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Everything posted by NJE

  1. Sent an email to Tanglewood and got a very nice and extremely quick reply from their customer services team (nice one Tanglewood). Apparently the basses ship to shops the week beginning 21st Feb and one of the signed up dealers to receive a first lot is about a 10 minute walk from me in Cheltenham....OH YES!!!!
  2. I think Sting is briliant, great song writer and clever bass player. I dont know why people are so quick to have a go at him (bet most of them know all the words to roxanne and every breath) a very talented individual who is not afraid to do something a bit different instead of doing some rather pathetic things with modern artists to try and remail current. I would also give a body part or two for his bass, I am desperately craving a 51 Precision at the moment, they look so good but you dont see many around which I like.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1095425' date='Jan 19 2011, 05:57 PM']Why do people spend thousands on custom made basses, then sell them? Cos they end up at the pub/round a mates/in a music shop, pick up a Fender Precision and realise that the humble P-Bass is the one true bass. Simples [/quote] I have to say I pretty much agree with the above. After years and years of craving custom built basses by various builders I finally managed to own and play a few over the last couple of years. I didn't order them myself and got them for less than 50% of their original value and thought they would be the holy grail and all I would ever need. Yes they were immaculately built and used some fancy woods (which I am a sucker for) but they sounded no better than basses I had owned that cost half the price. In the end I sold a 'custom built' bass as I needed to raise some funds and ended up with a good old Fender USA Jazz and £300 in my pocket. I can hand on my heart say the build quality is equally as good as the custom, its plays equally as well, sounds better and to be honest in a few years it will probably be worth more secondhand than the custom. I have always been a Jazz kinda chap and I have played several Jazz type basses from uk and USA luthiers and although in my heart I would like to have something built for me, my brain would overide it and I would never do it because of the risk and the rediculous drop in value. I know it is different for folks who want a bass without traditional styling shall we say, but I could probably buy a Fender and pimp the hell out of it and get exactly the same as what I would order from a custom builder for a fraction of the cost.
  4. [quote name='Huwberry' post='1093977' date='Jan 18 2011, 03:47 PM']You could avoid getting annoyed by just assuming they all mean short hand for (bass) guitar? Or am I being too optimistic?[/quote] I have been playing bass for 11 years and for most of that time I have always referred to basses as guitars in every day conversation. I don't do it to save confusion for the person I am talking to, it has always been a bass guitar in my eyes so like the quote above I wouldn't put it down to ignorance on the subject. I am sure there are a few bass players who just refer to it as a guitar?
  5. Orders via the website do take about a week to arrive in my experience. However I quickly learned that using the good old telephone to give them a call and order (usually with Chris May himself) is much quicker and I have had them within 2 days which is jsut as good as strings direct, plus they are good cheap strings. Don't be afriad of the phone people, you get an actual real person to speak to and phones get answered quicker than emails in most companies and organisations.
  6. linked to this video I just found Nate Watts in the studio with Brian Culbetson, I hope the link works: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl-bVs1INtY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl-bVs1INtY[/url]
  7. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1091746' date='Jan 16 2011, 07:55 PM']I've got a transcription of this, but it's in standard notation, if that's any good to you.[/quote] That would be fantatstic, thanks very much. I will send you a PM.
  8. [quote name='stef030' post='1092200' date='Jan 17 2011, 09:57 AM']so just remind me again why I bother[/quote] I will second that, I feel like I should cut off my hands for crimes against music after watching that.
  9. That level of musicianship and skill is something I dream of achieving one day and I dont think i have ever seen a band as tight as that. Not usually my cup of tea (i like a bit of vocals in my music usually) but that was just frighteningly good and dear lord has that bass player got the funk! Thanks for posting, I am going to check out some more.
  10. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone out there has a good and correct tab or a good video of Nowhere to run by Martha Reeves and The Vandellas? I have the main verse/chorus sorted but the rest is really getting the better of me, Jamerson is the daddy! There is one video on youtube but I think the audio is out of sync and the one tab i found sounds completely wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Nath.
  11. Nice video, thanks for posting. Mic Todd is a fantastic bass player and very underrated IMHO. His riffs and melody and note choice under what the the two guitarists in Coheed are doing is genius. Its a wonder he has any room to do anything under two guitarists constantly battling and interweaving but he does it. One of the best rock bassists out there at the moment in my eyes.
  12. Its a nice idea but I cant help think its just more stuff to go wrong, and when it does my local tech wont be able to fix it. How many people really need 8 million bass sounds?
