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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1489144690' post='3254696'] I never use measures. I lower the action until fretbuzz (normaly with the strings sitting on the frets ) then gradually raise it until it stops, for my playing. Never measured the height, next time i change strings i'll try to remember to put a ruller on it. [/quote] This method is ok but I like having measurements to make sure my basses all play consistently. My method with new basses is that I lower the action on the strings until I start getting a little buzz on some of the frets, then I adjust the truss rod slightly, buzz in the first few frets I add a little relief, buzz above the 12th fret I reduce the relief, if neck adjustment does not make any difference to fret buzz then I know the frets are less than perfect and likely need a fret dress
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1489108467' post='3254495'] Might well be a proper 'bucker - some of the early 70s MIJ copies (which this is) had Maxon humbuckers the same size as guitar pickups. That's what this looks like to me - usually "fakebuckers" have round-head pole screws. Easiest way to tell is to see if a screwdriver or similar steel impliment will stick to the smooth side. Also might well have a 5-digit code stamped underneath, which can be used to date it. Anyway, this is the original ad for the bass: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Collector-039-s-Rare-Ventura-Bass-Guitar-Right-Handed-/262877748147"]http://www.ebay.co.u...d-/262877748147[/url] I very much doubt it's a Ventura - Ventura was a brand name used by US importer/distributor C. Bruno, and they were never available in the UK. Basses like this would have been sold with numerous names (and frequently no name at all) all over the world. This one presumably did have a brand name that a previous owner objected to - sufficiently violently that it appears they did indeed kill it with fire. That reveals the interesting laminated neck construction, which is fairly common on 60s & a few early 70s MIJ guitars, sometimes known as "strip mahogany". Not beautiful but very resistant to twisting & warping, apparently. This probably would have had a black plastic veneer on the headstock face before the blowtorch attack. Pretty cool old bass & not bad for the money. [/quote] Thanks for the info, would be cool if it is a humbucker, and even cooler if the route is mudbucker size, yes the headstock does seem to have been attacked, i might give it a sanding and then a coat or two of varnish Edit: Have googled Maxon humbuckers and these in the pics and link below seem to be the model on this bass , they seem to be around 8k ohm so not mudbucker hot , I will give them a fair shot but fairly sure I will want to replace with something hotter and tubbier/closer to mudbucker kind of sound [url="https://picclick.com.au/Pair-of-1972-vintage-Maxon-bass-humbuckers-and-322430269588.html"]https://picclick.com...2430269588.html[/url]
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1489075238' post='3254206'] The pickup is unlikely to be humbucking despite the outward appearance. [/quote] I am guessing it is probably a single coil under the cover, hopefully it will still sound fairly tubby due to the pickups location
  4. Hi Just bought an EB0 copy on the bay,apparently a Ventura brand bass. Not sure what to expect, was not expensive so not too much of a bummer if it isn't that great but messaged the seller to ask about the action and they said it has liw action so that's a good start at least. Interestingly the pickup looks halfway between a Mudbucker and a mini humbucker Not sure how much space is routed for the pickup, hopefully there is some space routed under the pickup surround so I can swap the pickup for a mudbucker without too much hassle if the stock pickup sucks
  5. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1487935430' post='3244281'] Went back and took out some of the bits of veneer I'd put in, leaving just one up the bridge end - screwed everything back together and... it's good. Not sure what I got wrong last time that meant one piece wasn't enough, but now it's just right, had to raise the saddles a bit but the action is very low, very very slight buzz up the dusty end but I rarely play beyond the 15th or 16th fret anyway, so makes no odds. markdavid - it's a fretless but I assume though that the same principles apply? So, I shall probably have a look at tweaking the truss rod too, see if I can get all the way there - buzz free low action. I don't think I play particularly agressively, but then I've never worked on a bass so much to get the action this low before, so maybe that's something to look at too. Would the concensus be that fretless requires a lighter touch? [/quote] Ahh I see , im sorry to say I have little to no fretless experience, I would assume the same principles apply, I would guess that on a fretless that correct neck relief is even more critical , I would also guess that a very slightly higher action than on a fretted bass would be be beneficial to avoid the notes choking , perhaps someone more knowledgeable can chime in
