Went into guitar shop by me to kill a few minutes.. it's the kind of shop you go to buy a Squier starter kit for your 12 year old, anything more exotic is likely amazingly overpriced. Anyway - they had an EHX Mini Q-Tron which I fancied trying, asked them to let me have a go. I was plugged into the smallest and least powered bass combo they had available (15w Ashdown, they had a 100w available), which the worst bass i've ever picked up (Johnson P-Copy).
Oh well I thought - I just want to hear the pedal... but it didn't work ! Every note I played seemed to clip the pedal and I couldn't get a note out of it, just random farts and buzz. The response from the shop worker "Yeah it's been here ages i'm not suprised it doesn't work haha !". He offered to get me another one in, I declined the offer and departed.