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Posts posted by NJE

  1. Hey all,

    I have been offered a eden CXC110 combo for £600 should be around £750 normally supposedly. I cannot play this amp as it is some way away but have the option to send it back if I am not 100% satisfied but just wondered if anyone had any experience with this combo.

    The situation is I want something different and smaller than my current Ashdown ABM300 and ABM 4x8 cab. I have always read great things about eden and have always wanted one but do not have the budget for the big stuff. I was thinking about pairing this with a Eden 2x10 or aguilar 112 for bigger stuff and on its own for practice although from what I have heard it does alright on its own with a band in a medium venue. I play five string in a rock band but we usually have PA support live and only play smaller venues.

    I was just wondering what other folk would do? worth a stab? It is not the brand new series it is the older discontinued model but is new old stock hence the price I guess. Here is a pic:

    Comments/advice/suggestions welcomed.



  2. Well its a bit later on and the result.........

    It didn't work out. Unfortunately there was a fault with the amp so it went back today an i am getting a refund. From what I heard from limited playing itdid sound like an awesome amp if not a little on the HUGE side of things. I have made enquiries about a Eden combo but have not heard back yet. Just for the record though I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to deal with Guitar Guitar so far. Mark their online sales chap has been so much help and more than friendly. They even paid to have the amp sent back to Newcastle which is more than I can say for some companies.

    So I am back to the drawing board now. Once my refund comes through I will be looking around and trawling the sales threads for a new setup. At the moment I am really fancying a MarkBass Head with some Aguilar 112 Cabs, but we shall see, I change my mind so often.

  3. I just want to say that i find it really sad that Janek feels he is not welcome on this forum and is not amongst friends. He is a superb bass player and seems like a very genuine chap and I think he could have contributed a lot.

    On the fodera issue: A lot of people bang on about their vintage fenders that cost thousands and no one seems to bother about it at all but as soon as someone says something positive about a Fodera is it right that they should be chased out of town by locals with pitch forks and burning torches.

    As far as BGM goes, last issue was superb, I loved the article on Christian McBride and Janek, and found the article on session musicians really interesting. I love the magazine anyway but really felt they lifted the bar with this issue, WELL DONE BGM, I will be subscribing again.

  4. Brilliant, that is what i wanted to hear. Nearly everything i had read about the black beauty says "good rock sound" to paraphrase slightly, which is what i want. I found my Roscoe Beck sounds big and rocky so I really want a big 15" that will push some air and make that low B sound big!

    I really cannot wait until tomorrow, gig tonight, amp tomorrow and possibly new amp with gig on sunday, what a weekend.



    [quote name='Etienne' post='531718' date='Jul 3 2009, 02:25 PM']I tried out a Black Beauty a good few years ago with the Roscoe Beck 5 I had at the time- it sounded brilliant through it! Sadly I had neither the cash to afford it, nor the desire to lift it up 6 flights of stairs to my old student digs...

    You'll be made up with this when you plug in! :)[/quote]

  5. Hmmmm thanks for that I will keep an eye on the tracking. I have paid a little extra (next working day was free this week) for Saturday delivery so hopefully it should be here, if not i will be having words!

    Anyway fingers crossed, if it all works out ok I will definately buy from them again, great prices on the website and they do some nice high end stuff.



  6. Yeah thats right, it was from guitar guitar. Spoke to a chap called Mark who was great gave me loads of info and said any problems just give him a call. Got to say so far the service is amazing, especially compared to some other big shops.

    They also have a baby blue for silly money and a really nice Eden at a top price. Looking forward to seeing what arrives anyway, hopefully it will do what i want and then sadly my Ashdown head and cab will be going, but hey dont need two amps.

    [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='531501' date='Jul 3 2009, 11:17 AM']Was that from guitarguitar or something? I remember seeing on their website they had 3 of them or something, and a bunch of other stuff for okay deals.[/quote]

  7. Hello,

    Don't know why I am posting this but maybe someone will be interested.

    I just bought a ex demo SWR Black Beauty for £399. Now this seems like a bargain to me but I am living dangerously as I have neither played this combo before or actually seen the one I am getting. Luckily I have 7 days to send it back, Its been fully tested and I have 1 years warranty as well.

    I know SWR stuff and I like it, plus I want something neat with a 15" speaker for a deeper rock sound so it seemed the ideal solution. I will however not say too much as it could be a dog and could be going back but here's hoping it works out. Its next day delivery so i will soon find out when it hopefully arrives safe and sound tomorrow.

    So anyone out there got one of these? I read up a bit and it sounds exactly what I am after but be interested to hear anyone's opinions and what I should expect.



