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Everything posted by NJE

  1. Has anyone played, or does anyone own one of the new Squier Vintage Modified Precision V basses? I am really interested to hear opinions/views on them as I have bad GAS for a 5 string precision. I have read through the thread on talkbass but for fear of sounding a bit harsh, I find the talkbass crowd a bit gushing and over enthusiastic. So just wondering whether any of the sensible and grounded members of basschat have tried the bass?
  2. Here is the website: http://simonwoodharrismusic.co.uk there are a few full songs on the music section via sound cloud. I am told there are ways of getting music downloaded from sound cloud, but not sure how to do it. I don't think there is any release due any time soon.
  3. Whilst on one of my youtube sessions seeking out new music and generally wasting my life, I stumbled upon a new project that Pino is playing on. Its being put together by a guy called Simon Wood Harris and is so far called Unidentified Flying Project. He has got some amazing people playing on the tracks; Pino, Dave Weckl, Kipper Eldrige, Robbie McIntosh, Dominic Miller amongst others. There is one full song on youtube and a few 'making of' videos, but I am really liking the snippets I have heard, it sounds a bit like Dave Matthews to me (Jon Kenzie the singer has hints of Dave Matthews and Paul Carrack in his voice to me) and Pino is as classy as ever. http://youtu.be/G0ilQQjRbTg
  4. Hope you don't mind me asking, did the bass originally have the vintage reverse tuners with the long tuning posts? were the highway one types a direct replacement or were there extra screw holes needed? Many thanks.
  5. That's nice, what is the nut width?
  6. [quote name='andysg42' timestamp='1384719510' post='2279987'] Bought a proline 212 of nath,top seller.good luck with the sale ,fancy the neo 410 myself.sounds a bargain. [/quote] Hi Andy, hope the 212 is still working well for you? I wont be heartbroken if the Neo doesn't sell to be honest, I have been using it again at practice and it sounds incredible so I may just keep it.
  7. I have had a lot of back and forth with John over a wiring kit for my Jazz (a long story that basically involves a pain in the bum bass) he has been an absolute gentleman and very patient with me and my endless checking of dimensions. In the end it was all worth it, I have a once active bass that now sounds better passive than it ever did active and the wiring and service from john was fantastic.
  8. If you buy either of these cabs you will instantly sound and play better.......honest!
  9. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1384470016' post='2277221'] Doesn't bother me too much. You can all say what you want, at least me and my old man share an interest and get on really well, that means me to me than all the bass guitars on the planet. [/quote] Well done mate, I can relate to this. My dad got me into music and and soon as I could play a few notes on the bass I was actually drafted into his band. I played in the same band with him for about 6 years and I felt very privileged to get on with him so well at an age when most of my friends hated their parents.....teenagers and their angst!! Love the basses too, prefer yours though.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1384500262' post='2277328'] I guess when most kids pick up an instrument to learn they choose guitar because it's cooler (and cheaper to get started). Maybe they should come out with a 'Trumpet Hero' computer game to make it more popular. [/quote] I think this is one major reason, it just isn't a cool instrument when your a kid but when your older you realise how 'cool' it is to be able to play sax and trumpet etc. I have been lucky enough to play in a couple of bands with brass and still do with one band. Speaking to them it seems a lot of players are not very interested in, or familiar with playing 'commercial' music like soul and pop. The guys I know were all pushed into orchestral playing when they are younger and said a plot of people they know either never move out of that genre or give up playing all together as they get older. I personally think more schools should do what mine did. We had a school pop/soul band, and had kids from the orchestra come in and play with us. Once the band was going, so many more kids wanted to at trumpet, sax, trombone because they saw a more fun and enjoyable outlet than just playing in an orchestra.
  11. Pre practice nudge to the top!
  12. I wish there was a way we could get a couple of cabs down south somehow, I would love to try some out as these would be a good option if my cabs sell.
  13. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    Well I have taken the first step, my cabs are up for sale although the second I pushed the 'post' button I felt a bit sad about selling the 4x10. After all this fuss and bother they probably wont even sell, but I am going to try and get two 1x12 cabs now and see how it goes, fingers crossed!!
