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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. Daddario have a 145 gauge string, may be worth checking out, i used it to tune to B on a short scale and it worked fine so should be perfect for your application
  2. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1508942341' post='3395518'] Trujillo is so much more than just a metal bassist. He's a fully rounded musician who can ans has played the full gamut of styles from Jazz the full blown funk. To be honest I've always thought his talents are a little bit wasted in Metallica, although I'm sure Trujillo himself, and his paycheck, would disagree with me on that one. [/quote] Agree 100% on this, not knocking the quality of Mettalica's output it just seems that they mix the bass so low on their albums, their music would sound amazing if they brought Robert Trujillo's bass up louder in the mix, he is such a great bass player
  3. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1508502465' post='3392626'] You need big hair and spandex to get the best out of that model [/quote] I googled this bass after reading your comment, Wow, just wow!!
  4. This ones easy , Epiphone Flying V , this bass looked amazing , sounded really good..... but it was when I tried to sit down to practice with it, if you have ever tried sitting down to play a flying v you will know that it is just horrible, it took me all of a week before I moved it on
  5. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1507533268' post='3386024'] Slap is certainly not dead. Depends where you look, as it seems pretty main stream on YouTube, where every other video seems to be a product demo consisting mostly of slap! [/quote] this is a pet hate of mine, when you look up a demo of a bass or a pedal and its just slap all the way through, really does not give a good representation of the item
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1505835052' post='3374654'] Does high action sound better than low action? No. . . . it depends how your bass is set up and how you play it. If your strings are hitting the frets to the point that the notes are prevented from sounding good then it's either a bad set up or inappropriate technique. Don't blame the action! If you want a low action you can't just crank the bridge saddles down to make the bass play easier. That's only half the job. You've got to make sure the frets are even, the nut and pickups are at the right height and your technique is such that you can play the strings with a much lighter touch. Then the low action can work and sound good. If you "dig in" then only a higher action will work. [/quote] My strings are not hitting the frets with low action, my technique is sound and I play with a fairly light touch, I just find that for whatever reason a higher action produces a slightly different tone which is (imho) a better tone
  7. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1505825026' post='3374565'] The break angle over the saddles or nut can make a difference it seems. A higher action, meaning the saddles are much higher means that the string going over the saddle down to where the ball end is mounted, will have a greater force being applied to the top of the saddle. Or to put it another way, the string will be more tightly anchored to the saddle. The same *can* happen for the nut. I have a bass with a string retainer on it. I took the retainer off as I decided to spray it a different colour. With the bass tuned up to standard pitch, there was a noticeable (not massive though) difference to the tone of the open strings. The string being pulled down tightly against the nut made a difference to the tone. Which is annoying as I really don't like string retainers over all strings! Guess I need to find a slotted 'quick release' version! [/quote] Thats a very good point and something I had not thought of , that would also explain why the difference is there whether a note is fretted or open
  8. Been wondering why high action always seems to give better tone than low action, my first thought is that higher action allows the string more room to move and whilst there may be some truth in this and this would make a convincing argument I would suspect that this would be limited to fretted notes and in my experience is that the tone of open strings seems to improve as well with higher action. My personal preferences are for fairly low action and I generally aim for around 1.7mm at 12th fret but the truth is that the basses that I cannot get the action that low actually sound better for the higher action (my bass with highest action is around 2mm and the tone on that bass is just punchier,thumpier and more lively.
  9. One thing I have noticed more than once when learning bass parts is that on some recordings the songs are out of tune, not just the bass being slightly out I mean like all of the instruments, one glaring example of this is the Doors - Light my fire , I had to learn it for a band I was in and I actually had to edit the mp3 in Audacity as the song was out of tune enough that I could not play along with it in standard tuning, I suspect as the version I had to learn was only 3 minutes long that perhaps it was sped up or slowed down to be the right length for radio play. I seem to also remember Peace sells by Megadeth beign a little out of tune. Anyway, have you noticed any recordings where the whole band are way out of tune? What it the reasoning behind this? Is this an artifact from a time where people just weren't so concerned with being pitch perfect?
