soul, Disco, Funk type stuff and the B string has been incredibly useful. We move some keys around for vocalists so it can be really useful for playing lines that I would otherwise have to play very awkwardly or an ocatve higher where I wouldnt have enough 'oomph'. Its handy for Stevie Wonder Stuff which we play in original key and also I use it a lot instead of an open E string, like when we play Midnight Hour (hateful song). To be honest I mostly use it so I dont have to move around the fretboard very much as I can get the low notes of an E string higher up the neck on a B string. The guys in the band also like me playing some lines lower than the original record as there are 10 of us and it really underpins the band.
  10. There are several Roscoe Beck V basses for sale used at the moment, and I would say that the two I have owned were as good if not better than a lot of the high end 5 string Jazz type basses being mentioned here. My two have been significantly better to play than most Laklands I have played, and the B string had a lovely tone. My current is better than the two Sadowsky Metro's I have played and the B string was as good as the Alleva I played and no worse build wise. Same for the Overwater J5 I owned, great bass but no better than the Fender. I am no Fender fan boy, some I have owned have been awful but the recent basses have been very good and the Roscoe Beck is well worth a look.
  11. I will just echo other folks comments, in six months you could find you want a completely different style bass to the one you have now. Squier Classic Vibe's are fantastic basses, I had one for ages and loved it so I think you are fine there. My suggestion is to invest in good quality leads, I have seen friends with £1600 guitars and the cheapest budget leads they can get in the guitar shop. I would also suggest a decent practice amp (not sure what you currently use) but there is a big difference in my experience between something like a basic Ashdown and the small EBS combos for example. Also for silent practice I suggest some decent headphones, I use mine all the time, probably more than my Aguilar rig. There we go, some suggestions to use up your cash until you fancy a new bass.
  12. Have you managed to give them a test yet? I would love to hear a real opinion against the promotional videos.
  13. I use these: http://www.designacable.com great service and for me the best part is they do different colours. I haven't had a black cable for over 10 years now and haven't lost any cables as no one ever has the excuse of "I thought it was mine". Highly recommend the neutrik silent jack on the guitar end too! That reminds me, I need to order a new one soon as a spare.
  14. Oh god, thats going to be extremely dangerous for my bank balance! Hopefully I can put some money aside and pop down when these come in.
  15. Wow thats fast work Yes I have had a good look and listen online to all of the smaller Basswitch pedals, all three look and sound interesting and I would love to try them and see if they will actually do what I want them to. I have about 50% of my set where I need more of an 'active' sound with different EQ. Its not easy going from Motown to super bright disco and slap sounds on my bass so it would be handy to have something to just click on to get that done without fiddling with the amp. I hadn't actually seen the Julian, it wasn't on the Basswitch site, it appears to be a 100% Lehle product whereas the Basswitch stuff seems to be a bit more of a partnership? or are Basswitch just using Lehle technology? Looks good though and will probably do what the boost pedals do I guess. Part of the reason I am so interested in them is the serious amount of pro's who are using the big version, it looks like a killer piece of kit but way more than I need at the moment. I look forward to hearing some reviews and thoughts when it arrives.
  16. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1411034899' post='2555734'] They've come down in price a fair bit now. Were £200 when first released but down to about £170 now. We thought about ordering a couple to try out in the shop along with the new boost pedals that also came out this year. I actually forgot all about them with all the NAMM excitement! May have to get on the case today! [/quote] I noticed that Bass Gear have the big Basswitch, I would love to know what these smaller pedals are like especially as the big one is so highly regarded. Please do get on the case and see if you can test them out. I think they offer a good alternative to the current preamp pedals, I don't need a DI and all the other bits found on the Tonehammer, MicroBass, and sansamp. I like the idea of just a high quality preamp with good EQ to boost my passive basses a bit. I will have to make my way down to the shop if you get some in, nowhere else has them.
