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Everything posted by NJE

  1. if you have 2-2.5k to spend on a string you have a MASSIVE range of options. Here is what I would look at if I was you based on what I have actually played (not in order of preference): 1. Nordstrand - I have played a few and they are awesome basses, stunning build quality and great sound, the Nordy pickups and preamp are superb. 2. Sadowsky - I have played the Metros and they are great but for the price of a new top spec Metro you could quite easily get a secondhand USA and that is what I would get. If it has Sadowsky on it, I want it from Roger Sadowskys workshop. 3. Elrick - I recently played one at Bass Direct and my jaw hit the floor. The build, the playability, the craftmanship (just a one man band apparently) just a stunning instrument in every way. They do a Jazz inspired model if you dont dig their designs. 4. Dingwall - Wicked basses, easy to get scared by the fanned frets but believe me it takes no time to get used to, its easier not to look and just play and you wont put a finger wrong. Great B string. 5. Overwater - I have had 2 now both Progress and Jazz. Fantastic basses and just unbelievable workmanship and playability. My Jazz played like butter and the best bit is they are in the UK if you have any questions. 6. GB - Again fantastic in every way, the ones I have played have been very modern sounding but extremely versatile. I loved the EQ but it is not for everyone. 7. Alleva Coppollo - Not my favourite out of all of these makes but still a very very nice bit of kit. If you want a classic Jazz with some modern tweaks and a old Fender feel, this is the daddy. You will no doubt get loads of replies with varying opinions, the best advice as always is to try as many as you can. Mark at Bass Direct in Warwick is an absolute gent and will give you time and plenty of advice as will the chaps at The Bass Gallery. Final thought for what it is worth, a lot of these basses drop their value dramatically if you decide to sell them or dont get on with them. I have seen Nordstrands for under 1k, NY Sadowsky's for under 2k, Overwater Jazz basses for £800, and so on. I would buy secondhand almost all of the time unless you really want to go custom, you get to play it first, dont risk having a bass you dont actually like and if you do get bored (most of us do) someone else has taken the hit on the value.
  2. I am just wondering if anyone out there owns or has played a bass with a fretted Ebony board? I know it is used on fretless basses quite a bit, but I dont see many fretted Ebony basses. Reason I ask is that I have a squier with "Ebanol" fingerboard which is like a dark simulated synthetic ebony and it has amazing punch and clarity and the strings seem to be permanantly bright on that bass. I just love it and want to know, if this is what Ebony sounds like, does it have similar charatersitics to what I loosely described? I played a custom guitar the other day with an ebony fretboard and it was beautiful and I now have real GAS for Ebony Jazz.
  3. Yamaha RBX260 - awesome bass for £160 Started playing because i was a teenager and hoped being in band would make girls kiss me. It doesnt work but i fell in love with bass and was the only bass player in my school amongst god knows how many guitar players....bonus! i also thought bass would be easy, it wasnt.....
  4. I have had my "thats it no more bands moments" in the past (like a sucker i always get tempted back) and if I was in that position again I would sell my big rig and get something small and powerful like the really sexy Mesa Combo which can have all sorts of fancy coverings. Its probably more attractive than my furniture so I would get something like that and keep it in the dining room, small, loud, attractive and capable if you ever get dragged back into a band.
  5. Thanks for all the responses, seems to make sense that the pedal would drain battery even when 'bypassed'. Hmm, might just get the pedal and see how I get on with batteries, I have a feeling i read that a Korg Pitchblack could power one extra pedal from its mains adapter....where is that manual!
  6. Cheers for that, just starting to read about the whole true bypass thing. I am looking at a pedal without so I guess I would be using battery up. I only really want it for a couple of songs and i dont really want to get into power supplies etc. Might have to fork out a bit more for a true bypass maybe.
  7. I have never really used pedals before and have a rediculously stupid question about power. I really want and Octave Pedal, probably the EBS Octabass and was wondering, if I used a battery would the pedal drain it even if I had it disengaged? Would the battery last long? would I need to change the battery after every gig? Thanks all, dull question I know.
  8. I feel the same at the moment. Been through a few basses, active EQs etc but I have a passive Jazz which just seems to work for everything. I was just thinking the other night at practice I could probably do away with the knobs on that to be honest and simplify things even more. Dont use tone, permanantly up, usually only use both pickups on and volume is either full or off. I think a jazz bass with a three way toggle for pickup options would be the most I would need. Big change from my Overwater progress with three band EQ and coil taps!
  9. This is going to sound extremely vague so apologies in advance. A friend of mine has a maple necked Strat and he used to use some furniture polish/cleaner wipes, Mr Sheen or something. They came in a pack like wet wipes and it was amazing what they pulled off the neck. They only came from tescos so maybe have a look when you are there. Failing that, I used a very very light sandpaper on my old Stingray took off all the dirt and then sealed it up with Ernie Ball recommended Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil and Gun Stock Wax. It sealed the neck and gave it this semi gloss finish (although i did a lot of buffing and applied a lot) If it was me today I would plump for having the neck proffesionally finished, there is a luthier who is highly regarded on here who refinished a Sadowsky neck to gloss, sure he would clean up and finish a stingray neck.
  10. I know exactly how you feel, I spent a long time thinking I needed/wanted a all singing all dancing custom built bass and then discovered that I actually get equally if not more enjoyment from my £150 Squier. I dont think it has anything to do with the bass being wasted on you or you not apprciating what it does, not all basses have to thrill everyone. Coincidently I was one of the previous owners of your Progress. It is a magnificent bass and the workmanship is stunning but I couldnt get on with it either. The preamp is the old type and I found it far too polite, there was just not enough grunt for me (I was coming from Jazz basses and Stingrays). Chris May can put the new preamp in it and I think that would make a difference, but if the bass doesnt connect, sell it and try something else. I have a USA standard Jazz which I picked up for a stupid low price and I love it. It just sings and resonates like mad, small price BIG pleasure.
  11. [quote name='Machines' post='1132339' date='Feb 18 2011, 03:24 PM'][url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cheltenham+guitar+shop&aq=t&sll=51.896807,-2.079892&sspn=0.009719,0.053301&ie=UTF8&rq=2&ev=zo&split=1&hq=guitar+shop&hnear=Cheltenham,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.905043,-2.083712&spn=0,0.0739&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.905113,-2.08396&panoid=3wOrQn_eAxtcpW2VF4KYBw&cbp=12,261.85,,1,8.94"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...,261.85,,1,8.94[/url] Check out the sign on the window... kerching ![/quote] They used to open on Sundays for a while in the summer I think but they stopped doing it quite quickly, best give them a ring before you make an effort to find it.
  12. There is one good shop in Chelters, Aroundabout Sound, the owner is a bass player so usually some good stuff lurking about like some Eden Amps, his 87 Stingray as well as the usual Squiers and Fenders. It won't be open on Sunday though!
  13. I have this exact dilemma at the moment, I have a new project on the go and we are trying to suss out a new set at the moment. I am desperately trying to think of great tunes that are either done with a twist or like someone said before, songs you never knew you loved. It is really tricky to find material that is recognisable but not obvious and I really dont want to get into Mustang.., Midnight.., or dance the night away. At the moment we are looking at some late 90s dance (Ultra Nate etc) and then doing some newer stuff like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. I used to do all the obvious tunes in an old covers band and NEVER! had a bad night in 9 years, but my thought now is that most people getting married and going to the venues we are looking at are late teens to mid 30's. I am often quite suprised how many people in thsi age group dont know Midnight Hour or any of those older tunes, I even met at 19 year old who had never heard of Jimi Hendrix and speaking to a teacher friend, this was common in her sixth form! Their parents might know the older stuff but their parents aren't choosing the band. Anyway the only real gauge is to play them and see how well they go down, you soon find out the turn-offs in a set.
  14. NJE

