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Everything posted by NJE

  1. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and go to Bass Gear or Bass Direct and actually look, lift and play some of these cabs to see what will be manageable. My only issue is wasting shop staff time, I don't want to drive all the way there play for a couple of hours and leave with nothing, I always feel like I am wasting their time if there is nothing I really like. Oh well might just have to get over that and go to Bass Gear, they have a lovely selection of Bergantino and Aguilar as a first port of call. Vanderkley are very much on my radar, they look great and get good reviews. Not too sure about Barefaced, I am sure they are superb and I don't want to offend anyone but I just don't like how they look and if I am going to spend a huge chunk of cash I want to like what I am buying (vain I know). After looking around and reading everyones comments, on reflection it is amazing that there are so many good quality products we can choose from, when I started it seemed there were only a handful but I feel very well catered for.
  2. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1383499725' post='2265106'] A good 2x12 will be better than an average 4x10 imo and ime, the only problem is that im still not convinced that 2 1x12s are as good as a 2x12. Sure the maths say that they should be and alex barefaced says identicle boxes times 2 will be the same but they are not identicle as you have two dirty great pieces of plywood between them. Id love to try a pair of 1x12 neox t genz cabs next to my single 2x12 neox t cab. [/quote] I have been tempted by a Bergantino 2x12 cab, its a bit slimmer and manageable than my 4x10 but only a bit, and I think it will still be awkward for me on my own moving it. At 1:30 in the morning I want a couple of easy lifts out of my car. I think a trip to a couple of shops is my only option unless an amazing deal pops up.
  3. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1383498383' post='2265076'] wow..... one thing I never found was the GS112's being boxey. They had masses of low end for me with a 5 st... but what didn't work... even with the tweeter, was the hi-end unless the strings were very new and crisp.. This is why I sold them... the band loved them though. I find the DB212 which use the same chassis' much better higher up...and it still have great lows which underpin everything. If I could find a pr of DB112's that would be my small footprint rig..in place of my current 112's [/quote] Thats really interesting, I think boxey was the wrong word, you hit the nail on the head, I never really got the top end out of them. The only way I can kind of explain it, is when I got my EBS Neo, it was like someone had lifted a really thick blanket off my cab in comparison to the Aggie's. I think my tastes have changed though and I play a lot of soul and motown stuff so I really don't need that crisp top end. Perhaps the DB cabs will be a better match, they do look fantastic as well.
  4. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions folks, I had a gig yesterday so I am just scanning through them all now. Last night really highlighted how much of an inconvenience the 4x10 can be so I think its pushed me even closer to going over to a modular set up. I like the EBS Classic 112 I have but I am very aware that it is a budget cab. It sounds good at low volume and does well at practice but I am unsure whether to gamble on getting a second as I am not sure how much power they will really take and whether they will handle the 5 string. I had two Aguilar GS112 cabs with an Eden head and I found them very 'boxey' and mid range, they didn't have a lot of low end and the low B never sounded very full. I am tempted to see if the DB112 cabs are any better, they would look great with the tonehammer. I think its just about finding the 'right' 1x12 cab, I am sure from all your comments they will work well for me, but I think I will need good quality ones and I will need to try them. I do really like the look of the TKS cabs as well......hmmm
  5. NJE

    4x10 Dilemma

    Hi folks, I have a EBS Neo 4x10 rated at about 1000w I think. It runs at 4ohm with an Aguilar Tonehammer 350 and it's working very well, great volume/power, I don't thrash the head and I get a good sound. So here is the dilemma, I have a small house and the cab lives down a narrow staircase in the basement. Its a pain to move and I usually take chunks out of the walls trying to move it. The other part of the dilemma is that I have a EBS classic 1x12 and I use that 2-3 times a week at practice to save me moving the big cab. It seems stupid that I have a VERY good cab sitting at home doing nothing most of the time and I have a small cab doing most of the work at rehearsals. I have been thinking about moving to two 1x12 cabs but am concerned that it wont give me the power and 'move the air' like the 4x10 does. I do have PA support most of the time but rely on a powerful backline to hear myself (big band) but sometimes I do have to just use backline, but only in small-ish rooms to say 160 people. Has anyone done a move over to two 12's, and does it give enough volume and power? I know there are different levels of quality cabs, I wouldn't necessarily go for EBS classicline, perhaps Bergs or Aguilar? (not GS cabs, dont like them, found them 'boxey' sounding). I know I need to try this stuff out really but I always feel guilty going to Bass Direct to just try stuff, not knowing if I am going to buy anything.
