Hi mate,
I hear your plight with the modern 3 EQ Stingrays, for I had one once and sold the bloody thing in a short span of time.
However, I now have an OLP MM2 Stingray copy Licensed by Ernie Ball that is passive. I had the China electronics removed, and added USA pots, cap, and jack.
I then bought a new Nordstrand MM4.2 Musicman style pickup, which are wired and modeled after the original Leo Fender Music Man Stingrays pickups from the late '70s which is warmer, meatier, ballsy, punchy, and growly & more organic , and took my OLP Ray to the highest heights that bass could go and without a pre-amp! I also feel that the passive factor helps with a more warmer, organic sound. I HIGHLY recommend getting a Nordstrand MM4.2 pickup for your Stingray which will help fatten and warm up your Ernie Ball Ray's sound the way the old '70s Stingrays sounded. I played a couple '70s Stingrays and once you have heard those, you would NOT turn back to the modern 3 EQ Ernie Ball Rays! Get that pickup, mate! Here's the link [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml"]http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/index.shtml[/url]
I see that these pickups are sold in the UK as well. Here's one place you can buy this pup at across the pond by you, mate....
I'm in NYC, USA, and its a pleasure to chat all you lads up about bass gear! Hope I was of some help, mate? Don't give up a Stingray, just give up that pickup in there now. If you put in the MM4.2, you can also choose to have a passive/active switch installed in your Ray, or just have the pre-amp taken out and go totally passive. You do have workable options that could encourage you to keep your Stingray, mate =)
Cheers mates,