  17. Has anyone got any experience of these pedals? I just stumbled across the Sonic Spark and think it could really help give my bass a bit more liveliness. I love my Roscoe Beck V playability wise but I do miss the modern style tones of my old active basses. This might be a good relatively cheap solution. http://youtu.be/TypW8Up7JjQ
  18. I did a search and didn't see anything on here, but it seems Adam Clayton has a new signature Fender Jazz coming out. Guitar Guitar are already taking pre-orders and it seems to be US Standard price with some added extras. I like the lollipop tuners, always preferred these over standard tuners. I was secretly hoping it was P-bass width nut as he usually likes his precisions but it looks to be standard Jazz. Not a fan of Mr Clayton or his band particularly but this looks like a nice bass. Some nice pictures of it here: http://willcuttguitars.com/fender-basses/jazz-bass/fender-artist-series-adam-clayton-jazz-bass-sherwood-green-metallic-944 Also there seems to be a Dee Dee Ramone signature on its way as well. Mexican made by all accounts and looks just like the Matt Freeman Squier. Still its nice to have a maple necked white precision in the Mexican range, my favourite combo. [attachment=171303:US14070944-2up.jpg] [attachment=171304:10448907_375399752616233_45042228_n-2.jpg]
  19. Oh that is a lovely looking thing! I have serious P-Bass GAS at the moment and this does not help. I am even considering going back to 4 strings and selling my main bass for a good vintage or CS fender P. I am sure you will have years of enjoyment.
  20. Whoever is making the decisions in head office at HMV seems to be doing a good job. My local one has moved to a nicer, smaller store and most importantly the prices on anything I have looked for have been superb, not only competitive but in some cases better than Amazon. I like buying CD's, I love having a physical format and its nice to know there is still somewhere on the high-street to buy CD's that aren't just the top 40.
  21. I played one of these in Cardiff recently and It was a really great bass. The pickups were installed badly but the finish was pretty good. I never expect a perfect finish on these kind of instruments, and to be honest I don't usually expect perfect finish with Fender and they are over 1k new. I was actually encouraged to buy it by my better half but for some stupid reason I decided against it, there was even a secondhand P retro unit for sale on here which would have been a great upgrade.
  22. Look at Pino, hes 57 and I wish I was 1/10 as cool as him, he plays with John Mayer and Nine Inch Nails! [attachment=169534:19.jpg]
  23. First and foremost, if you are a good decent human being and a decent musician it doesnt matter how old you are. I am 31 and play in two bands where everyone apart from the singer is over 60. They are good guys, good sense of humour and very immature, so it really isnt noticeable. If you dress sensibly and dont try and wear what 20 year olds wear and look smart then noone is going to think "grow up old man" or "your too old for that". My dad was a prime example, hes a keyboard player and is now 68. He never dressed like an old person but never tried to wear the latest trend. He just kept to a good pair of jeans smart pair of boots and a good t-shirt or shirt when he played and he never looked out of place with people 20 years younger than him. Basically dont act or dress like a 20 year old and likewise dont dress and act like your average 60 year old. Be friendly, approachable, have a good sense of humour and play well and it wont matter how old you are, you will still fit in and look ok on stage IMHO.
  24. That is a work of art, STUNNING and I wish I had some money or a Wal to trade. This should be gone very quickly.
  25. Very nice, I really like these in sunburst. I am on my second now and the current one isnt going anywhere soon, great versatility and very very playable with the 'proper' 19mm string spacing. I would suggest hanging onto the case even if you dont use it, as these rarely come up with the original cases. I dont use mine but its nice to know I have it and all of the original case candy if I decide to sell it. If you decide to change the pickguard and knobs I would be happy to make you an offer for them, I would love to try a tort on my teal green one and I have always loved the 'F' knobs on these, mine is a later model with chrome knobs as standard. If it is any help I went back and forth on 4 and 5 strings and gave up on 5's a couple of times. I combatted it in the end when I bought my first RBV. When it came it was the nicest bass I had played and I just sold everything else so I had no option to play a 5 string. It works and it took me about a week to start feeling comfortable. The big mistake I think a lot of people make, is thinking that now you have that extra string, you need to use it all the time. You dont need to stick a low B in every song and not every song needs you to go that low, and as soon as I accepted that it really grew on me. Use it to play across the neck instead of going down to the nut is always my advice.
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