  6. [quote name='claudio' timestamp='1382734220' post='2256182'] Tone hammer 350 now reduced to 275 [/quote] That is a ridiculously low price, someone will get a bargain! I don't know if people are being put off by its small size and wattage, but this is a serious piece of kit. I use one with a 4 ohm EBS cab and it's seriously powerful, more than enough to keep up with a 10 piece band with loud brass section. Good luck selling, I would be tempted if it didn't cost over £100 to get to Glasgow on the train.
  7. Does anyone know how to get a copy of the album? I can't see a link on their website.
  8. As others have said, a small mixer will do the job. EBS Microbass is also a good option and you wont need an amp.You could get a very basic cheap interface for the computer and just play through the laptop with headphones which is what I do, it works well. Another option is if your spending money on a mixer, buy a small bass amp with a line in and headphone out so you can run it all through the amp itself. You then also have a handy little combo for quiet practice so you don't have to use a big rig.
  9. Just to throw in a third option, have you looked at Hipshot? I think their bridges are stunning and incredibly well made. I have one on my squier and its fantastic. If it has to be one of the other two I would go for the Babicz.
  10. I think I will probably end up with a secondhand Mexican 50's or RoadWorn unless a good Japanese reissue turns up. Failing that if I win the lottery tonight a Pino signature might be in order.
  11. Thanks everyone, as has been mentioned what I am basically after is a 44mm nut which I should have perhaps stated. The RoadWorn is high on my list but I was also interested in a vintage instrument as well as the prices of 70's basses seems achievable. It's good to know some of the 70s basses have the bigger necks, the fatter, deeper, wider the better for me when it comes to necks. I would love a nice 70s if the weight was reasonable and I can get the nut width, I love the 3 tone 70s burst too.
  12. I am after a bit of info on Precision necks and haven't really found my answer anywhere, so I am hoping some precision experts on here can help. I am after a Precision but I like the big necks found on the 57 and classic 50's precision (and now the new vintage reissue precisions). The twist is I would quite like an older bass with a bit of character and have been looking at vintage instruments. Obviously the original 50's and 60's precisions are really expensive but some of the 70's precisions around are pretty reasonable. So the question is (finally) do any 70's precision basses have the 'C' width neck like the 57 or are they all narrower A and B profiles?
  13. Up for sale/trade is my Aguilar OBP2 preamp with KiOgon solder-less wiring loom. Here is the story: I have had the Aguilar for a while and spoke to Basschat's very own master of wiring KiOgon (John) who wired the whole thing for me to a very high standard. John made this for me so that it was just simple screw terminals to connect it all up, no soldering needed. Being a fool and rushing and not checking details, I didn't check measurements before John wired it and it turns out I need extra long pots for the Squier as the body is so thick (an issue John hasn't come across). I can barely get the kit fitted to the bass which is a huge shame and to rewire it would just involve more money I cant afford right now. Also it seems such a shame to break apart Johns hard work so I thought I would just put it up for sale and see if someone can make use of it. It is wired as Vol/Vol/Treble/Bass with active/passive switch. It has battery clip and ground wire all ready to go. It will come with the wiring diagram John sent me. John being the very kind gentleman he is has also offered support for anyone who buys the loom as it is brand new and has not been installed. These are about £130 new with wiring so its up at £50. I will happily post it if you cant pick it up, I guess it would be about £4 recorded delivery. Trade wise, I would take a Auralex Great Gramma, or possibly a good compressor pedal. [attachment=144461:photo-3.JPG] [attachment=144462:photo-1.JPG]
  14. There is a really long thread on here about the Reidmar, it is a phenomenal head. There is a great amount of control in the EQ section and the power and volume is frightening. It completely destroyed my MarkBass LM2 and sounded brighter and cleaner and just had more presence. Sound is a really hard thing to describe but I found it incredibly clean sounding. I have a EBS classic 112 for practice, It handles my Roscoe Beck V no problems but i wouldn't want to use it on its own for anything more than that. Saying that I am in a 9 piece soul band with a loud drummer and 3 loud brass players so it does well. I would say two cabs bare minimum for gigging but if it was me I would get on ebay and the cabs for sale section and get a EBS Neo cab to go with the Reidmar and have a one cab lightweight solution running the head at its full power at 4ohms. I used a Neo 4x10 with the Reidmar and it was incredible, really punchy, loud and defined. I played in some big rooms to several hundred people with it.
