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Everything posted by NJE

  1. hello, I have fallen for 5 strings recently and am looking around at the possibilities. Now I am not a small chap so something in the fender vein would be good, eg Lakland, MusicMan, G&L, and of course fender. I absolutely love the stingray 5 neck and find it one of the best low B's around but what are the others like? Is the G&L neck any bigger, than the stingray, and what are the lakland 5 necks like? is the DJ5 neck slimmer than the standard Lakland? Any comments or info would be great please.
  2. Hello all, Im thinking about getting a stingray 5 from basscentral. Its about $1000 so what should I be expecting to pay in shipping and taxes? am I right in thinking the grand total would be around £650 - £700 I'm really happy some of you have successfully been down this route, makes me feel a lot better about it. Also How long was delivery? Thanks Nathan
  3. You have probably already seen it but at long long last MusicMan have finally put up a brand new site with the brand new STERLING 5. Great site finally giving the instruments the web space they deserve. check it out: [url="http://www.music-man.com/instruments/"]http://www.music-man.com/instruments/[/url] Who wants a STERLING 5?
  4. Well paid a visit to the music shop in Cardiff on saturday and tried out some Markbass heads. I tried the litlle mark 250 and the SA450. I also tried an ebs gorm combo to get an idea of the sound. I have to say I had my reservation about Markbass for some reason but I really really liked the sounds and the two funky VLE VPF controls were quite snazzy. EBS was good but didnt really give a good idea as the shop was noisy. Thanks for the input for heads, I have heard good things about the genzbenz stuff, trying it may be an issue though. I called Overwater on friday and the Iamp 300 is out of the running. All sold out and none in until July. I spoke to Laurence I think and he was so nice and helpful. He also offered me and EXTREMELY good deal on an Iamp 500, but it was still just a bit too much for me, but Top Top guy. So result is I am thinking about going for Markbass at the moment and am going to look around for a good deal.
  5. Hello Ok so I know I had some good advice on power amps and now Im after some more advice but of a different nature. Very sadly th epifani went up for sale and hopefully should be gone by the end of the night. The problem I now have is that 1. I am amp-less 2. I have No idea what to buy I'm looking at small and light with an approx max budget of £500. so I am looking at: Euphonic Audio: Iamp300 or secondhand Iamp600 OPINIONS? MarkBass : LMK, little mark 250, TA450 (I think) OPINIONS? EDEN: I Dont know if there is anything available in my range IDEAS? I know Dood promotes the use of the MarkBass F1 (bit out of my range) but what do you guys think about these amp and do you suggest anything else. Will of course scount around the forum for opinions too. Thanks.
  6. Thanks again for all the help, just a bit more detail, I am using the epifani and a Ashdown ABM 4x8 Cab which I think is around 500 watt? I basically want something around the 400-800w range I think. Does anyone have opinions on the Crown xs500? there is one for sale on here from SKELF. its £200 with gator case and I'm contemplating it. ARGHHHH decisions. I put the epifani up for sale in a moment of madness, but part of me just wants to sel it still and get an EAiamp or Markbass, so small and easy. thanks again
  7. Hi just a question or two if thats OK? Can you give me a rough ballpark on weight, I have searched for the spec but it doesnt give it. Also HOW instrusive are the fans? I know its hard to say because everyone's ears are different but say practicing at home, is it annoying? Its not a major concern but just interested. Many thanks, Nathan
  8. very very similar to one of the first posts but, about 5 years ago my band was due to play a wedding in a big marquee by a big manor house come posh exclusive hotel. We set up at about 8 ready to go on after speaches around 9:30. So we sat in the marquee and just after setting up someone came down to say there was food laid out and there was plenty of it so help yourselves (BIG mistake), secondly there was a bar in the corner of the marquee as well as a huge agricultural trailer behind the marquee full of ice and more importantly booze! So we went and had some food and went to the un-manned bar for a beer, not being too greedy at this point. So we waited and we could see the speaches going on through the window and it was getting to around 9:30. Playing time we thought......NOPE. 10:00 came and went, more food more booze, we were chatting and jamming a bit. 11:00 came and went more booze, (drummer half cut at this point. 11.30 everyone comes down pissed as farts screaming "lets get dancing". so a little worse for wear we crank up and bust out some Huey Lewis and the News, great. No kidding 11:50 the hotel owner comes down to say that we will have to bring the music to a close at 12:00 for the sake of the other guests. 12:05 we stopped and packed up. Father of the bride comes over and shoves us £1500 for four of us, and says "cracking band loved the music help yourselves at the bar and to food, plus there are some beers out the back help yourselves when you go. WHAT A NIGHT. On the way out 2 huge decks of Bud, my guitarist managed to put a wine bottle between every finger, plus a bottle of JD, vodka and two bottles of coke for mixer stuffed in the drummers case. We didn't even make a dent in the trailer, you would never have known we took anything. Wish they had all been like that.
