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Everything posted by Machines

  1. Oh yeah, PMT have a quite a few Ibanez and definitely had a red Jaguar when I was last in just before Christmas. Dave Sheriff (big guy with a goaty) or Pat are the guys to speak to.
  2. [quote name='tauzero' post='126574' date='Jan 24 2008, 12:29 AM']He had the nicest Squier Strat I've ever played in there a while back (a sampler made by a Korean factory when they were touting for business from Fender).[/quote] Was it a red one ? If so my Dad bought it. Plus yeah, out of the shops above I think PMT has the best range and great staff.
  3. I'd like to try one of the Riminis, they look more 'up my street'. [url="http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_bass_guitars/rimini_deluxe_bass_guitar.htm"]http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_b...bass_guitar.htm[/url]
  4. [quote name='charic' post='125990' date='Jan 23 2008, 11:08 AM']Question is will myung pick up the bongo 6er now? As he was using a bongo 5 at times[/quote] That's whilst he was waiting for the Bongo 6 to be made .
  5. It says in the post above yours it sold in November last year:)
  6. Looks like a new model. [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/"]JHS[/url] stock Danelectro for the UK...
  7. Looks much nicer now... almost fancy it myself.. except i'm skint .
  8. I'd dig it, but then throw it in the hole and bury it.
  9. Yep I run that exact setup. The ABM has the ability for one cab ¼ jack and one speak-on. The MAG cabs have the ability to be connected either way.
  10. I only knew about the forthcoming FreeBASS and that's it..
  11. Have you seen how much it is ?! I wouldn't want to review a bass i'm automatically biased against based on price.
  12. I believe with maple it's quite tough. The dirt ingrains itself into the wood more than it would with a rosewood board. You shouldn't use lemon oil on a maple neck (apparently), look here: [url="http://www.jemsite.com/tech/3other.htm#fbclean"]http://www.jemsite.com/tech/3other.htm#fbclean[/url]
  13. Lovely colour.. i'd have that Sterling, yummy.
  14. Ok that's enough now. He's not trying to sell it for over the top price or trade it for a value it isn't worth. He's after a swap for a guitar of similar value. Sure - it's potentially misleading about it being a MusicMan, but now everyone knows it isn't.
  15. Definitely not a MusicMan. Looks like it is the Tanglewood to me..
  16. I most likely could get one.. are we interested ?
  17. Whoa - clean that fretboard before you try and flog it !
  18. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='124756' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:41 PM']I might bring a guitar![/quote] Ever been lynched before ?
  19. Just a note to all - space will be fairly limited and lots of people bringing big rigs will result in sardine syndrome. So if you are buddies with someone taking a rig, it might be worth asking to 'share' theirs. Also sensible volume limits have to be in place otherwise it'll result in a load of noise with no-one really hearing anything. Think volume wars with your guitarist but worse...
  20. I think he means you might not receive it at all.. let alone get it in bad condition. But it does look genuine.
  21. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='124662' date='Jan 21 2008, 03:09 PM']Will bring any of the following if anyone's interested but otherwise I won't bother.[/quote] Would love to try the Bongo Al .
  22. I'll be there, likely to bring: Ashdown ABM300 Ashdown MAG210 Musicman StingRay I'll try and have a review bass in at that time also so we can all give it a go...
  23. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='124561' date='Jan 21 2008, 01:15 PM']I've not been to one of these Bass bashes, but Northampton is close for me and I might give it a try. What exactly goes on? Is it aimed a a particular level (i.e Will I feel a complete plonker because I'm not particularly good?) Clive.[/quote] Not at all. It's a chance for people to check out everyone elses gear and have a chat. There isn't a great deal of actual proper playing (jams etc).. most people are doodling around just like you do in a guitar shop.
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