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Everything posted by barend

  1. ok, no offence taken whatsoever. I was just trying to avoid confusion. Also I am curious for what purpose you guys use the up position of the filter knobs. Because to me it doesn't sound good or useful with the knobs in up position. Maybe someone has some sample settings?
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1349445688' post='1826453'] It all depends on your definition of passive. It may be that , nominally at least, the preamp is still engaged in some capacity when all the controls are clicked down, but the e.q controls in effect operate to replicate the sound of passive tone controls with the bass in this mode. It may not be what is referred to as "true passive" but it is essentially passive in apparent operation to all intents and purposes . [/quote] Yes you are right that the down position sounds more passive then the up position. But the bass/electronics is still active. The filter controls are more complicated then the controls on a passive bass. And also the bass won't sound without a battery. I feel that with the knobs in the up position a Wal doesn't sound like a 'normal' active bass. I have experimented a lot with the filter knobs but I never use the knobs in up position because those frequencies don't sound very natural or useful to me. So always down position for the filter knobs on an Mk1 for me.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1349440131' post='1826335'] I had three MK1 Wals and they were all switchable from active/passive. With all the control knobs clicked in the downward position the bass is in passive mode, and the e.q knobs operate as passive tone controls. [/quote] No that is not true. With the knobs in the down position the bass is not passive. The knobs in the up position are there just to enhance the frequencies you dial in. In the the down position the electronics are still active. There are no MK1's that are passive. Only the one that is for sale on basschat but that one is an exeption or custom design or something. All are other Mk1's are active.
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1349367703' post='1825393'] but I can tell you that in effect it will be an expensive ( and inferior) way of duplicating what you have already got. The fact that you can run the Custom active/passive , [/quote] There are no active/passive controls on Mk1's. Also they have made fretless Wal basses with rosewood boards, not only ebony as you say. Also I don't consider a one pickup Pro inferior to a Mk1. If you only use the bridge pickup of the Mk1 the sound is almost the same. A Mk1 has a bit more bite and a Pro a bit more low end but the tonal character is very close. Just check the last video I have posted. If you like simplicty you might even prefer the tone controls of the Pro. If you need a second pickup than a Mk1 is obviously a better choice. But if you only use the bridge pickup they are very close.
  5. Thanks. Maybe this will help you even more. 1,5 year ago I made a Wal Mk1 and Pro comparison video. I wasn't too happy with the playing so I didn't put it online. Was watching it today after reading this topic and thought 'what the hell just put it on youtube'. I play the same piece twice with the same amp and settings so you can hear how they both sound and compare them. The wenge has 040 Rotosound stainless strings and the Pro 045 D'addario Nickel strings. These strings sound different. Also the Mk1 has a rosewood and the Pro an ebony fingerboard. anyway, here it is: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7cSVxgBeA[/media]
  6. Hi, I have had 4 Wals. Two fretted Mk1's and two fretless Pro's with one bridge pickup. Still own one Mk1 and one fretless Pro. The sound is almost the same as the bridge pickup of an Mk1, but with a little more bottom. With the little switch you can have more bottom but it will also get more muddy. Not sure though what that switch actualy does electronically. I never use the little switch and prefer the normal sound. The bass has the typical Wal sound. And I like the simplicity. Just one volume and one treble knob. You never have to dial in the right tone (like on an Mk1) it's already there. Here is a clip of me playing it. There are more clips if you go to my youtube channel. Hope this helps: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kw0ltIsRvI[/media]
  7. [quote name='WalBone' timestamp='1340708969' post='1708300'] the passive sound is pure Wal, and the single-coil facility makes for some interesting and widely varied tones. [/quote] was the different electronic setup made by Wal on request of the customer or did someone change the original active electronics? How would you describe the single coil sound? wander how a Wal sounds with coil tap. Maybe more jazz bass like?
  8. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1339931205' post='1696350'] he said that the bass had neck dive.... used that bass quite often for 6 month... never had a single prb like that so i don't know [/quote] Well the Pro headstocks are heavier than the MK1 headstocks. Paired with a lighter wood it can cause neck dive. Also the Schaller tuners are fairly heavy. I read somewhere that Percy Jones also complained about neck dive when Wal made his first bass. After returning that bass to Wal they adjusted it somehow and then gave it back to Percy Jones who was now happy with his Wal.