  15. Out of Interest is the Letts 35" scale as well? I have never got on with Laklands, my best friend has a 55-02 Deluxe and I think the B string is awful. Having been through 34.5" 35" and 36" scale 5 string basses (all high quality Overwater) I have to say the best B strings I have played are all 34". I think they ring out better and have more attack and sustain but that could just be the few 34" 5ers I have owned. It could just be the way your Letts is built, higher quality woods, more attention to detail, better construction etc.
  16. Thanks chaps, it was a superb bass which is why it has lingered in my memory. I have been through so many basses over the years and have regretted only two sales, this bass and the one that replaced it, which was a stingray that I know is owned by a member here. The colour was amazing, I bought it in Cranes in Cardiff and they had two precisions of the same year. This had a rosewood board originally and they had a white one with maple neck. I didn't want white and maple at the time (one of my favourite combos now) so they just swapped the necks for me and set it up. Probably not the done thing nowadays but they were happy to do it, best of all it was only £600 new.....how times have changed.
  17. This is going to be a long shot but I thought what the hell its worth a go. When I was 16 I got my first 'proper' bass, it was a USA Standard Precision, in sonic/baby blue with a maple neck. Like so many of us do, I sold it naively and regretted doing it as it had a lot of sentimental value (long story, I wont go into it). Anyway I stumbled on some old pictures of it earlier and one with the serial number. I have seen a couple like it since I sold it and always asked the owners its history to see if it tied in with mine, sadly not. Anyway I just thought I would see if anyone on here owned it, just to know that its in good hands and maybe even see if they would be interested in selling it. So its serial is: N7268475, it was fitted with a bridge cover so will have that or two screw holes left over. It was at one point fitted with a basslines pickup after I owned it and had a pearl white, and pearl grey pickguard when I sold it as well as the original white. If anyone on here owns it, I would love to know that it is still being used and has a good home. Or if its owner is a member and is interested in selling it, let me know. Here is the bass: [attachment=144118:IMG_0523.JPG] [attachment=144119:IMG_0539.JPG]
  18. My Roscoe Beck has an asymmetric neck and I only really find it a subtle difference. Its nice, I think it fits the hand better especially with a 5 string bass but I could live without it. Are you thinking about buying a bass with a asymmetric neck?
  19. I have heard and seen, the sunburst models have really poorly matched body woods, so you get very obvious mis-matched lines on the body. Unless you can go to a shop and pick through a few and select a nice one I would stay clear, unless of course it won't bother you. I would go for red or white, they look fantastic.
  20. I was looking at one of these as well and I think it is 18mm bridge spacing. Someone on Talkbass was asking if it would be a leap from a Stingray 5 and the response was that it was only 5mm more so should be fairly easy to adjust. That however is what has been said on talkbass so could be fairly inaccurate, but I have no reason to doubt it. A few guys over there already have them and have started a club which seems to be the done thing on the other bass forum.
  21. Not quite a solution but the guitarist in my dad's band took me and my dad on a road trip to try and buy some new gear for the band. We drove a couple of hours and spend a large portion of the day at the shop fiddling with gear. He eventually bought a very nice limited Strat and a big Peavey 212 guitar amp (Peavey were very much the rage then). Anyway, with leads, pedals etc he paid out about £1600. When we got back it was 7pm and his wife was home, something he hoped to avoid. We got out of the van, she came straight out with a big smile on her face and said "ok so what did you get, and how much was it" my dads friend shows her all of the gear enthusiastically and avoids the price question. She says again "how much" with a big smile, and he fobs her off with about £600. She see's straight through him and says "be honest, I will find out". He buckled and gives her the price, cool as a cucumber she says "oh there we are then, very nice......so (with hand out) where is mine". Guitarist friend then slumps over, absolutely gutted look on his face and hands over £1600 cash to his wife, her reply "thanks" and walks back in the house. The moral of the story, never try and fool a woman its not worth it. Personally I couldn't get away with anything, my better half knows her basses and cabs, she was looking though the for sale section the other day suggesting a new Bergantino 212.
