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Everything posted by greghagger

  1. I’m currently planning an ebook to help beginner bass players. I’ll list the main topics I am thinking of covering. What do you think? Anything else obvious I have missed? Any contributions welcome. Thanks in advance. Here is the list : String names and tuning Left hand technique Right hand technique Starting To Read Music Handy scales and arpeggios Brief intro to different styles Beginner basses and amps Greg’s Bass Shed
  2. Hey I have done a short vlog of my recent gig on bass at the Albert Hall, London playing the soundtrack from ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’. The music was written by Vince Guaraldi and is a fantastic soundtrack. I talk briefly through my gear and there is a small amount of footage from the soundcheck and gig. Let me know what you think. https://youtu.be/55D0X-_5TAU
  3. Hey here is a new video from Greg’s Bass Shed to help learn the bassline from Nirvana’s Lithium. Another classic bassline from Kris Novoselic. The lesson comes with a free PDF which you can get by following the link in the description. You can also use that for reading practise. Have fun! https://youtu.be/IoWR4bwCWfY
  4. Hi Stevie thanks for your input as it’s always good to get personal opinions. So my point at the beginning of the video is about engaging the pads of the fingers and getting your power from the top knuckle. Of course you have some bend from each knuckle but the principle is not to have really bent fingers so you end up using the tips of your fingers. Hopefully that’s cleared up the confusion. If you watch the video from about 3.15 on the close-up you will see what I mean about using the pads of your fingers. Maybe I’ll put some text on the video saying something like ‘a little bending won’t harm your technique but don’t have really hooked fingers’😂 Glad you think it’s great I’m putting lessons online and thanks again👍🏻
  5. Ha! Can you turn the video upside down. While you are at it you can turn the left hand technique video upside down too!! 😂
  6. Hey anyone who is interested in tips on improving their right hand technique or beginners looking to get advice then have a look at the video link below. There are photos & a free pdf of the exercises to download. Enjoy and I hope it’s useful: https://youtu.be/D8D4zOugBsg
  7. Here is a project I completed using ‘ready-made’ parts to put together a Tele Bass. I finished the body & neck with Wudtone which was a really interesting process for someone like me who isn’t experienced with staining, finishing or in fact working with wood. All respect to the builders on here who start from scratch. I take my hat off to you! For the novice or anyone interested in Wudtone, check out the video https://youtu.be/Bm9mijSt20A
  8. Here is the playlist of the Bass Beginner Series. More videos updated next week. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8NuE6bwYMXb5OZydYoTe91AtVV6c_koZ
  9. If you are still looking for free online bass tuition then check out my YouTube channel. It’s still relatively new but I am adding new videos every week & building it up. Hope it’s helpful & get in touch if you need help. Greg https://youtu.be/JjU08-m86SE
  10. Hi folks Just uploaded a video on left hand technique to Greg’s Bass Shed. This will be useful if you are a beginner or intermediate player looking to quickly improve your technique. If you have any questions or feedback then please comment below or on YouTube. I’ll answer as quickly as possible. Hope it’s useful. Greg https://youtu.be/JjU08-m86SE
  11. Ok I am going to test the videos on different headphones/earphones & speakers & see what’s going on. Thanks Greg
  12. Yes you have a very good point there!!!! It did make me laugh though. I better get off this thread sharpish!!
  13. Thanks. Started messing around with inserting notation in Video No.6 but I’ll have more of a think. Have a good day & thanks again. Greg
  14. Thanks lots to think about. Greg
  15. Thanks for taking the time to give me that feedback. Before posting on Basschat I hadn’t had any feedback so it’s very valuable. Just so I’m clear did you watch the Picking Video(No.9) or the Starting Out Video(No.4)? I sat down for my first few videos but thought they looked a little static & boring so have been experimenting with standing up but that does make it harder to film & like you say that might actually make it harder to learn from. Definitely an issue to think more carefully about. I normally roughly plan out a lesson beforehand & write a cue sheet of ideas but I think preparing more & having a better script might help eradicate some of the umms and errs!! So on your point No.4 do you mean inserting photos into the video at points to give the lesson some direction? Your advice is much appreciated Thanks Greg
  16. Thanks for that. Annoyingly from some other feedback I have realised that the bass in my first 7 videos are way too quiet. I mixed the bass & voice on earplugs which should have been realistic but definitely weren’t!! I think I’ll have to edit all the early videos & then upload again. Really appreciate the feedback as I now know it’s definitely a problem! Is the voice low too or just bass? This is my newest video. If you get a chance and don’t mind can you let me know if the volume is better. Thanks Greg.
  17. 😊 Check out my YouTube channel for free bass tips & lessons. I’m a professional bassist and I have set up the channel to pass on to you as much of the knowledge I have picked up on my musical journey as possible. It’s in the early stages so subscribe as I’m adding lots of new content every week. Feedback much appreciated. Thanks fellow basschatters!
  18. I suppose when we get to a certain level it can sometimes be hard to recollect just how basic advice needs to be to help beginners. Great that she is putting a free video out to help beginners. I’m currently setting up a bass educational YouTube channel with free bass videos. Have a look if this might interest you. It’s in the early stages but adding new improved content every week. Let me know if you would like me to make a video on any particular bass topic or area.
  19. Hi everyone I think Scott’s Bass Lessons are great. If you can’t afford it or aren’t into his style then I’m currently setting up an YouTube free bass tuition channel. Lots of new free videos going up all the time & improvements happening to the technical side of things. Give it a try, it’s free! Greg’s Bass Shed
  20. Well spotted ezbass. Yes it’s a Suhr J-bass. Dave it’s a lovely bass. Had it a few years now. Couldn’t quite get on with it at first but I’ve found out that it works great for rock type stuff which isn’t what I expected. It is of course pretty versatile but has more of a modern sound with the Suhr preamp in it.
  21. Great thanks for that info. A guitarist mate was explaining that hold to me too. I will endeavour to get that sorted. Cheers.
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