  9. Wander what his intentions are: 'it is the best fretless bass I have ever played in my life' and then selling it after 6 days.
  10. Is this still yours? or is it already on resale again?: [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Very-rare-WAL-Percy-Jones-custom-fretless-bass-1981-Mick-Karn-/300727138582?pt=Guitar&hash=item4604bbf916#ht_500wt_1203"]http://www.ebay.com/...6#ht_500wt_1203[/url]
  11. ok, this is the very first time I see a Wal with this PJ headstock. Thanks for clarifying. And sorry for the confusion. Maybe it was some prototype that never went into production. I doubt if it was made for Percy Jones since he stated very clearly that he only plays on unlined necks. I guess we will never know for sure. Very nice bass!
  12. Wal made some basses for Percy Jones in those days. But there never was any Percy Jones Custom model in production.
  13. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1338756539' post='1678997'] 1981 Percy jones custom bass Mahogany body maple neck Lined frettless On this one : Wal was not able to say how many PJ custom bass were even made. It was sold in 1981 with a fretted and a frettless neck. I am expecting the question : do you have the frettless neck on it??? I do not know wether the bass as i got it was with the frettless neck, or with the defretted fretted neck.... [/quote] What is the story on this bass? Percy Jones did never have a lined fretless neck on any of his basses as far as I know. And how is this a PJ custom bass? Never heard of a Wal PJ custom bass. Do you have some pictures?
  14. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1335389535' post='1630489'] For the date on the neck here examples [url="http://www.jedistar.com/jedistar_vintage_guitar_dating_w.htm"]http://www.jedistar....ar_dating_w.htm[/url] Two others necks for a 1987 Wal MK1, thanks to the owner. Dates written by the masters luthiers [/quote] Not all Wal basses have dates written on the neck. I guess it would be 50%. Most have the date written in the cavity plate. But there is absolutely no reason to believe that this bass isn't from '81. And to be honest it doesn't really matter as long as it isn't a Fender. Wal basses are solid over all years. So it doesn't really matter from which date it is. It isn't the best time to sell expensive instruments but just be patient
  15. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1335259478' post='1627962'] Last night, i spent time on several sites and the Wal database. Now i know why this Bass, having a Pro Bass serial number PB1857, doesn't have a Pro Bass headstock (larger size and different shape). This Mk1 has a Custom Series look (golden hardware, new headstock) because it was done around 1982, 1983, 1984. The best know example is the beautiful Mick Karn's Mk1 which has a earlier PB serial number (PB1757)but was done in 1982. So it has a Custom series Look. [/quote] This bass is a very early Mk1. So kind of a transitional model. So that is why it has a PB serial number. There are some other Wals which also have that. Nothing strange. What date is written inside the cavity?
  16. Very nice one! I am almost tempted to swap it for my fretted Wal MK1 '89 shedua. Since I play fretless mostly.
  17. Really like this one. It has aged really nicely with that Yellowish birdseye maple.
  18. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1327443627' post='1511461'] Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder? [/quote] It is just a joke. 11 is as loud 10. Like in Spinal Tap where the Marshalls go till 11. Don't think to much about it.
  19. Very nice Laurence! great bass. I Like the fretless neck.
  20. My fretless wal Pro also has the markers just like this one. It is not unique but it is more rare since most Wals have the dots right on the lines. I prefer it like this one.
  21. Are you sure that is an rosewood fretboard? looks like ebony
  22. This is a great bass. I have played on it once and it was very nice! If I didn't have one already this would be mine.
  23. [quote name='spiritchaser' timestamp='1317632399' post='1392400'] Barend, the right Wal indeed features "stained" sycamore facings and it's only a couple of days old. I got it last Wednesday from Paul. [/quote] It is one of the most beautiful Wal facing I have seen. The rosewood almost looks like ebony.
  24. Really like the right one. Beautiful finish. is that some sort of sycamore? is it a recent one?
  25. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1316759342' post='1382371'] My fretless Wal is unlined and has the dots at the fret positions - it was normal I believed for lined fretless Wals to have the dots in the between-frets positions. Hence this isn't a pointer to this instrument having been de-fretted in my view. [/quote] No not true. There are some fretless Wals with the dots between the fret lines. My Pro also has it like that and I have seen a few others with the dots like that too. But they are just more rare.
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