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Everything posted by NJE

  1. When I was younger I absolutely adored Our Lady Peace, great live band and wrote some killer rock tunes, a bit dated now but still pretty good. http://youtu.be/8t0NILJQN-8
  2. [i][b]Adventure. Excitement. Input into the bands direction. A Bass Player craves not these things.[/b][/i]
  3. Everything I have seen so far has been total sh*te! Lily Allen's band were in time and in tune which is more than I can say for the rest of the bands I have seen. Admittedly I haven't seen every minute of coverage, but I am hoping at least Metallica will do something decent despite not being a huge fan.
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1403697247' post='2485376'] Seriously, I do own a relic instrument (a Fender '59 RI Strat), and I bought it becuse it sounds phenomenal and plays beautifully. Part of the comfort factor is the artificial wear to the neck. I wouldn't have gone out of my way for a relic instrument, but this one wa sput in my hands and it was brilliant. I do also understand the appeal of these instruments as eye-candy, but until my Strat moment, I never thought them worth the extra dosh. [/quote] I have had the pleasure of playing a couple of relic instruments and normal custom shop instruments, both were exceptional but the neck and feel of the relic's were out of this world good, simply the nicest playing necks I have come across (actually joint first with a very well played in GB Spitfire). If limelight can recreate the feel of a worn in vintage Fender or a CS Relic or even the roadwork series, then they are not a winner and I am certainly interested. I hated the idea of relics but have come around to it. I am very precious of instruments getting knocked about, if my bass is pristine I like to keep it that way and I always find the first few dents or chips painful. I also hate that a few marks or scuffs would de-value the instrument if I decided sell it. I would love a roadworn or CS Relic so that I wouldn't have to worry about it getting knocked or damaged. Some people would say, well just get an old bass, but I am inherently suspicious and would worry that a vintage instrument would have problems, so the answer for me is to get a new well built instrument that you know is reliable that has been knocked about for me so I don't have to worry. Regarding the Fender logo on limelight, well I can see why people want it, but I would be more impressed if he stopped writing it on the back of the headstock with a sharpie and instead created his own subtle decal for the front much like Nash have done. In fact I would probably be more interested in them if he did that.
  5. Now that is a bass I would give up my Roscoe Beck for, stunning in every way. May I ask why you are selling it?
  6. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1403372118' post='2482227'] Sorry about the confusion - I hoped the 'Fender Style' bit would differentiate these from actual Fenders. I do actually have to place the next order for Fender CS soon and am alread planning to use the ideas here to help formulate what we ask for Unfortunately the CS instruments come in between £2K and £3K depending on spec I also saw the TalkBass stuff about D Lakin. One long thread that mostly said "these are Fender clones" with people either saying this was good or bad. Another one that ran to over 18 pages saying that the first bass shipped was badly packed! Whilst I totally agreed that it was indeed not acceptable packing, I did see that Dan Lakin immediately apologised and offered to replace it. Couldn't believe this warranted 18 pages of people saying the same thing over and over again - makes you realise how nice it is here on BC I also saw another review on TB where the owner was really happy. This one ran for a while one page, partly because it's newer but maybe also because there was nothing to moan about and they do like a good moan over on TB! [/quote] I didn't read carefully I should have noticed the fender style bit. I can't wait to see whatever custom shop Fenders you have coming in, fender CS stuff is causing huge amounts of GAS at the moment. I finally got to the end of that thread on talkbass, to be fair to Mr Lakin is was a huge fuss over nothing, god they do love a good old moan over there! I am sure they will be great basses, the headstock is an aquired taste but then again I always loved the Alleva headstock which most people seem to hate, so I have odd taste.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1403257457' post='2481183'] Oh I see, are these not Fender basses...I misread it! [/quote] I got the wrong end of the stick too, I thought it was Fender Custom Shop basses and nearly exploded when I saw they were under £1000 [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1403269930' post='2481366'] I will hazard a guess at D Lakin? [/quote] I hope not, I was really interested in these but the D Lakin headstock is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Also there seems to be a lot of moaning about them over TalkBass.
  8. If you could get a copy of a Pino signature with a J pickup that would cure my GAS forever.
  9. My two would be: J - 1.75" nut, dot (or dot and bound if possible) Candy Apple Red (mint guard?) P (with jazz pickup) - 1.75" nut, blocks and binding, Sonic Blue If you can get any type of Jazz with a 1.75" nut and slightly relic'd finish, let me know I will probably buy it!
  10. A lot of friends of mine have done music courses so I can probably speak from their point of view. Firstly none of them have gone straight from school into music courses/degrees, partly because they were sensible and knew that there was little to no chance of making music as a career (two of them now do though) and mainly because their parents told them it was a stupid idea and they would need a proper jobs one day. This was the main reason I never went to college or University to do music. When they did eventually decide to do a music course they sought out the best/most well known places to go. I don't know your music school and I am sure the courses are of a good standard but friends of mine went to Berklee in Boston, Academy of Contemporary Music and The Royal Welsh College of music (although they don't do electric bass as far as I know). I think one other factor is that not many musicians want to actually go and really study their instrument, learn theory etc and really commit to lengthy courses. It is much more exciting to sling a guitar or bass on, join a band and think you will become a pro musician writing and recording your own material. I guess my point is, for the small amount of bass players that want to do music courses, my guess is it will be something they do after completing a 'normal/sensible' course, and when they do want to do a course and take it seriously, they will probably seek out the better known places to do those courses.
  11. I was playing with a Dire Straits tribute act for a while and I took it on thinking that it would be the easiest gig of my life, I was very wrong! I quickly gained a HUGE amount of respect for what John Illsley did with the band. The lines are not super complicated but to get the feel and groove right on the songs is tricky sometimes, and it is so easy to overplay the songs and add more notes where there aren't any. He is a great player and really overlooked.
  12. This has got to be one of the best deals I have seen on here, I wish I had the money as I have been GAS'ing for a CS Precision for the past year. Good luck, I am sure this offer will be snapped up.
  13. I have always wanted the same combination and am a little suprised Fender have never done it. Even when they make a P/J model they usually stick a J neck on it, god knows why they presume every bass player wants a matchstick width neck. I did think about mixing and matching some classic series Mexican parts from Stratosphere on eBay and building a Jazz with a 50's Precision neck with the full on 44mm nut width the same as Jaco used to use. The parts are resonably cheap and you get some good quality Fender parts, I still might do it one day.
  14. It shouldnt make any difference to the company and my opinion of Fender, but rather childishly I am now really put off Fender because of their association with them both. I am a relaxed kind of person but I want to smash the TV/Stereo any time I hear or see U2, I just cant stand listening to or looking at either of them. Saying that I am still not that put off a Pino Signature...
  15. I personally think it is immaturity and obviously some sort of insecurity. He/she obviously is worried about being replaced if the dep player does a better job than them, but to be honest they need to get over themselves for the benefit of the band. I am in the same position over Christmas this year, there are at least two gigs I can't do so far and my band were actually really worried about asking me if I would mind them getting dep player. Personally I am really not bothered, and more than happy for them to play the gigs than give them up because of my selfishness. The dep player is probably as good, if not better than me but I am confident enough that I will not be replaced, they are friends at the end of the day and I am confident enough in the job I do for the band. If you have a busy working band with commitments and members who are busy then I can't see how many bands would get by without having back up dep players.
  16. BUMP for a cracking little cab.
  17. If you have a laptop or tablet you don't mind reading off I can thoroughly recommend, Ibass magazine, they have some great videos on youtube with some superb bass players. Actually it might be iPad only....great mag though and not too expensive.
  18. NJE