  10. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1505320853' post='3371051'] I also have LaBellas on my Contemporary Club, and I like them. No problem with a dull E. And yes--be careful winding up or down, the tuner end is indeed fragile. I popped an A string being too hasty. [/quote] Yep done that, very expensive mistake, lesson learned I now keep my old strings just in case something like that happens
  11. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1505314625' post='3370973'] Hi markdavid, thanks for replying and useful to hear of your string experience. I did already go with the Labella's which I'm very happy with. Been on about a month now and bedding in nicely. I know what you mean about the thin core wire at the tuner end, a bit delicate and also very sharp, I stabbed myself a few times during installation! Sound is exactly what I was after, response is even across the strings and they deliver definition and thump. A good choice. Cheers [/quote] Yes , I managed to draw blood with the thin wire at the tuner end but the sound is so worth it
  12. Oasis - most overrated band ever imo, I had the misfortune to have to cover one of there songs in a previous band, used to hate playing that song and was just bored stiff for the duration of the song, also had the misfortune of having a friend that would listen to them all the time, also there lyrics are beyond awful just complete b!!!ocks Queen - Also very overrated, they managed the impressive task of sounding both pompous and dull
  13. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1502450555' post='3351523'] I've just acquired an HCT Club bass which is strung with Hofner flats (I believe made by Pyramid). Fairly new set, about 3 months old so have been played in. Love the sound except for the E which is significantly duller and thuddier than the others. I know this is the 'Hofner sound' and exactly as it should be, but I'd like a set of flats with just a little more life in the lower range. I'm thinking of LaBella 760FHB2 (Hofner set) but have heard that they sound a bit too bright/harsh. Does anyone have any experience of these on a Hofner? I'm also thinking of the Thomastik JF324H (Hofner set). I really like Thomastiks but the description says "They do NOT fit the Asian made Icon & Contemporary series. This is due to the tuning machines used on those models; the holes are too small for the strings.". I've also heard that the Thomastik Hofner set is a bit too long from ball end to start of silk which results in about 1cm or so of the main string being wound round the tuning post on the E and G. Does anyone know if this is true and if they will fit an HCT? Thanks for any input on the above or other suggestions. [/quote] Hi, hope im not too late to be of help on this matter, I have used both the Labellas and the Thomastik flats on my CT bass , I had however swapped out the tuners on mine for the rugby ball style tuners (my CT is an early one with the really crappy tuners and they were awful and had to go) so cannot advise whether they will fit through the holes, obviously if you have a set of TI's spare you could try them to see if they fit (fairly sure the only difference with the Hofner set if the slightly lighter gauge to fit the tailpiece and the scale length). Personally I prefer the Labella's , I tried the TI's and whilst they are a good string they lacked the thump of the Labella's (or any kind of thump actually) , the TI's sounded like flats to me but without the thump, I would say that they sounded like the bass was rolled off and the mids boosted a little which is good if you tend to do this on your amp but I tend to boost the lows a little and the low low mids a little as well. The Labella's are a good string not exactly what I would call bright but focused and articulate with good thump, only issue with the Labella's is that because they are thinner towards the tuner end in order to fit the Hofner it is easy to snap them by accident to be cautious of this
  14. Hardest thing is finding people you get on with. Recently left a band because i could not get on with the drummer, he ran the band like a dictator,he would call the shots on what we played, how we played it, he would book gigs when he knew people had other plans and expect everyone to cancel their plans, he still owes me for a gig we played a couple months ago, sadly things like this are all too common.
  15. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1505148765' post='3369819'] No, I work around the corner & my company has an office on the street - the shops are still there & staying (for now at least). The whole segment between Denmark street & center point (so this includes Denmark Studios & all the cheap Korean food places) has been flattened for crossrail works & will not be coming back in the same format, it is going to be shared use offices, shops & residential, but the actual shops & the old shop fronts on Denmark street are staying. [/quote] Excellent, great to have confirmation, as mentioned I heard this from a dubious source so I was sceptical, am glad to hear it is still there
  16. That is reassuring although I did notice it is dated February , tempted to give them a call
  17. Hi all I heard from a questionable source a few weeks ago that all the Guitar shops in Denmark Street have been closed down due to property developers basically buying everyone out in order to build accomodation, just wanted to ask if there was any truth in this , thanks
  18. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1504084863' post='3362506'] Trouble is, with the Amplug and Amphones you can basically plug your headphones into your bass - no patch cables, no unit dangling about... if they made a bighead with built in effects and drum machine that plugged right into the bass that would be great but as it is, I think it's something and nothing. [/quote] they are a great idea the Amplug but very poorly executed, i have no doubt i am not the first person whos Amplug has snapped. That being said i guess they have no incentive to improve the product after all if it breaks then a new one will be required which means more money for Amplug
  19. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1504038621' post='3362319'] I don't think the amphones are much better. A shame, because there's a definite gap in the market for something like this. [/quote]That's a shame seeing as they are twice the price of the Amplug
  20. I don't usually post on forums to trash an item but i am done with Amplug, 2nd one broken in 6 months,snapped in the same place(by the input) and i am not at all rough with my equipment,the build quality on these is appaling, rant over, just needed to get that off my chest
  21. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1503137617' post='3355941'] My opinion, (1) you told the band you weren't available but they still took a booking with at least double checking with you to see if you would cancel your night out with the wife. It's their problem & either they cancel, or find a dep. If you have one or two dep contacts, I don't think it's unreasonable to pass on the details to the rest of the band. (2) if the drummer told you not to play the slide part, be big enough to take some constructive criticism. Sounds like he's at least listening to the band & how the song is constructed. However, if you think the slide works in the song, tell the drummer that. Has the drummer said anything to the guitarist? [/quote]Agree on both points,i will admit that i think due to the situation with the gig i was on the defensive side as i knew i was already in his bad books. That being said i do wonder if he was deliberately looking for faults, i played a fill in one of the sections of Sex on fire and when we finished the song he said to me "wtf were you playing in the 3rd verse,they don't do that in the song" i assured him that the bass player does actually play that part in the original song, he looked at me and said "well he doesn't play it that loud" i just laughed at that point,this was after he had picked apart my playing on message in a bottle so something had clearly rattled his cage
  22. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1503126860' post='3355827'] depends how it said, I think it's a bit sad that band members can't have a conversation about how a song is played without others taking offence, but like I said it's the tone that's important [/quote] Yeah i think my defenses were just up due to the tension about the gig situation, also due to the guitar player not learning the songs meaning i had to lead the songs, always difficult when you feel you are carrying someone else
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503097649' post='3355777'] Ah, that's more like it..! Phew..! For a moment there... [/quote] yeah,still bloody annoying being told how you should play your part after all i don't tell him how he should play his drum parts, i actually played a few of the basslines busier than usual after that just to piss him off
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503096501' post='3355767'] What..? 'The drummer asked me...', 'the drummer suggested...', 'the drummer proposed...' I could understand, but 'the drummer told me...'..? [/quote]Well i think it was somewhere along the lines of"can you not play that fancy slide bit as they don't play that in the original song" i forget the exact words used
  25. Had rehearsal tonight and after we had finished playing Led zeppelins immigrant song the drummer told me not too play the "fancy" slide bit as it is not what Led Zeppelin play on the song, I'm all for playing note for note renditions if you are a tribute band but we are not and as such i expect a tiny bit of artistic interpretation to be accepted and the norm, maybe I'm wrong
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