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Everything posted by greghagger

  1. I’ve finally got round to making and releasing the Blues course! https://gregsbassshed.com/walk-the-blues-bass-video-course
  2. https://gregsbassshed.com/gbs-blues-week-for-bass-players For anyone wanting to start playing Blues bass or wanting to learn more about Blues progressions, transposing chord sequences, the Blues scales and creating Blues riffs and bass lines then come and check out my online Blues Week Series. There are three videos lessons in the series and it’s all free. If you want to get a feel for the Blues or just want to brush up or revisit the essentials then this is perfect for you.
  3. @thebigyin glad you are enjoying the lessons. I have a few Blues week going on right now at Greg’s Bass Shed that you might be interested in: https://gregsbassshed.com/gbs-blues-week-for-bass-players
  4. If you are serious about playing Blues and want to be prepared for a Blues jam night then you need to know about the 8-bar Blues chord progressions. There are more variations in the 8-bar than the 12-bar Blues, although both progressions both mainly use chords 1, 4 & 5. So you need to know the particular songs that follow the 8-bar format. Popular songs that use the 8-bar progression are ‘Worried Life Blues’ and ‘Key To The Highway.’ Find out all you need to know in my latest Youtube lesson. This week's free PDF contains the important 8-bar chord sequences that you need to know and also recommendations for songs to listen to. You can pick up the PDF using the link under the video. Hope this is helpful for you if you are learning Blues progressions.
  5. Cheers @Geek99 - Duck is so great isn’t he. I learn a new thing every time I listen to him.
  6. I'm guessing you have seen Duck Dunn's awesome rendition of 'Sweet Home Chicago' in the Blues Brothers film. This is the scene where Jake and Elwood escape from the police and the song goes on for a good seven or eight minutes! Duck Dunn is playing all over the fretboard but still manages to hold down the bottom end and stay locked in with the shuffle groove. I have made a Youtube video where I pull apart some of Duck Dunn's bass line and extract the riffs and techniques that you can use in your own Blues bass lines. I have resisted a simple 'teach yourself to play Sweet Home Chicago lesson' as there are loads of those already on YouTube. But I try to distill the essence of Duck's bass line and give you something tangible to take away. If you are wanting to get ideas to help make your shuffle Blues bass lines more interesting then check out the video. You can also transfer some of the walking lines to your jazz bass lines too.
  7. Definitely agree that identifying shapes on the fretboard and developing your ear are vital skills. But to really open doors you need the whole package - great ear, good reading skills, a good understanding of how music works. I’m not sure how you feel about this but each important element of being a musician work together and enhance the other parts. Just because you use patterns on the fretboard, this doesn’t mean you can’t understand why these patterns work and how to apply them.
  8. Everyone has to start somewhere. Even with knowing one note first of all! just go for it and you will very quickly learn more.
  9. Definitely agree with this. 60-70% of my work involves reading.
  10. Hi @Reggaebass I recently saw a live lesson with Don Chandler and it was awesome and so informative. He really is the best Reggae teacher that I have seen on YouTube.
  11. Cheers @SumOne
  12. I have made a video lesson to help anyone wanting to learn 7th arpeggios. Arpeggios provide you with chord tones which are the essential 'building blocks' for bass lines. The notes of the arpeggio are chord tones. It is that simple! This lesson will give you five positions in which to play the maj7 arpeggio, getting you to play in different areas of the neck. You can apply these five positions to other types of arpeggios too and use them to start on any root note. The possibilities are endless and this is just what you need if you want to play exciting bass lines and get into playing walking bass.
  13. Nice tunes!
  14. Great, it is so useful and has pretty much every jazz standard you would ever need! Yes, you will do yourself a massive favour in the long run if you start working with chord names rather than fret diagrams. You can also make up setlists and write your own chord sequences too. Enjoy it!
  15. Nice one! Yeah I do a similar thing with arpeggios and chords. You can also think about it as continuous 2-5-1’s. I often play a major 2-5-1 then change the ‘1’ to a minor chord and carry on with that being the ‘2’ of the next 2-5-1. The i-real app is so great isn’t it. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t got it.
  16. The Circle of Fifths does need to be explained careful, not least because in the Jazz world it is called the Circle of Fourths! But it is very helpful when learning about keys and chord progressions. But I get your point, that is not an area that sone people are particularly interested in learning about.
  17. You can learn the theory behind music which leads to understanding, but also learn patterns. You then have the best of both worlds.
  18. That’s great @Doddy good illustration of the modes. Thanks for that. Personally I see no problem in learning shapes and patterns on the fretboard. It’s can be very useful to learn the shapes of the modes and Pentatonics, etc. But learning the theory behind music is also very important as @Geek99 mentioned. The two aren’t mutually exclusive though. The modes aren’t actually useful at all though when learning to sight read. An understanding of key centres, where the notes are written and how rhythm works is what is necessary. You don’t have to go near modes for this area. Chord tones (arpeggios) are much more important in the real world for bass players. Modes do have their role though if you are soloing.
  19. That’s definitely a useful system for learning the modes @Reggaebass If we are talking purely for sight reading purposes then learning key centres and the sharps and flats in each key is more useful. Just for this particular situation though. An understanding of the modes and the different patterns will of course help with other areas of playing though.
  20. That’s a common issue. Start playing exercises in G Major and then move onto D Major, etc. and then do the same in the flat keys starting on F Major. Over time you will become more confident with different keys. Also remember that a sharp or flat (and natural) sign lasts for a whole bar.
  21. It’s to open up options. For example you can use substitutions to get smoother and more interesting walking lines or give more options for the soloists.
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