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Posts posted by NJE

  1. Hello,

    Very reluctantly I am having to sell my Superfly head. I am in a poor financial situation and am selling this and my very loved Warwick Streamer to get myself out of trouble.

    I bought this 3 months ago and it was taken out of the box, put on my cab and has been played maybe 10 times, that is it. It is in ace condition and as you can see in the pictures I have the box and all the goodies to go with it. I think I even have the receipt if anyone wants it.

    I know some people have their opinions of these amps and that is fine, but I love this amp. It sounds fantastic and switching through the presets has given me all the sounds I have needed and more so. Ok this amp has some special abilities like changing settings on computer etc, but equally you can just plug it in and play and with a few clicks get a great sound. There have been a few of these with some issues but this has been played for a couple of hours at a time in my bedroom (much to girlfriends dismay) and it is perfect I simply cannot fault it and there are some other users on here who will back me up in how good these are.

    Full specs can be found here on the Ashdown site: [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=199"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=199[/url]

    I know these were going at nearly half their original price towards the end and that is something I will have to live with so price is [u][b]£175[/b][/u] I have got some good feedback on the feedback thread so buy with confidence. I will happily send this if needed and I am a pretty good packer so don't worry.

    Please please PM me if you want more pics or any more info, pics below


  2. Hello,

    Apologies if there is already a thread like this, I did have a quick search.

    When my Roscoe Beck arrived my girlfriend asked me "what is the new one called then" I didn't know what to say. I have never really named guitars before despite being very attached to them, (probably more than is healthy to be honest)

    I am bored at work so thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else called theirs. So with that, what does everyone call their basses?. Is it just a bass to you, or do you have a specific name for your bass/basses or refer to your bass as "he" or "she" or "the old girl"?

    To start things off my Roscoe Beck is now referred to as Bex or Bexie.

    Cheers all


  3. [quote name='Bigwan' post='260038' date='Aug 11 2008, 03:21 PM']Like the new avatar Nathan!

    Can't believe this bass is still here!!![/quote]

    HA HA! Cheers, it was time to move on from the Stingray and show some love for the new addition. I love it so thought I would share it. Its a shame about the warwick, maybe no-one wants them or I have somehow put everyone off.

    Edit: I need some cash and the new band means I need a big new powerful amp as well so FINAL REDUCTION..........£390




  4. Hello,

    I have had a few close ones on this and a couple of offers, but I am afraid at the moment I cannot let it go for much less than £400.

    Despite needing some funds, I also need a new amp as the one I currently have is not going to be powerful enough for the band I have just joined. If anyone has anything and wants to do a trade then PM me.

    I would consider a direct swap if the amp is special but ideally i would like a wee bit of money my way.

    Would consider most things, but looking for maybe: Ashdown, Gallien, SWR, or anything around the 300watt +

    Thanks again,


  5. Jesus my missus objects to four guitars in the house, how the bloody hell to you get away with that?

    Outrageous collection and eaxctly what I would have given the chance/another girlfriend/more money.

  6. You cannot be in a wedding band an not play mustang sally, its the law isn't it?

    I hate the damb song but guaranteed if your having a dodgy night with the crowd, play that and every ganny father in law and fiv eyear old in the building will dance.

    I have an even worse one.......This used to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST CROWD PLEASER when we played....Mavericks, "dance the night away". ABSOLUTELY HATEFUL HATEFUL SONG, but you would have thought we were throwing £50 notes on the dance floor when we played it, everytime even with young trendy couples who liked Damien Rice and that Jack...all my acoustic songs are exactly the same... chap.

    I miss being in a wedding band...oh what about Midnight Hour is that allowed?

  7. [quote name='simondee' post='255411' date='Aug 5 2008, 02:19 PM']would love to help you out but I bought the red pro-M off here the other week.

