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Everything posted by Machines

  1. I've always done the same thing when i've been unhappy - this has generally left me bandless though. I've got my profile on musofinder, but to be honest - I rarely even check it for messages.
  2. Saw some this weekend at a guitar show. They seemed a bit cheap and nasty to me.. the pickups looked awful.
  3. Perfect line up pretty much. Just need a Thunderbird and then you'd have pretty much all of the iconic 'classics'.
  4. Had a play on the Progress the other night, it does play oh so well. Perhaps i'll look at changing the pickups and EQ, as I think in terms of playability - i've hit the jackpot.
  5. I just cleared ALL cookies in my browser and it seems to be better. Also tweaked some global board settings (toggled on/off stronghold cookies) to see if this helps.
  6. I log in from 4 devices (2 home PCs (Chrome), 1 work PC (IE8) and 1 Android device). The issue is persistent across all, but not until I go to another device. There us no doubt that the problem is not with the browsers but the forum accepting the existing cookie. It seems more prevalent on Macs though. I assume all Mac users are using Safari ?
  7. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='1139533' date='Feb 24 2011, 06:53 AM']They do look lush. I played a restless Overwater jazz 5 the other day which felt lovely and was a thing of beauty. However, in the interview in Bass Guitar Magazine, it seems that this new range is being built in North Korea. Is this really true?[/quote] Highly unlikely. I'm sure it was China..
  8. Confidence is irrelevant, i'm a bedroom bassist after giving up on bands due to the horrors of dealing with other people to try and make music . Technique wise i'm not too shabby and i've been playing long enough to know when the instrument is where I have an issue. I think the golden period when you have a new instrument and are trying out new sounds is indeed the best bit for me, perhaps I need to change my focus from the sound I hear to the music I play ?! Think i'll put the Progress up for sale soon, GAS will have it's way in the end.
  9. In the last 5 years i've been through quite a few basses (in chronological order) Spector Q6 Pro Yamaha BB614 Fender Jazz MIM Ibanez Musician MC900 Musicman Stingray 2EQ Lakland 55-02 Warwick Corvette $$ 5 Bacchus Venus 5 Overwater Progress III Deluxe (Still owned) Epiphone Thunderbird (Still owned) And, after experiencing all of these wonderful instruments, i've come to the conclusion I still don't know what I want. The quality and price of the instrument does not seem to correlate directly to the enjoyment I get from it, this baffles me. If I had to pick between my T-Bird and the Overwater for a quick play, the T-Bird will win. I'm starting to think having such an expensive instrument as the Progress is perhaps wasted on me, as I don't really appreciate it for what it can do. It is an exquisite instrument in terms of construction quality, and aesthetically also - is very pleasing. However I never pick it up and have a grin on my face after (ignoring initial honeymoon period of when I got it). I can't get on with the EQ at all and am not convinced changing it would make me love the bass. I think selling it and buying a couple of cheaper basses (with different sound pallets) would make me happier than one top quality custom bass. Does anyone else find dissatisfaction with almost everything they get ?
  10. [quote name='phatmonkey' post='1137189' date='Feb 22 2011, 03:28 PM']Okay, I've made some changes to the cookie settings. Try the "delete cookies" link at the bottom of the home page and try logging in again. Please only post here if you have tried that and it still isn't working. [/quote] Still the same problem i'm afraid..
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1135806' date='Feb 21 2011, 05:16 PM']Not being funny but does that mean that Mods want members to grass up any offending threads? Sorry if 'grass up' seems a bit melodramatic! To do this is there a button to hit to report those members flogging their eBay items and is that really what you want members doing?[/quote] To try and draw a parallel, do you call the Police if someone is mugging an old lady outside your house or expect them to be driving past and stop it ? The severity of the situation is obviously drastically different, but the principle is that we can't possibly keep an eye on everything. The report function is both an 'emergency' (e.g phishing/spam) and also minor problem reporting function (thread in wrong forum). We don't see anyone as 'grassing up' people, just helping keep the forum tidy and for the function it was intended for.
  12. [quote name='tauzero' post='1135677' date='Feb 21 2011, 04:01 PM']They'd still ignore it. Are any mods actually reading this thread? Perhaps any mods who move auction threads from "For sale" to "Ebay links" could be pointed at this thread?[/quote] How many of these threads have you reported ? Using this function will alert moderators to any offending posts.
  13. [quote name='NJE' post='1132649' date='Feb 18 2011, 07:38 PM']They used to open on Sundays for a while in the summer I think but they stopped doing it quite quickly, best give them a ring before you make an effort to find it.[/quote] Yep I did, they were closed ! However, I had time this morning and popped in for a quick look when they opened at 0930. Literally a flying visit as the car was outside on double yellows with the wife at the wheel ! Looked a good store, shame I didn't have more time. Managed to get some knobs for the Thunderbird though so mission accomplished.
  14. I had a 55-02 and it was cracking, only the EQ was a little too polite for me ! I'd love another though..
  15. Hah, the name is misleading - there'll be plenty of basses too !
  16. Hi terrabass - lovely bass ! You might want to provide more info such as where you are located, this will help potential buyers determine if it is practical for them to buy from you .
  17. It seems to be replacing Music Live (usually at NEC) that seemed to fall through last November. This one is sponsored heavily by PMT I believe, I think the venue is a bit smaller too so should be alot more cosy ! Plus no £7 to park..
  18. Anyone going ? [url="http://ukguitarshows.co.uk/"]http://ukguitarshows.co.uk/[/url]
  19. [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cheltenham+guitar+shop&aq=t&sll=51.896807,-2.079892&sspn=0.009719,0.053301&ie=UTF8&rq=2&ev=zo&split=1&hq=guitar+shop&hnear=Cheltenham,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.905043,-2.083712&spn=0,0.0739&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.905113,-2.08396&panoid=3wOrQn_eAxtcpW2VF4KYBw&cbp=12,261.85,,1,8.94"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...,261.85,,1,8.94[/url] Check out the sign on the window... kerching !
  20. I find it hard to imagine Gloucester being a scary place.. I live near Aston !
  21. You may want to edit your link - it doesn't work .
  22. Only going to be there Sunday so looks like i'll have to miss out ! I think i'm spoilt by being able to go to PMT 7 days a week..
  23. Am going there on the weekend - can anyone recommend anywhere worthy of a browse on Sunday ?
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