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Everything posted by NJE

  1. I remember playing one of those Jazz 24 V basses when they first came out and to be honest I didnt really like it. It just felt quite poorly made for the money and I couldnt get along with the EQ, it just didnt seem to do much. I am not sure whether this was just a one off dud (two fenders are never the same as we know) or if they were all much the same but it just felt a bit nasty. One thing I will say though, I picked up a Squier Deluxe Jazz 5 in black for £150. It doesnt have teh 24 frets but i would seriously reccomend having a try. Mine has absoluteley amazing build quality. The neck pocket is one of the tightest and best fitting I have ever seen, the fretwork is amazing and the neck is a really pretty piece of maple, unbelievable for a cheap bass. of course some of teh parts are not too hot, but I put a badass V on it and am having a Aguilar OBP-2 installed and its just superb, perfect modding project. I have only spent £80 on the preamp and bridge so its still well under fender prices. Anyway happy hunting.
  2. thanks for those links especially the concert, that was amazing, watched the whole thing! I have been lusting over Alleva for a long time now and desperately want one even if its the no frills model. I suppose there is probably not a lot o difference between one of these and any other boutique jazz but I just think they are by far the prettiest and I love the headstock. I would love to get down to the bass merchant and try one.
  3. Hello Thanks to everyone so far for the names of the venues. I am in the process of getting a spreadsheet together (sad I know) with potential venues contacts etc so this has been really helpful. Just out of interest, how does everyone go about getting gigs in these venues? I am thinking about getting a small pack with CD contact card, flyer and letter together to send to all of them, then follow up with a call a week later. Anyone done anything similar? am I going too far? Also if anyone is reading this and interested in setting some gigs up together, or if anyone has any gigs coming up and needs support please send me a PM or visit www.myspace.com/spiritualmachinesmusic and add us as a friend or send us a message. thanks again. Nathan
  4. Really interested, cant wait to see those pictures. Nathan
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='469488' date='Apr 22 2009, 12:19 PM']Start saving for a 35" scale bass.[/quote] I dont think thats always the answer, I play a 34" scale fender with Bb low and its awesome. Some folk even use 33" scale with low B with no problems. I would say try some different strings and get a really good set up. I dont have a super low on the frets set up as i like to dig in and find that helps (might just be me) and use Ernieball Extra Slinky 5s which work well for me. As previously said your amp is a big part of it as well, make sure you have a speaker that will handle the frequency and plenty of power, no good using a 30watt practice amp with a Low B.
  6. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='462921' date='Apr 15 2009, 12:41 PM']I'll send you a PM for a guy in Glastonbury that might well be interested. Jon[/quote] Thats great, i will be seeing the band at the weekend and will give this chap a call or email. [quote name='andyonbass' post='462954' date='Apr 15 2009, 01:12 PM']I expect you know about [url="http://www.zyworld.com/Riff/"]Riffs Bar[/url] near Swindon, they do "Half hour sessions" pretty frequently, to showcase unsigned bands, could be right up your street. You could also try the [url="http://www.the12barswindon.com/get/home"]12 Bar[/url], also in Swindon[/quote] Didnt know about these venues (only just starting to look around) but thanks for the links, and it will mean I dont have to travel too far. Big help, cheers. [quote name='alansanderson' post='464046' date='Apr 16 2009, 03:48 PM']Hey man We are trying to do a similar thing from the north west/manchester area. Once you get your own night up and running, then we could do a gig swap if you want; you support us here we support you there kind of thing. Let us know [url="http://www.myspace.com/wearehsoshin"]http://www.myspace.com/wearehsoshin[/url] Cheers Alan[/quote] Alan, sounds good, we are looking at getting our first night within the next month hopefully. Once we have one sorted and we can check venues etc i will definately be in touch about getting some swapping going. The venues we have scoped in Cardiff so far are well equipped so we should hopefully be able to get a good night going. Will be in touch soon hopefully. Cheers all, Nathan
  7. Hello, My current band did our first gig last night after months of practice and now we are really trying to get as much going musically as possible. We play Rock/Pop/Riff Rock i suppose, a bit foo fighter meets stone temple pilots. I am putting out a feeler to find venues that support originals bands around Cardiff/Bristol/Bath/Cheltenham/Gloucestershire and also make some contacts with bands in these areas. We are looking for support slot gigs with bands as well as looking at setting up nights of our own with a few other bands. We have already started to talk to MusicBox studio in Cardiff who are interested in getting something up and running in Cardiff but looking to do something a bit wider afield as well. You dont have to play metal or rock, the idea of the Cardiff night would be to show off a mixture of styles and show the range of bands. If you can help with venue names or if you are interesting in making contacts in other areas please get in touch or post a reply. You can also go to my MySpace and message through there and do some social networking as well: www.myspace.com/spiritualmachinesmusic Thanks, Nathan
  8. Hello, Just in case anyone wants to check out a few bands in the Swansea area tonight my band Spiritual Machines (www.myspace.com/spiritualmachinesmusic) will be playing with Cherrywood from Neath and Parties Break Hearts from Switzerland (www.myspace.com/pbhrock). I am 99% sure its free entry and first band on at 9pm. Should be a fun night and a first for us with the new lineup. All bands play Rock, no screaming or anything like that jsut good hard rock riffing. Anyway if anyone is about come say hello. Thanks, Nathan
  9. I bid too, could only go to £1350 and was secretly praying that would meet the reserve ( i was deluding myself) Anyway lovely looking bass, and good luck with the sale.
