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Everything posted by PTB

  1. That's too much for me! My old bass teacher had a 4 string bass where the neck was fretless after the 7th fret. Never seen another like it.
  2. I said hello to Ped, Bluejay & Mark from Bass Direct, I think I saw Lozz in the distance (Hi Lozz - the Barefaced is still going strong!). The Scott Divine workshop was great, very enjoyable. As for most of the rest, I found it a bit meh to be honest. Lots of unusual basses in shapes that didn't appeal to me, lots of noise and no obvious bargains apart from some string offers so I came home with nothing. I'll still be back next year though. The show is a good thing overall and I do want to support it. I think this year just wasn't for me.
  3. Wife & nipper have announced they have a play date this PM so I'll be there. Now where's that lanyard.....?
  4. Hi also from Croydon!
  5. That's my rig too. Glad you're as pleased with it as I am with mine.
  6. I've just bought a pedal from Tom in a very quick textbook purchase. Deal with him with confidence!
  7. I've never had the urge to name bass guitars or other instruments but my double bass is called Helga cos she's German and curvy.
  8. PTB

    Kinsale Jazz Festival

    Tonight through Monday, I am playing at the Trident Hotel In Kinsale near Cork, Ireland as part of their Jazz festival. This is the fringe of the main Cork Jazz Festival and it's always great fun. I'm back playing with Gentleman Tim and The Contenders so, if you are in Kinsale or Cork and fancy some West Coast Swing & Blues, I look forward to seeing you. Do say Hi if you can make it. We are on at 10pm each night apart from Monday which is an earlier start (will update shortly for exact time).
  9. So, it's the London show tonight. There was talk of meeting up beforehand earlier in the thread. If anyone fancies that, I'd be up for it. Please PM me.
  10. Congrats & enjoy! I have a v similar fretless from '85, they are great basses.
  11. I have just bought some DB strings off Fabrice and it was a smooth deal. Thanks Fabrice!
  12. I have just sold my beloved Reverend 5 to Gilles in a text book transaction. Clear and quick communications and prompt payment. Shipping to him was simply a matter of dropping the bass off in central London, very easy for me to do. You can deal with Gilles in confidence!
  13. I did it at a one-off covers gig earlier this year with two of my daughters on BVs. They pointed this out and sang it under duress. It's good fun to play but I'll suggest swopping it for another Stones classic if there's a next time. Another band I play in regularly does "Hey Little School Girl, can I go home with you". The singer usually remembers to make it "Little Sweetheart " instead but I cringe when he forgets. Some things don't age well.
  14. Just bought a bass from Ed in a textbook perfect transaction. It was great to catch up and talk bass awhile too. Thanks Ed!
  15. I've always thought "Who's sorry now?" Would be a good opener for a wedding band. 😆
  16. That's near me but I'm gigging myself tomorrow. Hope you go out on a high!
  17. You're not helping my Sadowsky GAS! I miss my old Candy Apple Red RV4.
  18. I use a Boss LS-2 line selector when I have this situation. It's an A B box with a volume for each side that makes it easy to balance 2 separate instruments. It's cheaper than a Bassbone & they often appear for sale on here or eBay. They also have various settings that means they do much more than what I have described above and can therefore solve other connection and balance issues.
  19. I've also booked for London and I'm up for curry too.
  20. I worked for a couple of years with a guitarist who had an Edwards 335 which was very nice - Seymour Duncan PAFs as standard. He told me that it was an ESP-made brand that was only meant to be sold in Japan, not for export. No doubt someone will be along to confirm or correct shortly :-)
  21. I have one of their earlier Rumblefish models and it sounds and plays great. A big sound, a bit Music Man like. Wouldn't mind trying one of these new ones at some point.
  22. PTB

    Rob Allen Mouse

    Thanks Owen! And now back to our Rob Allen thread......
  23. PTB

    Rob Allen Mouse

    [quote name='owen' timestamp='1432387585' post='2781044'] Perhaps here? [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/IMAG0406_zpsfa96ab62.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/IMAG0406_zpsfa96ab62.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Oh boy, that's cool! With apologies for going off topic, what is it please?
  24. I've had both and prefer MarkBass for tone, portability and reliability. My LMII & CM121P have done over 350 gigs and never let me down. My GK 700rb was a fairly good amp but heavier and the only amp to ever blow up on a gig. Just my tuppence worth.
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