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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1502981977' post='3354854'] Tell the drummer to take a hike, he should never have booked a gig on a date you had clearly previously told him you were unavailable, the guy must be a dickhead. [/quote] I love your response, direct and to the point, you tell it like it is and that is a good quality to have
  2. Thanks guys,as suggested i have stood my ground on this, i may well be leaving this band soon and the how the next few days goes will be the decider for me
  3. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1502873365' post='3354014'] If you were booked and told your band, you should remind your band of this There's no way you should cancel the gig you're attending with your wife I work on the principle that whatever or whoever I promised first - that's what I stick with.... Being in several bands - I've been known to turn down paying gigs if I'd already promised my time to another band.... even if the 1st booking was only a freebie No dilemma for you here - now, if you hadn't already told your band you were unavailable........ [/quote] thanks, yes had already told the band i wasn't available on that date
  4. [quote name='fftc' timestamp='1502872469' post='3354006'] Would it be easier for you to find a new band or a new wife? Which one do you care about the most? If it's honours even for those two questions then go to the gig with your wife. It was booked first! [/quote] very well put,i will be going to the gig with my wife
  5. Hi All I have a gig that I am meant to be going to with my wife at the start of September that I have had tickets for a while, told my band mates about the gig a good week ago as we usually rehearse on Friday nights which is when the gig is. Went to rehearsal last night and was told we have a gig booked for that same night, our drummer/singer expects me to cancel the gig I am going to. The thing is our guitar player that joined the band a few weeks ago knows very few of our songs, our last gig went well but was cut very short by the fact that the guitar player knows maybe 8 of our 20 songs, we were on for about half hour whereas the band that was on after us played for over an hour. With the above in mind am I right to be hesitant to cancel the gig I am going to ?
  6. All the good ones seem to be discontinued Status,GHS. Daddario are a sensible gauge but brighter than most , Labella black tapes are meant to be very good but big gauges
  7. Not a big fan of Seymour duncans myself, have tried the Spb1, 2 and 3 , the Spb1 is all bass and no mids, great way to get lost in the mix, the Spb2 is the complete opposite and just sounds like the mids dial is turned all the way up and whatever settings I used I could not dial that out, I was expecting more mids but the Spb2 is just complete overkill, the Spb3 is not a bad pickup but a little too modern for me
  8. [quote name='Sheq' timestamp='1501619664' post='3346028'] [color=#34495E][font=Lato, sans-serif][size=4]OK, rather than spend loads of money on a P-sound, I thought I'd try and change the strings on my Epiphone EB3. This one is white and is apparently a short scale. So I thought. I've measured the scale length from nut to bridge and it's 32", then I measured from nut to 12th fret and doubled it, and that's 30". So now I don't know if I need short scale or medium scale strings (going for flatwounds so I want to get it right).[/size][/font][/color] [color=#34495E][font=Lato, sans-serif][size=4] [/size][/font][/color][color=#34495E][font=Lato, sans-serif][size=4]Anyone know? [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] hi,you need to measure from the nut to the bridge saddles,that will give you your Scale length
  9. [quote name='Johnny Wishbone' timestamp='1501670940' post='3346389'] At the risk of asking a silly question, wouldn't you get [i]more[/i] buzz if the truss rod is tightened, as you're straightening the neck and effectively moving the frets closer to the strings? I would have thought [i]loosening[/i] the truss rod (more neck relief) would have been the way to go? [/quote] Hi, I tightened the truss rod as ime usually fret buzz on the upper neck (frets 12-15) means there is too much relief and buzz on the lower frets (1-6) usually means the neck needs more relief
  10. [quote name='Yawn_Blah' timestamp='1460574955' post='3027013'] [b]Voiced:[/b] [b]1. vintage, not modern[/b] [b]2. not boomy, good thump, good mids, not growly, good but not sizzling highs.[/b] - i use XL chromes - i tried SD SPB-2 & 3s. on SPB-2s i love their mids and hi mids's balance (strong mids vs moderate hi mids) but disliked the boominess and i think they lack in the top end (to my ears). on SPB-3s i love what's happening in the lows (strong lows while not boomy at all and very thumpy) and hate the rest (scooped mids, exaggerated highs ...) - budget is tight so boutiques are not an option for me. - output doesn't matter. - how are SPB-1s? please share your knowledge and experience with me. i'll appreciate that. Cheers -T [/quote] I would avoid SPB-1 for your application, i have SPB-1 in a bass and it is seriously lacking in the mids and im not a boosted mids kind of person, lots of bass just non existent midrange
  11. Hi Have just tried Rotosound Trubass on one of my basses, I was really pleased to find that this bass that is usually a little out with intonation is now strangely pretty much bang on however I have found that there is fret buzz at 12th and 15th fret of the A and D string that is not there with other strings, is a little annoying but I can live with it as I rarely go that high on the neck. Have tightened the truss rod but has made no real difference, I remember reading somewhere ages ago about fret buzz with Rotosound Trubass , does anyone here have this issues with these strings? My action is a hair above 2mm on the E string and slightly under 2mm on the G, I may raise the action slightly to counter the buzz but really hoping I dont have to raise it too much
  12. Hi Anyone able to advise what are the winding lengths for Daddario short and medium scale strings? I have a bass that may require medium scale but wanted to check, thanks
  13. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1500534014' post='3338452'] And there was me thinking they'd designed a new bass. Silly me. [/quote] lol Rickenbacker innovate , how foolish It does look nice but I have never seem a Rick in the flesh and I am not going to spend 2k+ unplayed on a bass with 2 truss rods and what looks like questionable erggonomics
  14. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1500483356' post='3338182'] I thought the thunderbirds were slightly shorter scale, not 30 1/2 but like 33 or something. [/quote] My understanding is that they are slightly longer scale, 34.5 but they advertise them as 34" scale although I am sure ther was a 30" short scale variant around briefly too
