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Posts posted by JackLondon

  1. [quote name='keeponehandloose' post='828753' date='May 5 2010, 06:14 PM']Anyone know of a crossover stompbox.
    I want to split the signal from my bass so that the highs only can run to a delay.
    Iknow there are lots of rack crossovers,but I want something for my pedalboard.
    Thanks in advance[/quote]

    You are indeed talking about an item that is very sought after by many bassists. As far as I know there's nothing readily available but I know that Max from [sfx] is working on a design for a unit like that so keep your eyes open. Knowing Max's work first hand I can say that whenever the unit is ready it will quite possibly revolutionise the world of effects as he's already taking over the effects world.

  2. Hello chaps,

    I'm planning in buying the Peterson VS-R rack tuner and just wanted to know if anyone on here uses one and what's your experience of it? I think that I'm scared of the transition from your typical needle type tuner to strobe.

    Any opinions?


  3. [quote name='gnasher1993' post='823497' date='Apr 29 2010, 10:33 PM']You can't really make your own if you don't have a laser printer. As far as I know anyway... there may well be a solution I haven't come across.[/quote]

    As Al mentioned earlier, steady hand and a lot of patience and of course etch resistant pen :)

  4. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='823331' date='Apr 29 2010, 07:38 PM']i [i]was[/i] jack but since I buggered up the office laserjet printer with blue press-n-peel paper i've had to go back to only really simple ones i can draw by hand with etch resist pen. This sort of limits me to simple fuzz circuits you could build on veroboard.[/quote]

    Cool, not to worry, I gues I'll have to have a go myself :) Do you have alink to a good tutorial by any chance ? Preferably one you've tried and works :rolleyes:

  5. Just had my second lesson with Johnny Copland ( www.johnnycopland.com ) and I love it. We looked at my right and left hand technique and so many things came up that I didn't realise where holding me back and making my bass playing crap.

    To anyone considering lessons, do it, you will not regret it, I've been playing for 13 years but I never learned so many things as I did today. Absolutely brilliant.


  6. Hi guys,

    Recently I've purchased a Boss BR-900CD for recording and altough it isn't one of the most professional kits out there I think it's good and has loads of potential. The problem I have is monitoring the sound whilst recording, at the moment I'm either using my headphones or my 5.1 from the living room but this is not ideal so I was thinking of purchasing some good quality monitors. I know that it won't get me far but my budget is between £100-150. They don't have to be massive or extremely loud but something good enough to reproduce the sound clearly and be portable. I would apreciate any advice on this.

    On the side and to spare questions, Boss has 2 outputs, 1 Digital(via optical cable) and 1 Line out (via RCA cable) so am I right toassume it means active speakers are my only choice?

  7. Right, here's a very poor and short sample for you, sorry about the quality but I'm still figuring out how to use my recording equipment.

    In the file the EQ on the bass is flat, the only variation is the pickups so it goes Bridge-->Both-->Neck-->Both-->Bridge when you hear a second or two of silence that's where I'm fiddling with the knob as you'd say :)


  8. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='811875' date='Apr 19 2010, 09:02 PM']I have become obsessed with modding tubescreamer pedals for bass and guitar, this is the little clipping switch I've developed for my Sonic Kitchen Tubes Creamer.

    A bit fiddly to solder but a neat little unit that can solder directly onto any overdrive pcb to replace the 2 parallel clipping diodes in the circuit.
    This is an ON/OFF/ON switch so when its in on position 1 it shorts out the 2 Si diodes and routes signal thru the LED diodes. In On position 2 it does the reverse.
    On the middle OFF position it routes signal thru both sets which knocks the output way down.
    The LED distortion is much higher volume raw gain, biting aggressive distortion, you can go from raw crunch to a splatty fuzz.
    the Si diodes gives you the conventional Tubescreamer overdrive, much softer sweeter harmonics and lower output that you can compensate for with the volume knob.

    Using the same switch and 2 different capacitors instead of the diode pairs, soldered direct to teh switch lugs, you get the great AMZ Phat mod which for me is essential for using the pedal effectively with the bass guitar. The jumper wires then replace the 0.047uF input cap.
    On ecap choice remains at 0.047uF for the characteristic tubescreamer mid tone boost, the other can go up to 0.47 or 0.68uF to let a huge load of bass through which, to be honest, sounds fabulous![/quote]

    Al, I've noticed that you are etching your own pcb's, interested in doing few for me ?

  9. [quote name='escholl' post='818791' date='Apr 26 2010, 02:36 AM']If you need/want help, fill me in on the current state of it and I'll try to help as best I can. Not saying you have to, just saying the offer is there. :)

    Best of luck getting it working mate![/quote]

    Aye, the problem is exactly the same as with other ones, signal goes through the board but no delay, read somewhere that it should have delay on the pin 15 of IC1 but I get nothing. BTW it's Rebote 2 Delay from tonepad.com

    Any ideas where to start ? And on top of that any suggestions on books about stuff like that, I bought a book about electronics etc but it's very general and doesn't mention anything about effects and stuff like that.


  10. [quote name='escholl' post='809012' date='Apr 16 2010, 10:50 PM']I've never worked with these chips before, am not familiar with the circuit, and don't have it in front of me to work on. Having said that, and based off of what you said above, this is my best guess, and this is what I would try:

    Take out IC3, and directly connect where pins 11 and 10 were in the socket with a jumper wire. Do the same to pins 9 and 8. Don't worry about any other pins for now.

    Run audio through the pedal. The wah effect should now be hard on. If there is still no wah, start by diagnosing the audio filter, which is the top part of the circuit.
    If there is a wah sound now, the problem lies either with IC3, or with the control voltage generator, which is the large, bottom portion of the circuit diagram.
    Whichever of these two outcomes it is, let me know, and I'll help you the best I can.[/quote]

    Cheers for all the tips, this was however too complicated for me to debug so I had someone sort it out for me, I'm still having problems with my delay and I'm determined to get this working myself, the problem is that most of the stuff found on some effects forums are very much useless because people on there seem to directly jump into the big stuff etc.

    On another note does anyone know if I can replace ZL9M3 diode with a 1N4148 ? It's for a wah circuit.

  11. I would recommend building yourself a Small Clone. There's so many mods for it and with your "know how" you can tweak to your liking without buying loads of effects. I built one for my guitarist and altough I haven't tried it on bass For long it was quite good.

    I don't know if the boss you have is the same as in my GT10B but the one in there is very very good!

  12. jazz shmazz, what about other genres of music? Did you know that Vader can't book a practice room in their home town? Did you know the Primus done most of the music for South Park?

    It's always going to be a question of "living" abd so it comes that each of those people have to pay their bills, it's a different story when you live with your mum.

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