  13. Not a bass that I would rush out and buy, but I have often thought that the reverse P makes a fair bit of sense in theory, more beef on the higher strings and tighter on the bottom (ooh er missus) whether it would actually make any audible difference would be interesting if you compared back to back?
  14. I would give Sims Custom a call or go on the website, they make some very good quality parts.
  15. My jaw just hit the table, that is one extremely sexy bass. After some time playing some other brands and some expensive basses I am back with a good old Fender Jazz and the only other thing I want is a P/J Precision and something with block inlays.......tada! I want one so very very much, even more than a tony franklin or a Pino Custom shop.
  16. I might be being very slow here but are warwick doing a cheaper version of the signature models? i can see Artist Series and Signature Series. If they are, I quite fancy the cheaper P-Nut signature, a streamer with a musicman pickup will be great fun.
  17. I was in exactly the same situation a few weeks ago and started an almost identical thread. I take it you have a bass at the moment? if so i would just stick the money into a seperate account to your current (one without a card so you cant spend it easily) and just leave it sitting there until you find a bass that you cant live without. I find when I have saved money to spend on a bass I get a lot more picky about whether I actually 'need' it and my brain says "money in the bank or bass" money in the bank usually wins. The other question is, if you have absss at the moment and you sold you others, why did you keep that one? maybe that is the bass for you and you dont actually need another. I noticed you sold a couple of Sadowskys and presume you are looking at instruments in the same price bracket or higher? maybe look at some cheaper basses and get 2 which is what I am going to do. I went through some expensive high end basses and am now back with a good old Fender USA and never been happier. I managed to hang on to some money and may get a Precision or Stingray in the new year, but at the moment I am a happy boy with a Fender and a Squier. I would never have thought I would say that!
  18. [quote name='agoulding' post='1051402' date='Dec 8 2010, 10:16 AM']opinions are like arseholes ladies and gentlemen, everyone has one. If you're enjoying it, carry on. If you aren't, carry on. People who are saying my sisters version is bad (which is fine) clearly aren't taking into account its chart position. Saying something is crap is an awful lot different to "i don't like it" which imho is slightly more respectable, to the people who put in alot of hard graft to make things happen.[/quote] This is a very good post, why rip someone to pieces just because your not a fan or dont like their style? like agoulding says, just say "i dont like it" and show a bit of respect. She gigs, plays and instrument and sings live which I have the upmost respect for. Most of the bass players and bands mentioned on this forum are not my cup of tea, but I don't go into every thread and say so, why be negative? No one has been into the "show me your band" thread and ripped fellow bass chatters bands apart have they? I have seen constructive criticism on there but no horrible unjustified comments. Is it because they are around to defend themselves? If Ellie took up bass and started coming on here and asking for guidance and information would everyone be so quick to say unconstructive things about her in threads? who knows. I for one think Ellie is really good, beautiful songs on the album, and a gentle and beautiful voice. Not every female singer has to belt it out like the big Diva's. Debbie Harry had a weak voice in my opinion but still good.
  19. NJE

    '77 reissue

    I don't own one of these but I have played a couple. Initial thoughts, not as nice as the CV jazz. The build quality was great, the blocks on both the basses I played were neat as was the fretwork and overall construction. The bridge and tuners were fine but to be honest a small investment in new ones would make it a better bass IMHO. the only thing for me was that the neck was very anemic and I really do not like the feel of the satin necks on them. The Classic Vibe Jazz felt a lot more 'complete' and I like the tint on the neck, makes it feel a bit higher quality in my head. The sound was good, nice growl to it but no better than the CV Jazz. Anyway nice bass but i would go for a CV based on feel and playability myself.
  20. [quote name='skej21' post='1048745' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:22 PM']Is it a 50s Precision bass like this, because if it is, I would agree! [url="http://guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=06112213062018"]http://guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_det...=06112213062018[/url] Really superb basses and if you stick some flats on, it'll rock the sh!t out of EVERYTHING![/quote] Yeah thats the one I played, I might have played a good one but what a superb bass, just brilliant. The build was fantastic and the neck felt amazing, its not what I bought but I am in the new year after I have let the new one settle in. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1048757' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:31 PM']A nice old Stingray or a nice old Fender USA-something. You can't go far wrong and/or loose money, surely, even if it doesn't pan out.[/quote] I totally agree, I have played and owned some lovely basses but I just wanted to strip things back and go back to where I started, Fender...and like you said, you can almost always shift a good Fender or MusicMan.