  9. WOW! I think that may have a marmite (love/hate) affect with people but I think its stunning. Big question...what kind of price were you after? It says offeres but I thought that may be offeres for trades. Cheers N
  10. Ok a complete edit of my original post. I have had several days of shear confusion as to what to do, to sell or not to sell. So FINAL desicion its gotta go, I just cant justify going down the seperates route, I cannot afford a good lightweight power amp. I have just joined a band in cardiff and I have to commute from Cheltenham so I need something small and light to go on the train with. Details: As most will know this is the front bit of (arguably) one of the best bass amps around and used by Matt Garrison amongst MANY others. approx 1 year old, never gigged, never been out of my bedroom, and hardly played due to no inspiration or band. I'm asking £300 as one of these just went on Ebay BIN for that amount. (I think it belonged to someone on here?) I am open to offers and trade offers if anyone has anything small-ish, and light-ish. Please post and or PM me if at all interested. This post has been up and down but please do not judge me by that (I've been really unsure about this and chickened out of selling). I enjoy being a member here so just want a nice smooth deal if anyone is interested. If anyone has a good trade and its something I would like I would be willing to throw cash your way. Many thanks
  11. Hello all, Thanks ever so much for the suggestions, got lots of googling to get on with this morning to check out whats been suggested. Dood, thanks for sorting out the other post, had a bit of a no brainer posting in the wrong place. I have read something about the QSC amps before and they look pretty tasty, and the digital Crown sounds cool too. BIG surprise was the powered Bergantino cabs.....never knew they existed BRILLIANT!!! Thanks very much so far guys, lots to think about.
  12. Hey all, I'm really hoping with all the collective knowledge on here I might get some good advice. Here is the lowdown, I have an Epifani Quest preamp which I have been using with a big old power-amp for about a year. This hasn't been an issue as it hasn't moved but it looks like I may have found me a new band but transporting the set-up could be hard. Basically I would really like some opinions on power amp makes, models, that could go well with the pre. I have no idea where to even start looking. Something light-ish, not hugely expensive, quiet-ish as well. What does everyone else use/recommend? Any comments suggestions gratefully received. Thanks, Nathan
  13. Thanks for the quick reply, No worries I can understand the power/pre situation. May be back in touch if I sell it, would really like to switch to EA. good luck with the sale anyway. Thanks N.
  14. Hi, dont know if it would be what you are looking for but I have an Epifani Quest II preamp that I am thinking about changing. It is absolutely stunning and I wish it didnt have to go, but I have recently joined a band in Cardiff and I am in Cheltenham so the poweramp/preamp set up is not ideal as I have to travel by train. If you are interested would be more than happy to discuss and difference in cost. Nathan
  15. Hi, lovely amp is this still up fro grabs? Are you interested in trades? many thanks
  16. Hi LOVE the Jazz just a few quick questions if I may? Is the neck/head scratch and ding free? Im not worried about the body, quite like the battered look. Second is where abouts are you based? Im waiting for a car to sell and if goes through before you sell the jazz I may be giving you a PM. Many thanks EDIT: doh! just seen on you ID where you are....stoopid!
  17. Hey Thanks for getting back with the info. It is stunning but after looking around at stingrays for sale, they dont seem to be shifting very well especially on ebay. Im thinking about taking the plunge to sell on here or ebay, as I want something new but Im not willing to lose a lot of money on it as I'm sure you will undertand. If I get the funds sorted and the bass sold I will be getting in touch very quickly. If I were to order a custom shop it would look like this bass....Good luck with your sale (and possibly mine).
  18. bump for a stunning bass. please someone but it, im gettingcloser to the credit card
  19. OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO CRY!!! that is stunning. I really really want a sei at the moment and was just wondering what the scale is and what is the neck and string spacing like. Is it stingray 5 kinda neck or wide fender 5 style neck? it is seriously lovely and I am trying to find things to sell as we speak. Many thanks have a bump.
  20. Hi there interested in the Sei but was just wondering what the scale is and string spacing. Is it a slim necked five or more towards the big sadowsky style 5 string necks? any info would be great. Many thanks NJ
  21. what an amzing stash of basses you have, absolutely stunning. I was just wondering if you had a ballpark figure for both the sei basses. really interested but I would need to sell a bass and raise some funds. Many Thanks NJ
  22. NJE


    Thats lovely, I want one so much. Are you interested In a Natural stingray possibly? Are you looking for equivalent value in a trade as I dont know if I would have the extra cash. Many Thanks NJ
  23. the ashdown was a real hassle to move, a good sack barrow is always a good idea. the reason i got rid of it was because it was way too big, you can get som really powerful small gear now hence i know have a 4x8" ashdown cab which i believe is 500w. tight and compact is the way forward as most of the guys on here will im sure agree with. saying that there is something great about having 5ft of stack behind you.
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