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Vibrating G String

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Posts posted by Vibrating G String

  1. [quote name='Ken Smith' post='1265547' date='Jun 11 2011, 03:47 PM']I told you what? I write codes for orders when I do and you didn't know exactly what that code meant (an that's an easy mistake for a customer) then we shipped the right strings. Even IF I sent the wrong strings, calling someone stupid or idiot is not something that went down. Also, when was this? When was I last at a NAMM show? What did you have for breakfast that day? Exactly!.. lol[/quote]
    You hand wrote the order yourself at NAMM, I told you the gauges. You sent different gauges to what you wrote on the order. You then called me "stupid" and agued I was better off with the mistakes you sent me because what I chose was unbalanced even though it was a set you sold with your name on them. This is another example of you not standing behind what you make and sell. After yelling at me for a while you did send me the proper strings in the gauges you wrote on the original invoice.

    I have no idea what I had for breakfast that day but we often hit McDonalds on the way to NAMM, what did you have that day? I do know what you personally wrote on the invoice and so did you as when you finally calmed down you corrected your mistake. You never apologized for calling me stupid or yelling so loud at me on the phone my wife overheard it and asked who the F that was.

  2. [quote name='Ken Smith' post='1265469' date='Jun 11 2011, 02:32 PM']Paypal costs us 4% and we have to wait a few days to get the payment[/quote]
    Maybe you can talk to someone there as they only charge me 2.9% and the payment is instant. I wonder why they would charge you over a 1/3 more than me?

  3. [quote name='Ken Smith' post='1265432' date='Jun 11 2011, 02:00 PM']Not to get into detail but Monster Cable (after replacing 100s or more Jacks) needs to let people know that they use a type 2 tip on their plugs which are slightly over-sized which do in time strip the inner spring of most Barrel type Jacks.[/quote]
    When measured with a micrometer by a machinist no difference could be found in Monster cable or other brand plug sizes. This myth was debunked years ago as a weak attempt to pass the buck. All jacks wear out eventually. Just the claim that a thousandth of an inch more depression on a spring could make the difference between it working forever or failing is ridiculous.

  4. You may be boosting below what you actually want to hear. In their quest to out market each other bass amp makers push their specs lower than most people want. A 40 hertz may sounds cool as the E's fundamental is there but we don't hear 40 hertz well and 80 hertz is more prominent. Boosting a low mid may make the eq noticeable on all the strings.

    Also if you have a scoop of somekind in an eq a bass boost will be artificially limited to the boomy frequencies. If you're trying to get a dub tone rolling off the upper range may give you better results than trying to boost the bottom.

  5. [quote name='mcnach' post='1263983' date='Jun 10 2011, 06:49 AM']:)

    Yup. Dig up some of the old talkbass threads and you can see him screaming about how he has nothing to do with Ken Smith Design basses and is not responsible for them being crap even though his name is on them, he gets paid for that, and he sells them himself. He denied ever having anything to do with selling them and someone posted a bunch of old pages on his website talking about how cool they were and how to order them. They were inexpensive Chinese made basses and he marked them up way too high and then when they started falling apart he abandoned all the people who bought them. You really have to read the threads if you want the story direct.

  6. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='1262563' date='Jun 9 2011, 04:38 AM']I'm afraid the impression I always get from dealing with Smith is that everyone else is out of step but them.

    S[/quote]A long time ago I order a bunch of strings from Ken at a NAMM show. Ken himself took the order and filled it out. He sent me the wrong strings, when I called he answered the phone. When I told him I got the wrong strings he first told me I was wrong and that I had what I ordered, after finally convincing him to look at the order he told me I was stupid for ordering what I did and the ones he sent were better and then went on to call me an idiot for ordering the wrong product from him.

    F*** him! Get a different preamp, I never liked the pots he used any ways as they have no friction and are always changing settings. Bartolini's work great with his pickups and I'm sure most normal preamps will work as well. Of the three KS preamps I had all 3 had pot failures. It looks like the Burners use different preamps so my experience may not apply here.