  21. Well I was in Cardiff over the weekend and went to the music shops and played as many basses as I could. Admitedly not a huge selection but still good fun as I have not been to the shops in Cardiff for a while. I know what to expect from custom built and high end stuff having owned Overwaters and having played GB basses and Sadowsky's etc. I have been to Bass Direct a few times and wasted plenty of Marks time in the past but I have not played Stingrays and Fenders for a while which seems a bit odd. Anyway I was pleasantly suprised by a few basses, namely the Mexican Fender 50s Precision, and the American Standard series. Fender take a lot of criticism and admitedly the American made basses are overpriced in some shops but I was just blown away by the quality, sound and feel of the brand new American standard series. Ok no fancy woods and no active EQ which is a bit odd after my Overwater Jazz but still superb in every way. I am a huge fan of Fender Japan stuff but IMHO these new USA basses are superior and now seem to be cheaper second-hand. The other huge suprise was the MIM 50's precision, what a bass, I couldnt believe it. £500 and just a lovely playing well built, massive sounding bass....There is one going on the list (along with a J pickup to go on the bridge). I just loved the neck shape and feel, superb! Anyway, I didnt buy anything in the shops as they are far too expensive, but I picked up a new toy today, its Fender, its pretty, it was a massive bargain, and i am over the moon.......pics to come (and a 50s Precision)
  22. I really shouldnt complain, its not like I its a proper problem Its more that when I have no money I can usually find a handful of basses I wish I could buy then when i have cash I cant find anything. For the first time I have money and no GAS! Yeah I have my trusty Squier deluxe V getting me by at the moment so not desperate for anything. Perhaps your right, stick it in my savings account so it doesn't get eaten by my house.
  23. Warwicks are ok, I did like my old one but the bodies are a bit too small for me and the string spacing is a bit tight. My bass at the moment is a 5 string Squier with full 19mm spacing and a massive neck, I love it. I will mostly be playing Soul, Disco, Motown, Pop. I am in a Function band so need to cover a lot of styles. Stingray is high on the list but it needs to be an older one as I really dont like the satin neck, it needs to be glossy. A lot of my problem is aesthetics, the bass needs to impress me visually as I am terribly vein ha ha. Probably making up for the fact that I like like the hunchback of Notre Dame. [quote name='Jam' post='1046193' date='Dec 3 2010, 11:59 AM']If I had that much money to spend on a second hand I'd probably go for a Warwick or a Stingray. I see you've said you don't like Warwicks though. What kind of music are you going to be playing on it?[/quote]
  24. I have £950 for a secondhand bass or two (could add some cash for the right instrument) and have absolutely no idea what I want. It is an odd feeling and I don't like it. I have been through the for sale forum and can't find anything that sets my world on fire although a couple of Precisions are quite tempting. I have played almost every major brand and a few custom builders so I know what to expect from most brands but I still don't know what I want. I know what I don't want though which narrows things down a bit: 1. I don't want custom built because they loose their value, been there done that. 2. I don't trust vintage basses and don't know what to look for or what makes a good one. 3. I don't like satin or unfinished necks. 4. Not overly keen on rosewood fretboards. 5. I don't really like small bodied basses like warwick or Overwater Progress (they look daft on me) Even with this criteria I have no idea. I just hope something presents itself soon or the money might go on bills and practical stuff. Worse situations to be in but its doing my head in.
  25. I am in a similar position most years, finding relatively inexpensive guitar related things that family can get me. Here is what I have gone for in the past: 1. Gig Skinz amp head bag, I can get power strips, 3 leads, 2 power cables, 2 speakon cables, pad, strap, and tuner and my Markbass in this. THE BEST bit of bass related kit I have ever had: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Gig_Skinz_Gig_Bags.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...z_Gig_Bags.html[/url] 2. Spare Leads, they all die eventually and good ones are expensive. Ask for a couple of speaker and guitar leads from OBBM, sound investment. 3. I always like a new strap too, Mono straps are nice as are the old comfort strapps. 4. Auralex Gramma pad. I dont actually have one yet but its on the list for this year. 5. A good multi tool with screwdrivers, allen keys and cutters. I keep one in the gigbag always. 6. Strings are always a good one, I resent paying so much for them so why not get someone else to get them. 7. A good compact guitar stand like a hercules or something similar.
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