  14. Hi Folks, For Sale: [b]1. EBS Neoline 410 (£530)[/b] - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]2. EBS Classicline 110 (£165) [/b]- I bought this about 18 months ago to use with my NS upright in an acoustic band. The band didn't work out and a few weeks after this arrived, the NS was sold. This lived in its packaging in my studio/office for a year unused as I had my 4x10 at the bands rehearsal space and use a laptop for practice at home. A couple of months ago I started using it at practice with my two bands (storage issues at the studio) and it has done incredibly well. I play in a 7 piece and 10 piece band, both with brass and keys and we aren't that quiet. It does a brilliant job, ok there is no thundering low end but you can hear my 5 string no problems through the band. So its 150w at 8ohms, 1x10" speaker with tweeter 14"H, 19"W, 14"D. I paid £249 for this but they don't make then anymore as I think they are being replaced with a new 2x10 cab. It is in amazing condition, in fact I have seen 'new' cabs in shops that don't look as good, so lets say £165. [b]I am happy for people to try the cabs out, I am based in Cheltenham. I could potentially ship the cabs but PM me about that. [/b] Sorry iPhone pictures: [attachment=148203:IMG_0006_2.jpg]
  15. I would highly recommend the EBS Classic Session 120 combo. I played through one in a shop a while ago and the sound was unbelievable, deep, articulate and very loud for its size. EBS Classic kit in my experience is very modestly rated, I have a 1x10 cab and used to own a Reidmar and both are incredible. I use the 1x10 to practice with a 10 piece soul band with a very powerful brass section, no it doesn't have thundering low-end but you can hear my 5 string no worries through the rest of the band. There is one on eBay (not mine) for £150 at the moment. It also has handy practice features like line in, headphones and DI for gigging and it has tilt back which is handy. New they are about £50 more than your budget, but I would say worth it.
  16. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1384123921' post='2273120'] Completely disagree, the BH250 is a really quiet amp and useless in a full band environment. I am currently running a Mark Bass LM3 and an EBS Reidmar and I would say that the Reidmar into a 4ohm cab is louder! [/quote] I had a LM2 and traded it with a Reidmar. The Reidmar was so much cleaner and more powerful than the LM2 into a 4 ohm cab. It's one of the reasons I asked my opening post, I just don't know whether to bother looking at watts anymore. I remember reading that the tonehammer 350 had the same power section as a lot of the 500w amps on the market! All I know is, it's got bucket loads of volume, more so than my old LM2......bizarre!
  17. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1384082705' post='2272485'] If you are happy with EBS you should consider their 2x12 Neo. Only 24kg, an easy one handed lift. Great sounding cabs, I had one for years and only sold it because I was seduced by the lure of a 4x12! [/quote] [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1384092512' post='2272616'] The NX2 is now £399 at Bass Direct. Save yourself a lot if hassle and get one! It's basically almost half price! The NX2 will get very close to 4x10 volume and punch, beating some of the more normal mid priced 4x10s easily. [/quote] That Genz is an amazing deal! However, my issue with my current cab is size more than the desire for 12" speakers over 10". I was looking at single 12's so that it was two small lifts instead of one big lift. To be honest weight isn't really a huge factor its more about whether I can get them in the car without folding seats down and get them up and down my stairs without marking walls and taking out banisters. I thought a single 2x12 cab might be an option but after some research, they are all basically the same size as my neo 410 give or take an inch here and there. So I think its definitely two 1x12 cabs now or two 2x10 cabs otherwise its not worth the hassle swapping my cabs. I have picked up my EBS 110 today and compared it size wise to the Bergs available. I am still a bit mystified as to how they can make such small cabs have such deep and powerful bass and give as much power as they seem to......seems like witchcraft to me!!
  18. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1384074755' post='2272387'] Big fan of DB cabs but MM20 is right... DB112 alone is a bad idea...esp if coming down from a decent 410. You might pick up GS112's more easily but again, you'll need two. Same chassis, completely different bias. I have a couple of Berg AE112's I might sell... [/quote] Potentially very interested if you are thinking about moving some bergs!
