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About markdavid

  • Birthday 11/04/1979

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  1. I have a custom set on order as I wanted a tapered stainless steel short scale set in a light gauge 100-74-54-40 , never used them before but with the limited options for short scale strings from most companies I will be very happy if these are good.
  2. This is pretty bad [YouTube]
  3. Is a good pickup but you need to make sure your pickup cavity is deep enough as the pickup poles extend out the back of the pickup several mm. Tonally I think it is fairly balanced, no extremes of eq but pretty aggressive attack to it, I can't be of much more help than that as I didn't have the pickup for long as my pickup cavity wasn't deep enough for the pickup, hopefully someone else can provide a more detailed description. Btw they are becoming more scarce so if you have seen one for sale I would get it, you can always sell it on if it doesn't work out.
  4. Just wondering, does anyone beside Delano make big pole piece P pickups? There is the Quarter Pounder but I am thinking bigger, more like Stingray size pole pieces like the below picture, thanks
  5. Awesome, I will get them swapped out to 500k pots
  6. Just had a quick look inside the bass and found something unexpected, tone pot is 500k whilst the volume pots are 250k , would changing the volume pots to 500k give me a brighter tone or is that just with tone pots ?
  7. Thank you,I will do this when I get home from work tonight
  8. Another question, if I do decide to remove the tone pot what is involved? is it just a matter of unsoldering the pot or is there more to it? Was going to get a tech to do it but with the Covid situation it may be a better idea as a home project, thanks
  9. Lol , its not that I cant hear the treble frequencies its that I like them and want even more of them, call it a stylistic choice
  10. Hi As per the title am after brightening up a 2 pickup passive bass, I looked at no load tone pots but it occurred to me that I never turn the tone control down anyway, it is permanently maxed and then a treble boost on the amp, would a 2 volume no tone setup be brighter than a 2 volume no load tone pot setup? Also how much brighter could I expect, bass is a P/J bass with Quarter pounder pickups , thanks
  11. Thanks I will give that a try One unrelated thing I thought I would ask , on Saturday I had a rehearsal where I was using the rehearsal places back-line which consisted of a 4x10 cab and what I think was a 2 x 12 cab and I was playing at the kind of volume you would expect for a rock band rehearsing (loud-ish) and when I was close-ish to the back line I was getting feedback which would probably not be surprising but it was only when I had the bridge J pickup turned up, the P pickup was not getting feedback. The J pickup is a Seymour Quarter pounder vs the P pickup being a Seymour Duncan Vintage SPB-1, I thought maybe the Quarter pounder being a high output pickup vs the Vintage P pickup being a moderate/low end of moderate output pickup might be the cause, what do you think? I did also have the treble cranked on the amp which may have had some effect
  12. Anyway , for anyone still interested I got my bass back. The guy said that he had given the bass a setup, clearly his idea of a setup is very different to mine, The good: the action at the nut is better but I would have preferred him replacing it as it is a cheapo plastic nut and it looks as such, neck relief is fine, I might tighten the truss rod a tiny bit The bad: The action on the other hand, I know its a £200 bass but that doesn't mean it needs sky high action , he had raised the saddles so the action was over 4mm high!!! I lowered to Fender spec which is my preference with this type of bass and the bass plays fine with this action so no idea why he set it so high The intonation was miles out, clearly he didn't check it So over all I am glad I got the action at the nut sorted and I may hold off on getting the nut replaced for now however I still need to sort out the bridge screws. What is involved in getting these sorted? can I just fill the holes with wood filler and then drill the holes?
  13. Apologies for bumping an old thread but I wanted @D'Addario UK to know how much I love these strings. I was a little apprehensive initially as they are more expensive than any set of roundwound strings I have brought for my basses but my interest was piqued reading about them. Stringing them on my Squier Jaguar bass (yes I know its short scale but I have never had issues using long scale strings) I was immediately struck by how loud and clear the strings were acoustically and how tight the E string sounded, plugged in they had a nice amount of brightness and actually have some characteristics of stainless strings, got a rehearsal at the weekend and looking forward to trying these out in a band setting, D'Addario please, please do not ever discontinue these strings
  14. Glad you got it sorted, also worth remembering in case you get another of these or similar in the future, the saddles can be taken out and re positioned for fine tuning of the intonation
  15. I found them to be brighter than regular Daddario XL nickels without the intense mid scoop, they are actually the only Daddario rounds that I like , the others are just kind of meh
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