    Show us your rig!

    [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1397774050' post='2427408'] Nice, Chris! Exactly what cabs are those? DB? Do you like them? I'm heavily contemplating ordering a few Aguilar 112s unseen and unheard, based on what BC has said earlier - probably DBs. [/quote] They are a DB112 on top and a non tweeter underneath. I haven't given them a full workout yet but I had a practice the other night and they sounded good. Not as bright as my old 410, but a bit more low-mid thump which is good and to be honest I don't need a huge amount of top playing soul and funk. They are great cabs, quite vintage sounding and looking but that is more to my tastes at the moment. My main reason for getting them is that I can get them both on the back seat of my car without folding seats down and they are easier to manage.
  19. NJE

    Show us your rig!

    Well its the first time in a few years I have had a matching rig. I really loved my EBS cabs but I figure its time to try something new, variety being the spice of life and all that nonsense.... so here is my chocolate thunder rig: [attachment=160559:Rig.jpg]
  20. [quote name='toolapcblack' timestamp='1397647039' post='2425962'] the 410 for my spector legend 5? [/quote] Sorry, the 410 has now gone.
  21. Thanks chaps, I gave it a go and it seems to work fine. What I was concerned about was mixing connectors, I saw a post on talk bass that said I should go Speakon from head to cab 1, and then only use jack to jack to connect the two cabs. I thought doing it any other way and mixing connectors might mess something up. I might still buy another jack-jack lead as a spare just in case.
  22. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1397671760' post='2426364'] Then once the shops close down as the internet has nicked all their trade where are you going to try stuff out? Wunjo are pretty competitive on pricing - don't believe the ticket price, and they're great people in there. [/quote] Went to the Wunjo bass shop two weeks ago, great guys in there, great atmosphere and service and they were more than willing to do a deal on the basses I was looking at. They also told me they compete with online prices, I would definitely go there and will be buying from them in the future.
  23. I will try and keep this as simple as possible, I have a tonehammer 350 with one speakon out and two aguilar db112 cabs which have speakon and two jacks. I know I need to daisy chain the cabs but does it matter how? I have one speakon to speakon cable and one jack to speakon, can I take speakon out to speakon on cab 1 and then go jack to speakon on the second cab? Basically do I need to match connectors, so go speakon to speakon and then jack to jack to link the cabs or does it not matter where I connect the two cabs? God I am confused.
  24. A long overdue BUMP, the 410 Neo could be sold soon but the Classic is still available.
  25. NJE

    Preamp Pedals

    [quote name='dood' timestamp='1377207333' post='2184918'] ive just reviewed this pedal! It's actually rather good. No, it doesn't do dirt at all. It has tons of clean headroom. The pedal comes with a 12v adaptor and creates it's 24v internally. I liked the way you can channel change or feed two different basses in to it. Originally i thought the pedal should come with a D.I too, but actually looking back, it was great as it was. It was also very happy driving a Matrix GT power amp alone up to gig volume. [/quote] I am really interested in this pedal and saw your review Dood, any ideas where to get them, release date etc? Did you get the review pedal from the uk distributor?
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