  19. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1384026402' post='2272147'] I am a massive fan of the Aguilar DB cabs, but there is a caveat to that: A) - The prices for the DB cabs now are, IMO, too high. I bought a DB212 for a little bit more than the current price of a DB112 (brand new as well). B ) - 1 DB112 cab will struggle if you are going from a 4x10 and want to retain most of the volume. In fact, it just won't work. You will be pushing one speaker very hard. C) - A DB112 cab is not light, if you compare it to many 2x12s on the market. Eg, the Berg CN 212 is around 46lbs, the GB NX2 212T is 47lbs. They will absolutely outperform a single 12. I own a DB212 and the tone is fantastic. It looks great, has a tone I prefer, and is plenty loud enough. I could not rehearse with a DB112 that well, never mind gig, unless its quite a quiet band or they don't have a lot of stage volume. Despite all this, the DB112/212 is still one of my favourite cabs for tone. [/quote] I am glad I posted that question I think I needed someone to tell me it was a daft idea. I suspected I would struggle with one DB112, and right now because of the prices 2 is going to be out of my range unless 2 pop up secondhand. I think I got a bit too excited after looking at the aguilar site, DB cabs are very nice looking things.
  20. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    Well I haven't been to Bass Gear or Bass Direct yet, simply because I have been having a slight mental breakdown figuring out what I need and what I can move easily without spending £1500. I am on the verge of changing the whole rig at the moment. Because I have always had relatively low powered heads I have always had 4ohm cabs to get the most out of them. This limits my choice of single cabs to an extent, so I have been thinking about higher powered heads and not necessarily driving at 4ohm. Looking at possibly going to a Tonehammer 500 or the AG500 at the moment (although tempted by a EBS HD350) and starting off with just a single DB112 cab until I can get one secondhand somewhere. On the off chance, anyone using a single DB112?
  21. Cheers chaps, I thought it must kick out a fair amount of power at 4 ohm as so many of them have been sold and it must be ok for Tal and Marcus Miller live! I would love to try one as there are a couple about used at the moment, I might just have to splash out and take the gamble. I would run it with a EBS Neo 410, although I have been looking into two 1x12 cabs. I have to say I agree about it looking like a 'proper' amp, I have had a few class d amps and there is something that I don't trust about them. It's completely irrational but I do miss that weight of a classic amp. I loved my Reidmar, brilliant amp but I never thought it had the build quality of other amps.
  22. This might be a really dull question so apologies in advance but I will try and explain my thinking. I love EBS gear, I have loved all of my EBS cabs and I loved my Reidmar but I have always been really interested in the HD350 and find myself really tempted to get one. My issue is with the power/volume it can produce. EBS say 350w at 2ohms and that is exactly the same for the new HD360 from what I can tell. Now for the sort of money both amps cost new, it seems they are underpowered compared to nearly every class D amp going, some of which cost half as much. Do the HD350 and 360 kick out more volume than 350w rating would have me believe? It just seems a bit odd to charge over £900 for a 350w amp, but a lot of pro players seem to use them so they must pack a punch live? Can any current or previous owners comment?
  23. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1383571538' post='2265943'] Bassdirect has 2 EBS 112 cabs. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/EBS_Classic12_files/EBSFront.jpg"]http://www.bassdirec...es/EBSFront.jpg[/url] [/quote] I already have one of these and debated just getting another but I am very aware that they are 'budget' cabs in the world of 112's. Mine is used at practice a lot and its great but doesn't have vast amounts of low end and I cant imagine even adding another will give me good volume or that much more low end. I could be wrong, perhaps I need to try two....god I am going to have to drive to bass direct as well at this rate.
  24. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    I dont know why I hadn't thought about them but has anyone got any experience of the EBS Neo 112 cabs? Two of those might be a possibility and I do like EBS.
  25. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1383560284' post='2265741'] Christ, that's cheap...! Also, check out the TKS S212. I'm actually thinking of getting one myself. Trying one first might be tricky / impossible, though. [/quote] My thoughts as well, incredibly cheap. I have watched your TKS thread with great interest, they look great and good prices as well, as you said its the gamble not being able to play one. They should make you a endorsee/rep in the UK with a decent selection of the range.
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