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Everything posted by PTB

  1. I learned on a couple of basic 4 strings. When I first started gigging, I had a Modulus Quantum 6. Now, 98% of my gigs are on double bass so I definitely fit the bill. I do still have a nice modern active 5 but it mainly gets played at home. I think tastes change, both in basses, what we see our peers & heros using and the type of music we want to play as we get on. The Modulus was a wonderful thing to have in the late 80s but I now prefer a simpler approach.
  2. I've played this and it's a top piece of kit, great to play, sounds wonderful. Have a bump on me.
  3. Here I am.....not sure what's distracting me up on the ceiling!
  4. I remain committed to seeing ND one day but you always fail to ask me when would suit me.....and therefore I am never available when you play in London. I shall remain resolute and one day, it will happen.
  5. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1376125483' post='2169915'] Kai also had a great hyper jam band called Garage a Trois, IIRC, I think authorised live tapes are available for download at archive.org. [/quote] I think the band is Garaj Mahal but am unable to check at the mo'. Great player I agree.
  6. [quote name='BenTunnicliffe' timestamp='1375897002' post='2167146'] With all these arguments FOR the custom J + Ps I definitely still think that in what I see top flight session guys and gals using and in general at shows there does still seem to be far more people playing either straight ahead relic Fenders and boutique, super modern custom designs (Like my Overwater perception) and much less people going out there with the kind of classic-bass-updated designs we're talking about. [/quote] I can identify with this to some extent. I recently sold a Sadowsky and bought a '62 RI Jazz. To the non-anorak, they looked remarkably similar but I found I couldn't get a true vintage Jazz sound out of the Sadowsky. My MTD covers modern tones so the bass was not being used. This pairing suits me better. Having said that, if I had money for another good bass, I must admit I would love a good 5 string Jazz with a retro appearance. I was very taken by the passive Nordy 5 that was on here a week or so back. Alas, that will have to wait a while.
  7. Me too. :'( My back went late on Monday & by the time I got to my physio at 4pm yesterday, all the muscles were in spasm. I'm about 70% better after her magic touch and should be ok for 3 sets on DB on Friday night. I'm back to the physio first thing Saturday & hope that will do it. I am going to set a quarterly appointment with the physio going forwards: prevention is better than cure.
  8. Both basses look great & it sounds like a good band you're in. Enjoy the test drives!
  9. Can we have some pics of both please. It's always interesting what your band mates say. I do tend to take what they say lightly as I figure most of them were focusing on their own stuff/parts while I was wrestling with my new gear.
  10. I play real double bass, as you put it, through the same amp as you & I have MarkBass cabs with 10s & 12s. It's true I usually use the 12s with DB & the 10s with BG but that's more to do with space issues, both onstage & in the car. There are many DB & EUB players using 10s and smaller drivers with great success. There are various specialist DB cabs with small drivers so I don't think the concensus is 12s good, 10s bad. I think you will be just fine with what you have and I would rest easy until you have done a few gigs with your current rig.
  11. I concur with Clarky, it was great to watch him from 3 metres away. I think he had two pick-ups as there were 2 jack leads coming out of the bass; however it wasn't clear what or where the other pick-up was. The box on the floor was a square black box with 5 or 6 knobs which seemed to be AER. I assume this blended the two pick-ups. What ever it was, it sounded great. Mrs PTB & I shot off to eat after the gig, lost track of time, missed our train and are still struggling home. Ho hum....
  12. I recently sold a Sadowsky & replaced it with a Japanese Fender Jazz 62 reissue. It's excellent & I haven't noticed a downgrade. The US reissues have a nitro finish which ages nicely, at least the 62 does, not sure about the 75 reissue. If I was you, I'd buy a US reissue and a Sadowsky pre-amp/di pedal. You get the best of both worlds and plenty of change to fritter away/invest wisely.
  13. I never noticed that Clarky, no problem, I've been called worse! Hope your emergency gets sorted quickly T bird.
  14. Bass gear just outside Reading is your best bet. I think they have a sale on at the moment.
  15. Peter is great. My bass is a broken wreck that Peter lovingly rebuilt & it retains the scars but sounds wonderful.
  16. I had a 5 string with 2 J p/ups some years back. It was good. Very light, great neck and a modern sound. I sold it to buy a MM Stingray 5 that weighed a ton & then sold that & another bass and bought a US MTD. The current version of the Grendel is called the KZ I think. Take a look on the Bass Direct site.
  17. Happy Birthday Clarky, glad to hear you're celebrating in style!
  18. Looks like I can do it this year so..... 29. PTB - MTD 535, Reverend 5L,
  19. I can also confirm my Slaps hold their tuning well and last a long time.
  20. Well it's a 51 p bass tonight.
  21. [quote name='PTB' timestamp='1373884229' post='2142523'] I wonder if I can get down to the Kent gig tomorrow..... [/quote] Looks like I can after all. Make yourself known if you are going too !
  22. In this months Guitarist mag, they test a Mexican made nitro finished Strat & rate it highly. There's basses to come too IIRC. I guess this is a pre-RoadWorn.
  23. And I remember him in Nick Lowe's band, a great Tele wrangler. I wonder if I can get down to the Kent gig tomorrow.....
  24. Looks great, I must try one myself. I've just sold my Epi Zephyr Regent, the T Bone Walker model with 3 P90s. Our guitar player had been "encouraging" me to let him have it for a while & I have promised myself a new guitar for my birthday.
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