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I am probably going to get a load of grief for this and loads of people saying I am dishonest etc etc, so apologies in advance. both bases went on ebay and were doing really really well up until yesterday. I thought there would be a last minute bidding rush like I have had for every other sale on ebay but it never came. I gave my very good friend a call last minute and got her to put a bid on last minute, as there was no way In hell I was going to let someone get them for the amount they were at. Basically a reserve without a reserve as I forgot to put one on. So I still have them both and i have put them up for sale on here. I dont want to seem dishonest, I have A* feedback on ebay Im just not letting £1000 worth of instruments go for £500. If anyone wants to pick up the basses they are more than welcome, I prefer to trade face to face to make sure everyone is happy and make sure the bass is safe. Thanks, Nathan
I sympathise, I had a stingray and warwick streamer on ebay for what I considdered a sensible amount and they didnt get anywhere near what I wanted. Real shame. I love the Tobias by the way I have played one of these and they are stunning instruments, its a real shame they are associated with those "other basses" which are not Tobias in my eyes. Good luck anyway.
Hello, Anyone who has been reading the thread knows whats going on but basically, I put this bass on Ebay a while a go and pulled the auction because I was [u]very stupid [/u]and didnt put a reserve on. I then put the bass up for sale on here with my MusicMan and had a few offers from people, but before I had chance to make a descision a trade came up with my MusicMan. I put the Warwick on hold while I waited for the trade as I was unsure what the new bass would be like. SO! the MusicMan is now gone and in its place is a lovely Roscoe Beck V (thanks Ian) and I am still in a tricky finacial spot so the Warwick is [u]officially for sale[/u] This is a Warwick Streamer ProM 5 string. A brilliant bass 97 model as far as I can remember. It is in fantastic condition and has very recently been upgraded with black hardware right down to every nut and screw. The original hardware was by no means in bad condition, I just liked the idea of the black on the natural body, and I will of course include all the original hardware in the sale This is a fantastic bass and has a lovely neck which is in no way way big and chunky. (very slim compared to the new Fender) it is quick and a pleasure to play. The B string is fantastic and really growls and has great punch, and the string spacing is lovely and made the transition to a five very easy. The body is flamed maple with a satin finish which will require the occasional waxing ( I will include the pot of wax I have). I spent over £100 on the black hardware for the bass barely a couple of weeks ago but that is just going to have to be my loss. I would like somewhere in the region of [s]£450[/s] [b]([s]NOW £400[/s])[/b][i][/i][u][/u] [u][b]£380[/b][/u]. I am on the net most of the day so PM me if you would like any more info. I will try and get some more pics up later tonight. [attachment=10762:warwick_front_.jpg] [attachment=10763:warwick_on_floor.jpg] [attachment=11380:font_head.jpg] [attachment=11379:warwick_front3.jpg] [attachment=11381:warwick_back.jpg] As I said, I am in a bit of a financial pickle at the moment so this needs to go. The only reason this is going over the fender is that I actually find the wider spacing more comfortable as I have very big hands. Also it may sound odd, but I am not a small chap and the warwick looks very small on my frame and a little silly on me. The fender on the other hand is massive and fits a lot better, those were the only negatives I could think of when deciding. I have some feedback on the feedback thread from the recent trade for anyone interested as well. Many thanks, Nathan
Does August Rush count? I think that was all put together for the film, lovely music.
I think I must be Seriously missing something here. Am I reading a different magazine to everyone else because despite the fact that I do buy the "american one" as I refer to it, all I ever see in it are endless adverts for the same old sh*t gear, and the same old bass "virtuoso" interviews. How many times can victor wooten say the same old stuff about nature and its spirit in music. I like the guy and hes talented but its the same old stuff over and over. Dont even get me started on that Jaco "bass of doom" article.....ITS NOT THE SAME f***in BASS YOU MUPPETS talk about triggers broom, that just sealed my opinion. I seriously think I must be an absolute un-educated dum dum (probably by the looks of it) to like the british mag more. It has more content, its nice and informal / friendly to read, loads of gear in there to look at, bass players from bands I have heard of. (ok not all of them great) At least they are real bass players talking about their gear why they got started...brilliant! All I seem to read in "the american one" are articles on jazzers I have never heard of, virtuoso players, or bass players from obscure american metal indie bands, who talk more about fecking yoga than gear and playing. I love Bass Guitar Magazine, they have constantly improved the magazine and like the whole of britain are slightly flawed but very loveable on the whole. I like having a mag from both sides but to give the Uk one a slating on here is just a bit harsh I think. (bit pot and kettle there but still) I just cant deal with that much "yeah go america, isn't it great, DAWG!"
