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Everything posted by greghagger

  1. Thanks, I’m pretty excited to be offering a reading music course. Been wanting to put one out for a long time. Although in my opinion, playing by ear is a necessary skill for bassists, I am also a great believer in the benefits that reading music can offer. In that, I come from the same direction as Jeff Berlin. I hope I’m more amicable in general on social media than Jeff though!
  2. Yep I absolutely agree with your point about practicing. A good teacher will give you ideas, direction, concepts, etc. but ultimately it’s down to the pupil to use this information and practice! Behind every great musician, there is a lot of self-discipline and hard work.
  3. Maybe you should get in touch with Mark and ask 😂 There is no doubt that Mark is a good teacher and the course sounds good value. One thing I would say though is lots of content is not necessary the best judge of a course value. If another course can get you from A to B in say 20 lessons then that actually might be better for those with less time.
  4. I agree with you. It needs to be a good teacher for one-to-one lessons or online courses. Some teachers don’t tailor lessons to each specific pupil and just teach from the same book or resources. I am thinking of offering an add-on to my reading music video course that I am releasing next month. This will be a Skype/zoom meeting at the end of each module of the course to discuss any questions that might have come up in the module. From feedback, I have learnt that some sort of support during an online course can often be beneficial. Maybe the best of both worlds?
  5. I make online tuition videos and courses and teach one-to-one. Out of the two methods of learning, I agree that one-to-one lessons with a good teacher are ultimately going to help you to progress more quickly as these lessons are tailored specifically for you. In my opinion online courses are second best to one-to-one lessons but can also be very useful and the fact is that it isn’t always practical or affordable to have one-to-one lessons.
  6. Are you working in Mark’s marketing department? 😜
  7. I’m sure a paid course by Zoltan will be worth the investment. He’s a great teacher/player with a wealth of real life experiences playing and teaching. He is also an amusing guy! But it’s all a matter of taste. We all like different teachers.
  8. Pino did use a Stingray for the track. I haven’t got a fretless Stingray or I would have used it in my video.
  9. Thanks! Spend some time on it & you’ll be fine.
  10. Spot on! He’s so humble in that interview is he. What an awesome musician.
  11. I’ve made a video about Pino’s sublime fretless bass line on the intro to Paul Young’s, Wherever I Lay My Hat. Pino quotes an interesting source for part of the melody. Anyone know who that source is?
  12. Quite possible there are some more C#s in there as it is the third of the chord. Well spotted if so!
  13. I understand this, I often just play my own thing when playing covers! Glad you enjoyed the video.
  14. In this video I break down the bass line from ‘Already Gone’ by The Eagles. This song is classic Country Rock and features Randy Meisner on bass. There is the classic country root/5th feel in the verse & a Blues type riff in the chorus. As usual you can download a free PDF with standard notation or Tab. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/kIQa8xIYORw
  15. Thanks for all your comments, really appreciate you taking the time to do this. I now have a massive list of new Blues bass players to check out which is great. if anyone else reads this thread, then please let me know other Blues bass players that might have been left off the list. cheers
  16. Oh yes! I did use to listen to that album a lot at one time. Again I had completely forgotten about it. I agree that Pino should go down as one of the greats. He is so versatile and class in every genre he plays.
  17. Interesting point there. Maybe the bass players were better known from the live scene rather than albums.
  18. Love Danny Thompson too, wasn’t aware of Russel Jackson by name so that’s one for me to research.
  19. Excellent, thanks I had forgotten about Roscoe. Saw him in the mid 90s with Robben Ford and I loved that gig.
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