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Everything posted by Mands

  1. Mands


    Errr I may only be a bottle blonde but you've lost me completely???
  2. Mands


    Thats bizarre as he's from Suffolk,but now living here
  3. Mands


    No Southampton....
  4. Mands


    Thank you,I will definitely keep you in mind if he wished to learn from someone.....even if you are from pompey..😆 🤣 lol
  5. Mands


    No not Suffolk.....Southampton.....
  6. Mands


    If he really does put in the practice time and gets good at it then at least he won't be so difficult to buy birthday/Christmas presents for. He already has the spare room claimed so he can use that as his practice room as the lounge is wall to wall full with my hobby of viking weapons and armour. I'm just hoping it's not going to be a fleeting hobby that he gets fed up with otherwise I may have to chase him with one of my many axes🤣🤣
  7. Mands


    Thank you all for your advice,after calling 3 local very reputable guitar shops in Southampton and explaining to them I have been advise that the rockstar package is perfect for a starter that just wants to learn it as a hobby for fun without a view of wanting to join a band or anything like that. Plus,if he's awful at it at least it'll annoy our horrible neighbour 🤣
  8. Mands


    Thank you for your advice,much appreciated
  9. Mands


    Thanks for the advice but as I'm on a tight budget I really need to get it from my catalogue so I can pay in installments...so its between those two...thanks anyway
  10. Mands


    Hi,could anyone please help,im looking to get my other half a bass guitar for xmas and I have seen two in my catalogue,he is a total beginner with no experience and I haven't a clue which one would be best,the link for my catalogue is below and its between the rock jam bass package or the 3rd avenue rocket series package. Any help would be so much appreciated. http://www.very.co.uk
  11. Hi,can anyone offer me any help,my other half wants to learn bass guitar,he has no experience with guitars so he is a total beginner. I have seen two different guitars in one of my catalogues and was wondering if anyone could recommend which one would be best,I am thinking of getting him it for Christmas. I'm having trouble posting a link to it but here are the details...the website is called "very" search for bass guitars,the two that I'm trying to choose between are the 3rd avenue rocket series electric bass guitar pack and the other one is Rockland precision bass guitar package...if anyone could have a look and give me some help it would be really appreciated as I havent got a clue. Thanks
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