  8. Hello everyone,

    My band Spiritual Machines ( www.myspace.com/spiritualmachinemusic ) are playing two gigs this coming weekend in Cardiff. We will be playing with another local Cardiff band THE AGE on Friday 3rd July at the Buffalo Bar:11 windsor Place and i think entry is free before 11.

    We will also be playing with Chief (Folk Rock from california) Bedford Falls (Power Pop Rock) Peachfuzz (not too sure of their stuff) on Sunday 5th July. Doors open 7:30 and tickets are £6 but if anyone wants to come I can send you a flyer to print and get £1 off entry if you want.

    both nights should be good and 4 bands for £5 on sunday has got to be worth it. If you are in the area please come say hello.

    Many thanks,


  9. I had a look at the Ashdown site and its not the same as the Entwhistle 2x12. I did a bit of digging and I did find a 2x12" cab Ashdown mase in 98 but it was apparently stopped in 98 and looks like the really old ABM stuff.

    The cab I have seen is about the size of a 4x10 but has the two twelves offset like the EBS 2x12. It is also the really new ABM design with the big silver round handles on the side, big Ashdown emblem on the front and metal grill. It looks brand new and by the looks of it has the blue speakers.

    I have no idea but might ring Ashdown tomorrow and see if it is legit and see if they can tell me more.

    [quote name='bassmansky' post='524972' date='Jun 26 2009, 04:25 PM']was it like the one jon entwhistle used?i think there is a picture of it on ashdowns website.Or i think they made a few in a normal abm cab,probably the size of their 4x10 cabs.whichever one it is they are now discontinued.if it has the celestion drivers in i would think it sounds sweet.imo those drivers are much better than the blueline ones they use now.[/quote]

  10. Hello,

    I have been looking at changing my cab for a while now as the ABM 4x8 cab I have, as brilliant as it is, is just not moving enough bass for my liking. i am thinking about adding a 15" to the setup but not sure I want the hassle of two cabs to move.

    Anyway, I just went to my local shop and they have a Ashdown ABM 2x12" cab rated at 4ohms. I know my ashdown gear reasonably well and I have never seen or heard of this cab before. Its seems like an ideal solution, bigger cab, bigger speakers and will allow me to get the full power out of my ABM EVO II 300. It also has a HF tweeter which look sas if it is switchable!

    Does anyone out there know what happened to this cab, where it came from or has anyone got one or used one? i am going to take my head and bass around next week but just after some info in the meantime.



  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='524746' date='Jun 26 2009, 11:55 AM']I shall see what I can do...[/quote]

    WooHoo! I expect it to a bit like the A team van but with a sporty finish and some nice alloys, and maybe Bernie Goodfellow hanging out the side with some bling around his neck and a mohawk! (gone a bit too far i think, office work does that to a man)

    Many thanks.

  12. This is one of my favourite threads at the moment as I have some serious serious GAS for GB spitfire. Anyway firstly very jealous about the whole Tal thing but sadly I am more excited about the GB VAN! can we see some pictures????



  13. From a guitar and bass point of view I thought the whole thing was a complete waste of time and money. It was by far the worst year and has just been getting worse and worse IMHO.

    I remeber going to the original London Guitar Show before they moved to the Excel and it was amazing. I even remeber there being Celinder basses there one year. There were more freebies everyone was friendlier and more willing to let you play and it just had a better vibe for me. I was dissapointed there was a no show from some large companies as some others have said but the whole thing just seemed botched!

    I knew Overwater and Fender were not going but was interested to see other companies that were there. I was so looking forward to seeing and playing some Lakland Skylines as I have really loved the look of them. I was terribly dissapointed. I was however totally shocked by a few bases I didnt think I would like. The Peavey Cirrus basses both on the peavey and Trace stands were brilliant, played amazing as did the 5 string TRB on the yamaha stand, what and instrument. Also pretty much every bass on the Warwick stand I found very playable particularly the maple? streamer 5 custom......wow!

    I was fortunate enough to catch a brilliant talk that Dave marks did with a guitarist (forgot his name now) about riffs and song building. It was great really enjoyable and by far the highlight of the day, and i fell in love with Daves white Marcus Jazz. I also had a good chat with the chap at the Apple stand who was very enthusiastic and knowledgable. I also caught TM stevens which I thought was just over-indulgent and noisy, particularly when Marco Mendoza and another guy came on stage.....3 bass players is 2 too many IMHO. I left after 3 minutes...

    Anyway wont go next year, Im with Fender and Gibson, waste of time and money!

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