  7. The bag I use for my Mark Bass LMII is from an emergency kit for your car. It's got a padded nylon case for the amp and a pocket on the side for cables and fits perfectly. Something for school books might work too. A small carryon rolling suitcase can work if you also carry other stuff like extension cords or whatever.

  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1259352' date='Jun 7 2011, 01:37 AM']BTW is cutting through the mix a good thing?[/quote]
    This could be another thread but I've always felt that was a funny goal too. Either way I've found the knobs on my amp can give any bass too much or too little cut so I've never wanted a bass for that.

  9. I've had a few friends work at RMCaudio, small world. Generally the best price for GK by a good deal.

    Looks like I can get it shipped to me for under $58, it didn't add tax and that can be almost 10%. I just checked USPS and got about $50 for shipping which is a lot. Figure about 3 or 4 pounds weight, can you find much cheaper?

  10. Oak has been used for many decades, sometimes renamed ash since most players buy based on names and reputation and not the way a guitar plays or feels. This renaming is very common in the wood trade, so many things get renamed mahogany or rosewood without being a true Swietenia or Dalbergia.

    Fodera and MTD made some oak necks and they were bordering on being trendy for a while. Apparently in most rainforests less than 10% of the wood is exportable because it is unknown and unmarketable regardless of it's timber qualities. Some South American luthiers are using woods with names we've never heard before with great success. And if you look at other instruments besides guitars you will see many more species being used.

    You have to keep in mind that what we consider blessed tonewoods today like rosewood and alder and ash were once cheap replacements for real tonewoods like ebony and mahogany. Oak can be used instead of other dense very hard woods with no discernible tonal difference.

  11. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1254797' date='Jun 2 2011, 03:18 PM']Because they are fugly beyond all imagining.[/quote]
    That's how I used to think of jazz basses :) Now I love them though I doubt the Big Al will have the same future for me.

    Every new Big Poppa promotion of a new color or whatever will have a big fanboy rush shortly followed by the eBay flood of those models. Currently on US eBay there are 15 Big Al's, most brand new. If you search for ones that sold there's 3. With EBMM if you can resist the marketing for a little while you can save a bunch of money.

  12. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1246738' date='May 27 2011, 02:14 AM']I have a vision of my next bass,and an offer of "is there anything at all that you would like for your 50th birthday ?" from my lovely wife.
    Body - Black Precision or Jazz...........hmm not decided on that yet.Precision would be P/J,Jazz would be J/J.
    BWB scratchplate.
    Jazz neck - Fretless/unlined/matching headstock.
    Gold Fender type hardware.
    EMG pickups,naturally.

    Anyone with photoshopping skills able to let me get a look at this in both Precision and Jazz shapes,your help will be greatly appreciated.[/quote]
    Check out the pics in this thread, pretty close


  13. Mr. prefect, love the sig :)

    In the US playing in church has become one of the major venues for bands and has become such a large market that manufacturers like Carvin and Peavey specifically target praise players. There doesn't seem to be any limit to the styles that can be played for christ, from the classic super tight and funky gospel to christian death metal with a lot of really bad sub mustang sally type players filling it out.

  14. [quote name='Austin7' post='1247867' date='May 27 2011, 09:35 PM']I find it hard to identify with what you are saying considering the close atheist and gay friends that I have. Also, I'm a Caucasian living in a multiracial family.[/quote]To identify with it you would have to consider some of the other 300 million Americans who aren't in your family or close circle.[quote]State laws attempting to restrict people from holding office would be antiquated early 19th century laws ruled as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. If anyone actually tried to keep an atheist from holding office, there would be so many lawsuits it would cause the earth to spin off its axis.[/quote]
    It's there if you look for it, here's the first thing I found for your state. There's tons more if you care to search. There are a number of right wing states trying to keep people off the ballots currently and of course the thousands of other religious fundamentalists who daily try to write laws based on the bible or sharia law or whatever.

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