I dont have any really but Many many years ago my Dad was in a big Blues band (there was about 7 of them) and they were supported by a very loud young band by the name of "The Who" I was amazed when he told me but all he said was "we didnt know who the bloody hell they were, but I did have a nice chat with the singer and bass player who were very complimentary about our band saying 'we wish we could get a sound like that'" ....great. He also had the same manager as David Bowie (again a no-one at this point) and described him as terribly awkward and shy, and nasty teeth.. Well done dad. Oh and his best friend from about 5, was Ian Mclagen of the small faces who he tought to play guitar. we still have pictures of him when he was about ten, he sends the odd email too, through friends reunited. Best friend played with Muse as well in Plymouth Uni, said the singer was a prick but the other guys were class.
I love the guy, what a player, i also like Jay Kay. Just because they dont get along doesnt mean one of them has got to be a twat!. I have to say the descision on the LP Bass is a surprise, but my Local shop have this bad boy in[attachment=10412:3149_large_2.jpg] It is a full on Gibo and with the barts in it it sounds amazing. A bit pricey for me at £800 ish but if it was a slightly more resonable price I would have it in a second. Mind you they also have a used Goodfellow Spitfire which shits all over it but that is the best part of 2K
I tried an Epi flying V bass but the conclusion was, although it was a huige amount of fun, i dont think you can possibly play one unless your whole band wears spandex/catsuits and has hugely permed/backcombed hair. On the subject of Gibson basses, I played a stunning les Paul bass the other day two Bart Humbuckers and it was huge sounding, really great bass plus Stu Zender uses them now over his old P bass and warwicks.
I am sure I cant be the first person to post this up so please excuse me if someone has already posted (i did do a search before hand), but i just saw this new Squier and I have to say it looks tasty and I may just get one. I was going to sell my Musicman and get a jazz but why bother, this looks great, imagine badass, pickup cover and maybe a new preamp from the states on the cheap, and you got a snazzy looking jazz and a hell of a lot of fun. [attachment=10297:0303075505_xl.jpg]
[quote name='walbassist' post='230575' date='Jul 1 2008, 02:44 PM']I had two of the original series single cuts. They are great basses, beautifully made, very light, had a very open and organic sound. Rob does great work.[/quote] great info, how did you find the string spacing and neck dimensions? I love the singlecuts but the jazz will be a stretch for me secondhand, and thats even if I can sell the Musicman. Cheers, Nathan
Cheers for the heads up on talkbass. I have posted a message up there and hopefully someone will give me some good info. I have checked out the string spacing and it looks pretty big 19mm on the 5 string which I think is going to be a bit too big for me, so maybe I will go for the 4 string which looks to be about the same as a musicman dimension wise. I just love the look fo them, they are jazzy but not a blatant fender Jazz. Plus I want something modern and cant afford a Sadowsky, and the zero fret is very appealing! cheers so far
hello all, I have been playing my warwick 5 constantly over the past few months, and despite my musicman being one of the loveliest basses to play it just doesnt really do anything for me anymore sound wise. I have fancied a jazz type bass for a while, and at the moment I am really GAS-ing for a Elrick Jazz. There are a couple around second hand at the moment and was just wondering if anyone had any experience of any elrick basses, not just the Jazz? I dont think anywhere in the UK has them which is a bit of a problem. I am seriously thinking about ordering one from the states but it would be blind which is a concern, and I dont have the cash to fly over and try one which would be the ideal solution. Any information would be great. Many thanks, Nathan
I am sure he used to be the guitar tech repairer in Cranes Cardiff. Used to design with Tanglewood as well I seem to remember as I bought a prototype acoustic from them. i could be wrong but I you always remeber a name like entwhistle.
Cany find it! keeps asking for a password to get on the server. direct link anywhere?
[quote name='Galilee' post='227814' date='Jun 27 2008, 09:27 AM']Sorry for being thick, but does that mean that there are 5 screws going into the neck?[/quote] Um!!! no dont think so. They are just the depth of the nut if that makes sense? they only go up and down a little but enough to make a big impact on the string height. Its all self contained in the nut as a whole as far as I can tell so if the nut came off it would just leave a groove rather than 5 tiny holes.
[quote name='Galilee' post='227793' date='Jun 27 2008, 09:17 AM']Fabulous. I notice you have a brass nut on that. I am in the process of thinking about taking the broken (of course) JANII out of my Thumb and fitting a JANIII, but maybe I should go for a brass nut (JANI?). Is it adjustable for height at all?[/quote] Yeah it is the old adjustable JANI. it is adjustable but you do have to take the string off to do it. I absolutely love the brass nut having always wanted to have one fitted to my previous bass. Its strange how the nut works, basically the piece the string sits on in the nut is threaded and you turn it to adjust the height up and down. Its really great and gives a lovley tone, and IMHO worth a tiny bit of extra fuss over the JANII. It also looks nice with the frets (im all about co-ordination ha ha. Cheers, N.