  15. They are fun basses but probably not what most people would call great basses but i think they are pretty decent for the price,they are not as deep sounding as the Gibson Eb0,tuners are junk but these components that can be swapped out if you don't mind spending a little on upgrades,
  16. Tried a few of the revelation basses when I was last in Denmark street, they all had electrical issues of some sort, I am sure this is just a result of them being used and abused and not maintained by the shops and I am sure that in the hands of the average musician they would hold up fine, is a shame as they were otherwise very nice basses
  17. Hi I have a Club and a Violin basses and whilst they are great basses, love the slim neck and light weight and the tone I find I have to wear the strap a little lower than with my other basses as the neck seems to stick out a little further than with my other basses due to the body shape, not a deal breaker by any means but was wondering if the leather Hofner strap with the bit that goes under the neck balances the bass a little better ? Thanks
  18. [quote name='LeftyP' timestamp='1498340555' post='3323992'] I'm glad it's not just me that has problems with the violin bass intonation! My Tanglewood version is a great little instrument but when I fitted flat wounds to it the intonation went way out. With all open strings in tune they were pretty flat at the 12th fret. Adjusting the saddle by small increments improved the situation until both open strings and the 12th fret were spot on. The problem was all the notes in between were slightly flat! I made sure I was pressing down on the strings as close to the frets as possible and even made all the open strings just a tad sharp but to no avail. More messing about with the bridge and everything was in tune. Don't ask me how I did it. If at first you don't succeed keep trying! [/quote] i don't know what brand of flats you are using but i use labella and when i took my violin bass to a local luthier to have the intonation set he had to put the saddles in a straight line and remarked that the strings all seemed to use the same gauge core ,maybe that explains the issues i experienced,i wonder if the labella set for hofner has inherent intonation issues
  19. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1498806907' post='3327113'] I liked Oasis for the most part. Again, I'm of that age where they sound tracked nights out, and a not-so-misspent youth, but I've never got the Beatles comparisons. I think it was something perpetuated by them more than the press, but I could play any Oasis album and hand on heart say none of it sounds like the Beatles. [/quote] The Beatles is the band Oasis wishes they were, sadly Oasis ripped off many better bands seemingly without realising or capturing what it was that made those bands great in the first place. The band i am playing with at the moment unfortunately covers an Oasis tune and i have to say for those 3 or 4 minutes i am bored stiff
  20. [quote name='LeftyP' timestamp='1498835545' post='3327475'] I've just had a good look at the attached list from the OP. I didn't realise just how many variations on a theme there were! I must confess to being gutted to learn that my Tanglewood is made of plywood. It plays fine as I learn to get back up to speed but if I ever play in public I think a genuine model may be in order - well that's my excuse! [/quote] Dont sweat it too much,plywood is standard on most violin basses in that price range , the most important thing is how it sounds
  21. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1498504488' post='3325105'] That's Australian dollars. They're about £500 in the UK. [/quote] Ahh that makes sense,think i may have to start saving my pennies
  22. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1498454924' post='3324658'] A fellow member of the music club I help run has taken up playing bass as a hobby in his retirement. He's treated himself to one of these: [url="https://www.basscentre.com.au/products/violin-bass-model-bass-gtr-antique-brown-sunburs?variant=350215263"]https://www.basscent...riant=350215263[/url] So impressed was I that I think I'll have to get one. So to fund it I'll cull my collection down to 3 and just be content with my Aria CSB-380, the HCT 500/1, and an old Yamaha Motion Bass that I'm resurrecting. And that I think will be it, no more GAS. N.B. I'm impressed with the sound quality in the video. [/quote] Thats strange that it says contemporary, usually contemporary is the mid priced made in china line, i am guessing at that price the quality is in line with the german made 500/1 Gorgeous looking bass
  23. Hi All I have a Hofner contemporary bass, the bass is great apart from the tuners, they are the Wilkinson tuners that Hofner used to use on the contemporary basses and they are pretty awful, was wondering if anyone knew of some tuners I could use to replace these that would be direct replacements (no drilling or widening of the holes on the headstock required) Thanks
  24. [quote name='Monkey Steve' timestamp='1497949105' post='3321474'] back to the OP, have you tried playing around with the amp positioning? Including the guitarist, not just you? From experience, most of the volume problems I've had come from guitarists standing right next to their amps, with the speakers pointing towards their knees, complaining that they can't hear themselves (what with then not having ears in their knees) and that everybody else is too loud, and turning up...cue everybody else doing exactly the same because they can hear the guitar amp blasting out but not themselves because they are standing next to their amp which is pointing at their knees...and an hour of petty squabbles about who's fault it is that it's far too loud. If you have two guitarists then this can go on for weeks... Personal preference is to set everybody according to the level of the drums, with the speakers/cabs elevated or tilted up so that they are pointed at ears rather than knees, and the musician standing at least six feet away, ideally more. Other instruments should be loud enough to be able to hear themselves above the drums and provide the relevant cues to everybody else but no louder. Singer gets final say on everything because they need to be able to hear themselves properly and if the instruments are drowning out the PA then everybody loses. [/quote] Hi I did try this but the amp was just not loud enough to compete with the drums and guitar, the 2nd rehearsal went much much better though as I brought my DI box and just went through the DI straight into the PA system, I even had volume to spare
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