    Bass EQ Pedals?

    Well I have still not managed to find a shop with any pedals worth trying so it might have to be a trip to Bass Direct. In the emantime the situation has changed slightly and I might need a DI as well as the band I am playing with want to do bigger gigs and so I will be going through the PA. Not to keen on the mid scoop of the Sansamp I keep reading about as I like my mids, so looking like EBS, MXR, or tonehammer. Only thing is that the Tonehammer has 18v supply if I remember and I would be looking at a power block to do all pedals so that could be an issue. Not sure what the battery consumption is like on them.
  15. [quote name='Johnston' post='1120280' date='Feb 8 2011, 04:51 PM']Lead guitarist has no interest in saying what chords are being used other than its in the key of x I think and telling his "pupil" to sort me out who doesn't know either. "Ahhhh it's that that then this one and then that" First 4 songs of the cd I was given and told to look over are not the same 4 songs the guitarists were there to play. One of the songs I was given was a cover and totally different version of what the guitarist played. They want me to learn a song they think was called "blah blah blah or something like that" for next time which no one had a copy of and I couldn't even find it on youtube or Limewire. Even searching through albums of the supposed artist I couldn't find any titles remotely the same. Not a tuner between the two of them.[/quote] I think I have been in the same band, or my earlier theory is correct, most guitarists are knob heads! I love the tuner bit, the same guitarist that asked the keyboard player to "tune up" also doesnt use a proper tuner. He was having trouble tuning at practice once so I offered him my korg (despite the fact that he has one on his digitech he cant work) he said "no I always tune by ear" as if that was the proffesional way of doing things. It took him 15 minutes to tune up and then he was in tune with an old record we were learning and not in concert pitch. Anyway it was shortly after that he asked the keyboard player to tune to him, the response from the keyboard player was actually quite calm and polite (I was on the verge of beating him with his digitech) he said "I have a traspose button that goes up in semitones, its electronic I cant tune it, you tuned by ear your out with the rest of us"
  16. I may have had a run of bad luck but I have only ever met a handful of genuinely clued up, thoughtful, humble and clever guitarist in just over 10 years playing. My three best friends in the world are Guitarists and only one of them falls under the description above. They are all lovely people (like brothers to me) but as soon as you put a guitar in their hands 2 of them become selfish, inconsidderate, over opinionated, noisy, and turn into typical guitar player cliche's. In my experience most people who call themselves 'Lead Guitarists' believe the following: 1. You should play whatever songs they want to play at all times. 2. They can play bass easily, its just guitar with four strings (they then start playing it like lead guitar) 3. They can put a distorted screaming solo in any song and it fits, even if your playing motown! 4. They are always in tune, it must be someone else! (one of the guitarists I play with now actually asked if the keyboard player could 'tune his keyboard' to match him!!!!! 5. Trying every effect on their pedal board through practice and over people when they are talking about the song is perfectly acceptable 6. They should be louder than everyone else 7. If they cant play it, its a rubbish song and noone will like it. 8. They are always playing the right chords and everyone else must have been listening to a different version. 9. No matter what the song, they should play loud and heavy all the way through even if the song requires them to not play for a few bars. I am sure there are many more but in my experience most guitarist are total knob-heads! There are always exceptions though, another guitarist I play with is quiet, subtle, doesnt like to solo (but can rip it up like you wouldnt believe) will turn the guitar off in between songs and has a keen interest in the sound of the whole band and takes a keen interest in everyones gear including the bass tone and compliments my sound quite often. Sorry massive rant, you can tell I have guitarist issues, they are starting to go after playing with my new guitarist though..
  17. NJE