Thanks for the nice comments, "Good, one less bass with gold hardware"....... I agree the gold just isn't good, maybe on a darker body it works better. I like having contrast against the wood so the black seemed perfect on this. "where did you buy the hardware from? and do you think the 4 string equivalent is likely to be cheaper"...... It all came from www.warwick.de , if you go to the shop they have a huge range of parts on there in gold, silver, matt silver and black. I bought absolutely everything in black right down to the pot washers and nuts, and even the neck washers (prob have a proper name) if you werent as fussy as that you could probably save some cash as even the odd screws and washer were about 50p each. Also you will need one less machinehead so 6-7 euros off, the bridge set for a four was I think around 10-15 euros less, plus I chose the most expensive shipping. I rekon you may be able to get it for around 70-80 but check out the warwick shop, it is seriously worth it and only took about 2 hours to do inbetween a bit of home and away and two cups of tea. Thanks again, Nathan
Ok ,so I got home got out all the bits, srewdrivers, allen keys and set about doing the bad deed. I have to say the most I have ever done to a bass before was set it up so I was a bit scared about gutting the poor thing. Pics of the parts all in lovely individual Warwick Bags. [attachment=10064:bits.jpg] Here is what she looked like before in her goldeness [attachment=10065:before_best.jpg] So first off was the bridge which is a really substantial peace of kit which you dont really appreciate until you get it off. [attachment=10066:no_bridge.jpg] Here is the head machinehead- less, by this stage I was a bit scared having taken a huge percentage of my beloved warwick apart. [attachment=10067:gutted_head.jpg] Here it is pretty much gutted [attachment=10068:gutted_body.jpg] Then bridge time. The new bridge came wrapped in paper in the bag and was so nice and fresh if that doesnt sound too daft. [attachment=10069:new_bridge_on.jpg] Machineheads next which was a bit of a bugger as all the screws had been threaded, so very patiently I went round the lot with tiny grips. The new Warwicks had smaller barrells than the original which I was not expecting but they went in ok and the washers were the same size. [attachment=10070:head_after_back.jpg] the head front on [attachment=10071:head_after_front.jpg] That was about it really, no real problems and so the restring and set up came next. Here it is finished. [attachment=10072:body_after_3.jpg] All in all I am so so happy with it. It really feels mine now and the closest to a warwick custom I will see. I think the black looks so much better and newer as my girlfriend pointed out. It does feel a bit like having a new bass. The really great thing was that when I went to the intonation the bridge was perfectly set up and didnt need adjusting at all. Germay + 1 The other great thing is that I have also managed to get the action pretty spot on now as well, joy of joys. I highly reccomend anyone do this, warwick are a delight to deal with and the stuff took 3 days from ordering to get here, simply amazing, plus a shed load of mods for under a ton, cant go wrong. I hope everyone is ok with the number of pics and kinda enjoyed the progress, although short and sweet. Cheers, Nathan
[quote name='joe_bass' post='227231' date='Jun 26 2008, 11:43 AM']Hey mate look forward to that. I'm waiting on my Streamer $$ to arrive at the moment. It's red finish with silver hardware but if it looks the same in real life as it does in the photos then I'll probably be looking at putting black hardware on. Can I ask how much it cost you??[/quote] yup sure, I did buy a an extra set of bolts and somehow managed to buy an extra Stacked Knob, but with postage it was 120 Euros so about £95 for everything. Bargain I think especially considering how much Badass bridges and schaller stuff is. Well worth it (I hope) Plus this will make it a lot more personal and specific to me. Warwick are great to deal with but you will need their www.warwick.de address not the other crappy website. Good luck will look forward to seeing yours if you go ahead
Hello guys and gals, About 2 months ago now I bought a Warwick Streamer Pro-M and have since completely fallen in love with it. The only slight flaw in this superb bass is the aged gold hardware which I am not too keen on. Against the natural body it really doesn't look too great so on Monday night this week I ordered black everything for the bass, right down to pot nut and washers. Well to my total suprise the bits arrived from Germany a little battered but in one piece (I hope not checked it all over yet) so tonight the dismantle begins. For my own amusement as much as anything else I am going to do a little picture timeline, of progress as I do it, because lets face it how often do you get to dismantle a warwick? Before shots will be up when I get home and fingers crossed if everything fits and goes together, I should also have after shots. Im hoping it will look great but we shall see. Anyway more coming soon, WATCH THIS SPACE. Cheers Nathan