    I'm sure the warwick forum boys will help. I'm SO doing the black hardware thing you did on both of my new Streamers :)[/quote]

    I would say definately go for the hardware, bet it would look lovely with the red. It is pretty cheap to do, very little effort and warwick were a pleasure to deal with. Post up in the build section if you go for it.



  8. Thanks for the comments from everyone.

    This really is a great bass but I am really getting desperate to sell and do not want to resort to Evil-bay. May try the warwick forums as suggested if there are no nibbles at all.

    I will consider offers, will send the bass if needed. If it helps the sale I can throw in a Hiscox hard case which is very clean and tidy.

    Many thanks,


  9. There are probably more than a few folk on here who could give you some brilliant practice material but here are a couple of simple things I do to practice/warm up.

    1. Go through scales up and across the neck following the circle of fifths.

    2. I do chromatic ( i think thats what they are called) excercises up and across the neck so I play finger per fret:

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th fret (bottom string) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th next string, 3rd 4th 5th...etc working my way up and across the neck. I then play that backwards, and then play it in reverse so start on your highest string in the same pattern.

    I have a brilliant book which helped me loads and i still refer to it: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tips-Bass-Guitar-Should-Have/dp/1844920046/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1217851950&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tips-Bass-Guitar-S...1950&sr=8-1[/url]

    Its by Mr Stuart Clayton and it is great and comes with a CD. I would highly reccomend it for anyone who wants to learn good fundamentals and its only £10

  10. I have tried quite a few brands, Tomastik, Elites, Rotosounds (really dont get the appeal), Elixir, DR, and I Just keep coming back to good old Ernieballs. I cant fault them, I try new brands and think "these are really good" then whack some slinkys on the bass and im back home again. Elites were about the only other set i liked but even then they just are not "me".

    I used extra slinkys on the four string when I had it but now use, Super Slinky 5 string set which are: 40, 60, 75, 95, 125 on my Roscoe Beck, and am about to put the same on my warwick as i am not getting on with the black labels.

    Ace strings and the best for me so far.

  11. I dont actually like new instruments that much. I really like that played in feel that comes with age. I only bought one bass "new" and that was a P bass that had been in the shop the best part of 7 years.

    For me if the neck is good and ding free, the body isnt cracked or split and the electronics havent been messed with then I am relatively happy. Basses can be refinished, necks refretted and set up and new hardware can be aquired.

  12. I had one for years as "backup" to my fender P at the time. It got played more because I could tailor the sound more to specific venues.

    I would highly reccomend them although I will say this:

    1. I had an ATK from the first lot they sold in the UK a few years back (think there is one for sale on here) i think they only did 2 colours but they were amazing. Compared to the new ones I played at LGS this year they have narrower necks and IMHO seem a bit less plastic-y if that makes sense.

    2. Hunt around on ebay or even try ishibashi for a proper original japanese one, you never know what you might find. I played one once and it was stonkingly good and better than my korean one.

    seriously though fantastic basses, and the only small thing is the headstock, body from baywatch, head from crimewatch.

  13. Just want to add a quick note here.

    Just completed a trade with Ian (BIGWAN) my MusicMan for his Lovely Roscoe Beck V. It has been an absolute pleasure the whole time, great communication, great bass, and absolutely BOMB PROOF packagaing, plus he got the bass to me for my birthday.....legend.

    Cant reccomend enough, feel safe dealing with this chap! A*

    Thanks again Ian

  14. There was a band a few years back called Rootjoose from Cornwall. I was completely obsessed with them and musically and technically they were brilliant. Their bass player Harry Collier inspired me to play (and buy a natural stingray) check out their debut album if you can it is brilliant music and more importantly the bass playing is absolutely superb, extremely clever and musical and he finds places betweeen the two guitarists you would never think of. great rock pop bass player and his lines 8 years after i bought the album still make me smile and inspire me.

    please note Harry Collier was also the frontman and bass player for Cubb, DO NOT JUDGE HIM ON THIS! they were sh*t but rootjoose are awesome.

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