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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. Firstly: It's got 5 strings Secondly: It's a Bongo and therefore fugly
  2. Yep - took 5 months to get my Sterling 4HH last year
  3. Stingray still offered in all options on the EBMM website.....thinking (in the absence of Sterling HS) of a Stingray HS with SLO neck....
  4. VHS: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B00004CK5G
  5. I was in a band with the drummer from Rudimentary Peni once....Jon Greville - like a metronome he was.
  6. Sorry if it's been posted already What is the consensus on this?
  7. I was trying to get the 'code' so I could possibly order quoting the correct configuration code
  8. yeah I see that but on the Configuration dropdown only 4H and 4HH available
  9. Last year I bought a EBMM Sterling 4HH brand spankers - I love it. I am thinking of ordering another but this time I'm after a 4HS - but 4HS is no longer a pickup configuration on the EBMM website. Does this mean that the 4HS is no more? https://www.music-man.com/instruments/basses/sterling
  10. The recording predates my time in the band, just, - the pic on the video post dates my first stint in the band..... The only 'OFFICIAL' video we ever made was this - - it was made on a French building site : - yes I am the fella with the 62JV...and yes we are miming badly...LOL
  11. They could've been on the guest list. I admit that, in the past, I have been guilty of this - only when it's free mind.
  12. Another averted disaster: Headlining the last night of the DropDead Festival 2012 in Berlin (supported by lene Lovich!!).....we turn up to the soundcheck at the venue at the time on our itinerary, It's closed. There are notices in german plastered all over it. Turns out that the previous night one of the acts had taken (and used) a flame thrower on stage, resulting in the local fire brigade being called out and the promoter fined €3000 and closing the place down......in her panic to sort out a new venue for us (and Ms Lovich) to play it seems the promoter had forgotten to let us know. Gig went ahead at a place called White Trash, much smaller than the original venue but had a very nice burger bar above it and nothing and nobody caught fire.
  13. Oh another distaster averted gig.....Valencia - Club Isla 1986 - huge crowd - early in the set - drum kit is on a riser uplit by loads of spots around its base....I wander a bit too close to the kit and get my foot stuck in one of the uplighting spots...my shoe is literally melting while I try to carry on playing as though nothing has happened....it took a good 15seconds to get my foot out and yes it was hot!
  14. Another gig - more a disater averted this time - - this time at a community hall in Sneek in Holland. The stage was about six foot high but wasn't the full width of the hall. At the sides were loads of those stacking plastic chairs packed into the space between the stage and the side wall. Mid set, mid song - stage lighting blackout - I'm wandering around when I wander off the side of the stage toppling into the piles of plastic chairs......still playing! ...I'm back on my feet and back on the stage before the stage is fully relit! yes I had indulged in the local wares before going on....probably didn't sound quite as good as I thought at the time
  15. We were playing the old Wardour Street Marquee back in the 80s..we'd got a few bars into the first track of the set and a full glass of lager comes flying out of the crowd and smashes on the keyboard which promptly packed up. We struggled on through the whole set without the keys, hating much of it to be honest .... but we were told afterwards that it was the best gig we'd played for ages!
  16. Not for commercial use So pretty pointless really
  17. Love my Sterling HH - after 35 odd years of P-basses and variations there of and after struggling with the dimensions of a Stingray I took the plunge and it is my forever bass.... The only other bass that is creeping onto my radar right now is a Sterling HS .....
  18. Did you skip it? This new album is proper polished compared to anything we've done before - even my sister was tapping her foot to it!!
  19. Mixes of our new album - at home, in the car, in the office, on my ipod walking about - as many environments and speakers as possible - trying to determine which things in which mixes work best and which mixes should be released.
  20. none my rig is light enough for a one man lift trip to the van - some of it has its own wheels and gets dragged
  21. Or the keyboard player has no amp and insists on filling his wedge with keyboard - when there's only 4 wedges and we're a 5 piece....guess who has to go without ? Vocals and guitar? Do they actually turn up to gigs?
  22. I followed exactly the procedure in the youtube video stevie posted I used Wurth capacitors from RS Now I have exactly the noise demonstrated by this video (the video is RP5 not RP6 but the noise is the same)
  23. I've never had a music lesson in my life. I don't know any 'rules'. Hasn't stopped me making 9 albums.
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