  6. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1489012024' post='3253807'] Took your advice and have dropped the action on my new Precision Deluxe and re-read the Fender set up spec which is 2mm (+/- 0.4mm) at 17th fret. I knew the action was a little higher than my normal setting however i was gonna wait until string change as i use a lighter gauge than ones supplied. Decided not to wait and droppe it to approx 2.2 to 2.3mm on E string and was very surprised just how much a difference it made. Difficult to explain but the bass just feels easier to play even with my usual aggressive technique.. I still need to tweak the neck but will wait till string change for that. Doesn't need much tho. If this is ok at next rehearsal i might drop a little more for the next weeks rehearsal. So you can teach an old dog new tricks after all. Thanks for this post. Dave [/quote] Good to hear it worked for you , hopefully it works well after your string change, i know some guys find a slightly heavier gauge works better for them to achieve lower action but 2.2 to 2.3mm you may not need to do this, and if you are going lighter you may not even need to touch the truss rod (lower action tends to favour less relief and obviously lower tension strings should give less relief) I went up a gauge but my action is very low
  7. [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Hi [/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Was wondering if anyone has swapped out the tuners on their Fender PJ Mustang?[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Love my Mustang bass but the tuners could be better , am wondering what replacements will fit without modification, Hipshot say HB7 will fit most Mexican Fenders but this is not really specific enough for me to risk spending the £20+ per machine head, thanks[/size][/font][/color]
  8. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1488904773' post='3252811'] Serious question but what style of music do you play. ? I'm only askng because i've tried lowering my action on basses over the years to find too much rattle or buzz but i have more or less always played with quite an aggressive style in Rock or Prog bands where the attack suited what i was doing. I've recently changed to a more sedate band and was seriously considering dropping action as i don't need the aggressive tone with the current band. Dave [/quote] Mostly classic rock kind of stuff Cream, Hendrix, Rolling stones, is worth seeing when you get a little bit of fret buzz whether it is actually audible through your amp, if there is a little bit of fret buzz then there is a chance that it may not even be audible through the amp and even less so once you throw other instruments into the mix. I used to use an aggressive playing style but have found I can get lower action with a lighter playing style and the difference in tone from playing lighter is much less than I thought it would be
  9. Anything by any of the below: Clean bandit Jess Gylnne Sia Maroon 5 Awful,Awful tuneless dross but probably the worst of the bunch.... Neiked - Sexual , just shockingly bad Also pretty much anything played on either Capital or Kiss fm
  10. I tend to set my basses as low as possible, I play with a light ish touch and set them up just to the point were they buzz if I really dig in. If I cannot set the bass up to what I consider a satisfactory action for me then I will send them off for a fret dress. Fender spec feels crazy high to me , 2.4mm !!!! You could almost fire arrows with that
  11. [quote name='AlpherMako4' timestamp='1488027259' post='3245139'] A little more..... [/quote] That is some bigass neck on that bass , lovely looking bass though
  12. Something high output like a Seymour Duncan SJB-3 Quarter pounder
  13. [quote name='aguacollas' timestamp='1488458276' post='3249099'] Are you sure your old ones were Ernie Ball Group II? My old Group III are just like the new ones you describe, old school flats. In fact, I am waiting for a new set I just ordered a couple of days ago, only the old ones had no silk at the end, only green silk at the bridge. Maybe the Group II were different, though. Mine were bought around 2002, I think. Great flats. [/quote] Sorry yes they are Group III (100-45 gauge) , they are very very smooth , a set I had when I purchased some a while ago were completely different, looked very much like chromes , these dont they are much smoother , let me know when you get your new set how they are
  14. Hi Has been a while since I used Ernie Ball flatwounds , I brought a set of the flatwounds (Group 2 the non slinky flatwounds), these are [u]very[/u] different to how I remember these strings, I remember they used to be one of the rougher feeling flatwounds, these are insanely smooth like Labella flatwounds, tonally also they seem to be a more traditional flatwound rather than the chromes clone they used to be, silk is light blue now rather than dark(ish) blue, when did these change? my guess is that when they released the slinky flats they decided to go more traditional with the non slinkies to differentiate the two, I actually prefer these to how they used to be