  10. Apologies, only just got chnce to log on. Now sold!
  11. Hello everyone. For sale is my DOD FX25B envelope filter. You probably all know what this is and what it does so I will not go into too much detail. I have had it since new and it is about 8 years old, but it has hardly ever been out of the box. I got it when I started playing and I was in my "flea" phase and it is a great pedal but it doesn't really fit with my current band and I am after a few other pedals. It is in mint condition and as I said its probably only been out its box twice a year for a few hours (if that). Still has the manual and other paperwork but the box is a little worn. Anyway I am after £35 including postage. On the off chance I am after an Aphex Bass Xciter, or BBE sonic stomp, compressor, or a good bass chorus if anyone wants to trade. I will obviously put some cash your way for more valuable pedals. Thanks, Nathan [attachment=22451:pedal1.jpg] [attachment=22452:pedal2.jpg] [attachment=22453:pedal3.jpg]
  12. Hello, Interested in this, any chancwe you could add some pictures to show condition and give an idea on what money you would be after? Many thanks, nathan
  13. well thanks to everyone for their comments. I have been doing a lot of reading, listening and searching and also some tinkering with my amp and I fiddled with the bass and amp EQ and added some nice new strings and it all sounds better but still not quite there. So anyway i think I have made a decision on what to get. I was really liking the look of the aguilar originally but for similar money the DHA VT1 EQ offers a little more ( I really would like a headphone amp) and after a PM to Dave himself i am pretty sure i am going to order one in the next couple of days. I like the warm valve tone and Dave has said it will do clean and dirt having used it for recording vocals in the past. I am also looking at getting a BBE sonic Stomp and a good compressor as my last amp had one built in and i do miss not having one. The DHA has an active EQ for a bit of boosting and cutting (not after slap tones or anything like that) and I can get a bit of drive out too so it seems like a good solution. I also feel comforted by the thought its from the UK and a small company with excellent customer service. Anyway I will hopefully be adding to the board soon so will get a nice picture up in the post your boards when i am done. Just need a nice pedaltrain and some George L cables....... Cheers
  14. Cheers for the advice. I have actually put a hold on my search for an Aphex because of finances but do have an eye on a BBE as they seem to be going cheaper than the Aphex. fingers crossed, it looks like a great pedal and I had a look on youtube where there were a few demos which just reitterate your comments. Lets see what happens.
  15. PM'd again. Cheers
  16. Thanks all, I have been doing some investigation over the weekend (with your comments in mind) and found a few bits that I quite fancy. I would really like to give the preamps a go but they are a bit pricey at the moment so maybe when the finances look better I will have a go. I am keeping my eyes pealed for a Boss EQ, I think that is a good sensible step and also looking around for a small gain booster pedal as well (see what comes up first and whats the cheapest) I read a review of a Homebrew electronics booster which looks like it will do what I need as far as increasing signal and also found a few more similar devices which are just one gain control and a switch. I also have my eye on a BBE Sonic Stomp (maximiser) and the Aphex bass xciter to give my passive bass a bit more life as they have both had rave reviews. I think I can get most of these items used from various places so hopefully should be able to solve the problem for about £100 which is great considdering I was looking at £170 for the Aguilar and Sansamp etc. Still welcoming any advice and comments on EQ pedals, (have anopther thread asking advice on the BBE and Aphex) Thanks for all the commenst so far, big help.
  17. PM'd
  18. Hello, Just wondering if anyone has the BBE Sonic Stomp? any ideas how good this is compared to the Aphex? I have read some comments about the Aphex not being very well put together despite being a great pedal but just wanted to know if anyone has used or has a Sonic Stomp? Thanks, Nathan
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='428024' date='Mar 7 2009, 02:24 PM']If you play 2 basses in the same gig, then the Bassbone is worth a look too: [url="http://www.tonebone.com/tb-bassbone.htm"]http://www.tonebone.com/tb-bassbone.htm[/url][/quote] Nice one, happened to find a review of this in an old bass mag last night but not read it yet, will go dig it out now see what it does! Thanks for all the help so far guys. I think I am sold on a Aphex Bass Xciter just for general use anyway but still reading and investigating all avenues.
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='426919' date='Mar 6 2009, 08:58 AM']If all your missing is active level and EQ, then why don't you just use an EQ pedal. Use the volume to match the output level of your other bass, and use the EQ to match the active EQ on your other bass. I kow lots of people have this problem and use all kinds of expensive pre-amps and DIs, so I must be missing something.[/quote] Thats sounds like a good solution, I know Boss make one but are there any good ones in particular you could reccomend? Many thanks.
  21. Is this still for sale? Thanks
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