For many years I played a Squier JV P - cost £129 (new) in 1983/4 I was never happy with it.
I built a few of basses from parts but was never happy with them either.
In 2016 I took the plunge and spent £1475 on a EBMM Sterling 4HH - unseen factory order that took 6 months to arrive.
It is far and away the most comfortable bass to play that I have ever owned - and it's quite versatile in its tone too.
I absolutely love it.
It totally killed my GAS.
I recently enquired of the EBMM factory what it would cost to have an identical bass made - they quoted $2,799 ex works - so plus shipping, import duties if any and +UK VAT - so likely to end up the wrong side of £3k. I passed.
I wish I'd spent the money sooner when I consider how much I wasted pursuing my 'ideal bass' through building one (make that 3).