  22. I am not here to defend how Mark has treated customers, just to give my experience. I have had nothing but positive dealings with Mark both in person and over the phone. The most recent was when buying my Aguilar Tonehammer, I called him and asked about the amp and explained what I had owned and what I was after sound wise and he gave me some solid advice. Mark in my experience has a certain way of interacting with customers and I think it can be a 'marmite' effect, some people love his approach other can take it the wrong way potentially. The first time I went up there was to get a bass repaired, a small job that he wouldn't make much money from. I was there for 2 hours with my girlfriend and he made me question my choice of amp, bass and general approach to equipment. It was however a brilliant conversation, and made me see past Fender, Warwick and MusicMan. He then proceeded to listen to why I didn't like certain instruments, took on board the music I was playing and then proceeded to put multiple thousand pound instruments in my hands, and he was SPOT ON with his suggestions. I went through Roscoe's (amazing instruments but too small for me) Nordstrand, Alleva, Warwick, Spector, Elrick, Dingwall and so on, at no point did I give him any indication that I was even in the market for a new instrument. He disappeared a few times to answer the phone but always came back for my feedback on instruments. He was even incredibly kind to my tired and bored girlfriend and involved her in what was going on. I had a very earnest conversation with Mark and he was brutally honest about a lot of the gear he has in stock and gear he has used and had experience with in the past. He basically tries to get people out of their comfort zone and try something they would never normally look at because they are stuck in their ways or too caught up in what they read in magazines and on the internet about gear. He said words to the effect of "yeah Fender are ok so are MusicMan, but they are mass produced inconsistent instruments, they do what they do but why not try, THIS bass, its hand made, balanced and better quality for less". He basically said he has had too many years of customers having pre-conceived ideas of what they want, spend thousands and then come back 6 months later with the same gear and swap it again because it doesn't do what they want, and he can more often that not save them that grief if they listen to him. I will say he is always INCREDIBLY busy, I was on the phone with him and he was juggling two customers in the shop trying basses and looking at accessories, and having a decent conversation with me. I ordered my amp with him at about 3pm and it was here the next day, amazing service. Book an appointment, go speak to him, keep your mind and your ears open.
  23. I would suggest the EBS Reidmar and then look at a secondhand EBS cab, which there were a few of in the for sale section, or look at the EBS classic 112 cabs. Don't be fooled by the power of the Reidmar, it completely destroyed my MarkBass LM2 which was 500w and it was louder than my Aguilar Tonehammer 350. The 112 cabs are fantastic and not too pricey, two of those will give you a good sound. I used the Reidmar with a EBS neo 4x10 which was about £450, but you can get some superb deals on the proline series. The whole rig was incredibly loud and punchy but clean and articulate! Easily kept up with a 10 piece band. EBS have the best top end and general clarity of any amp I have used, I switched to Aguilar for a change and it is a great amp but it doesn't have the super clear top end of EBS, but I don't need that playing soul music.
  24. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1377652116' post='2190005'] Rather good band, eh? I'm looking forward to Paul, keyboards, gigging with our band in September. [/quote] I am very envious, he was phenomenal, and seemed like a lovely chap too. [quote name='XB26354' timestamp='1377670226' post='2190033'] A guitarist that can really play in time is like gold dust. They've obviously rehearsed and are experienced players - the balance and sound of instruments fits together like a pro act and they have chops but don't overplay. What elevates them above the norm is the way they groove, and the gaps they leave between notes. '70's US TV cop shows springs to mind (in a good way). Great to see a sax player upfront, too. I'd pay to see them play. [/quote] The keys player told my dad that they were all playing 4-5 nights a week. I don't know if that is together or with different bands but that certainly explains why they are all so tight. The sax player Tony Rico was out of this world, and Paul on keyboards described him as seriously dangerous..... a spot on description judging by what I saw. The whole thing was great though, small amount of kit, small PA, one guitar each and just brilliant playing. I wish my band were 1/10th as good and could organise our gear so it was that simple and organised. I highly recommend their album, best £10 I have spent in ages.
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