    Bass EQ Pedals?

    Hi Chaps, Thanks for all your comments. I guess I have to get out and try and play with a few of these pedals and see what sticks. My main concern with the Sansamp was it colouring the sound a bit too much and that seems to be echoed in a few comments you have all made. The GEB-7 looks fairly straight forward but quite expensive for a one trick pony. The EBS Microbass does look a bit OTT but I do like the idea of the headphone amp and from what I have heard it is very clean with some grit when you need it. The Tonehammer again looks great with some great tones, and i am also looking at the new Eden WTDI as I used to love my Eden Head. There is too much choice, I think I need to play these things rather than just buy something unseen. Cheers for your thoughts.
  18. NJE

    Bass EQ Pedals?

    Hi all, I run a passive Fender Jazz into a Markbass LittleMark II and the sound is great, but I am just starting a second covers band where I could do with changing my sound. I will need to change for individual songs and in songs, so fingerstyle to slap and also maybe add some valve type tones for some rock stuff (although valve tones not essential). Just some basic tone shaping that will give me more than just changing pickups. I have been looking at the Sansamp Programmable Bass DI but cant seem to find any comprehensive reviews or thoughts here on basschat. I am worried that the sansamp wont do super clean and will have too much of its own sound. Would I be better with a Tonehammer or EBS Microbass or just get a Boss EQ? thoughts and opinions would be great.
  19. I now own and have played a few 2010 Fender Jazz basses now and I am blown away with the quality of all of them so far. I bought mine blind as I was perfectly happy with the quality I had seen up until then. Apart from the fancy woods I can honestly say that the build quality is on a par with my old Overwater Jazz. Neck is tight, frets are nicely finished and played excellent straight away. I would say if you want one, just get out and try a few in some shops, I am sure you will find one you like if you really want a Fender Jazz and dont let a shop setup put you off. If the action is high just tell them you want it set up properly and then you might considder buying it, I do.
  20. Just watching the video in the original post, did anyone else spot him playing a 5 string fretless Ray copy? he has his 4 string there and the Jaguar but there is a Ray-a-like with what looks like a soapbar pickup. I wonder what it is? Got sidetracked there for a second, superb video, I am a big fan of Pino after seeing him with John Mayer. He is a real class player with a wicked groove. Thanks for posting the video I had not heard this stuff before.
  21. Just had a listen, AWESOME TUNE!! to be fair I am a fan anyway so slightly biased. I remember seeing your singer fronting Dopamine in about 2001 and thinking what a good vocalist/songwriter he was back then. Big fan of Dopamine but a bigger Attack! Attack! fan, good work and nice bass.
  22. I have had loads of Hiscox cases over the years, they are solid and I like supporting a British company but I now have the new SKB case: [url="http://www.skbcases.com/music/products/proddetail.php?f=&id=232&o=&offset=1&c=84&s=75"]http://www.skbcases.com/music/products/pro...p;c=84&s=75[/url] I dont want to be harsh because Hiscox do make a good product, but I find it a far better case if you own a Jazz in my humble opinion. It's a tighter fit, more space for storing stuff and just feels much better quality. Also the new latches and general appearance makes it look like you about to unpack a Sniper Rifle (not a far leap of the imagination as SKB make stuff for the military).
  23. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1112575' date='Feb 2 2011, 04:04 PM']Is that RoundAboutSound NJE?[/quote] Yeah mark is getting them in, cant wait to try them, I see poverty in my future if they are even 1/10th as good as the handmade ones.
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