  15. Hi From Croydon also
  16. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1487200839' post='3238079'] Well, tonight has been shimming night... I used some thin pieces of wood veneer with some very thin double sided tape. First piece didn't make much of a different at all... So, put in two more pieces, one next to the first and one on top of it to make a step type effect. Neck back on, tuned up... and the strings were flat on the fretboard. Which meant I could actually use the saddles as intended and get some adjustment going. I think it's pretty much there - definitely way lower than before - however, I would like it a bit lower (never satisfied...) but if I lower the saddles back down, the strings choke on the body end of the neck when I play above the 12th fretline... So, have I leaned the neck back too much, or is this something where adjusting the relief would be better? The neck is pretty flat at the moment with a very very slight bow forwards. If I can't get the action any lower I'm still a very happy bunny I've learnt so much in the process - the main thing being that it's worth having a go cause it's tough to screw up a P-bass [/quote] If there is buzzing above the 12th fret (13th,14th,15th fret etc) then try tightening the truss rod a little (maybe a quarter turn) then check if the buzzing has improved any, if it has then your neck had too much relief, if it has not improved then the chances are either that the fretwork is less than perfect and could benefit from a fret dress or your playing style is too aggressive for the action you have set
  17. Got to wonder, given the chance of a signature bass, the guy could have had a double P pickup setup, could have had a bass with 3 pickups, maybe a J/P/J config, Series/Parallel switching, active eq etc, theres a whole lot of possibilities............................................................ And he decided to not only stick with the most common pickup configuration but to make the bass as ugly as sin too, nothing against P bass configurations but if I was to have a signature P bass it would have double or maybe even triple P pickups, something interesting anyway
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1487596089' post='3240997'] A lot of people say brands like Gibson and Ricky should do what fender have with the Squier ranges yet Fender are so in debt that it's amazing they are still in production at all. [/quote] Wow I had no idea Fender were so much in debt, seems strange considering how popular their products are , literally everyone I know that plays bass or guitar has a Fender, knowing this I am glad that the majority of my bass purchases have been Fender made (basses,strings,straps) , I may not be the biggest spender but it is nice to know that I have supported them in some way however small
  19. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1487549048' post='3240746'] I love 'em too, but monthly?? Are you rich? [/quote] Not rich but the £16.99 a month for a set of Fender 7250 seems like a relatively small and definitely worthwhile amount to pay monthly for a great tone,
  20. I think these look kind of generic, I think what Gibson should do instead of cranking out these uninspired looking designs is to introduce more affordable versions of there more traditional offerings (epiphone doesnt count) as these are the designs that people seem to like but the price range of these puts them out of a lot of peoples budget, for example last time I checked a Gibson Thunderbird was around the 1.6k price range, for that reason it is unlikely that i will ever own one but if there was a version that they made that was around the £800 mark then I could very well justify owning one
  21. I plan to get a custom built bass when funds permit, i am plan to go with Feline guitars as the fret dress and setup they did on my Fender was 1st class and they really listened to my requirements despite my request for inhumanly low action,that attention to detail and level of skill is well worth paying for imo
  22. Maybe you have a bad set ,personally i love new strings and mine get changed monthly but that's just me
  23. not much too add other than it is a great bass tone, one that immediately stood out when I first heard this song, the other thing is fresh roundwounds will definitely help, probably a set of nickels (for the mid punch) that are on the brighter side like Daddarios
  24. Hi Am reluctantly selling my Mikey Way Mustang to make room for more bass related purchases, am asking £160 but am open to reasonable offers, am in Croydon area so can meet up within the London area. Bass has a few battle scars that I have tried to show in the pictures most notably a chip in the headstock finish and a couple of cracks in the finish around the neck pocket, this seems to be just cosmetic. This bass has a great deep almost thunderbird-ish tone to it, would be a great rock tone, it currently has light gauge 40-100 roundwounds
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