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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1486832582' post='3234897'] I tried 2 of these in San Francisco and they both had crackling switches. Definately put me off buying one. [/quote] Yes, mine has this as well, it crackles a little bit when you switch pickups, is a feature of the Mustang PJ bass rather than the bass being faulty (seems every Mustang PJ has this issue) , I may get a new switch fitted eventually but other than the small amount of crackle when I switch pickups there is no issue with the switch so it is not a priority to get this swapped out at the moment, I may have them wire it P/PJ/PJ in Series rather than P/PJ/J when I eventually get this done
  2. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1487146425' post='3237396'] So, my Wizard Thumper has a DC resistance of 14k, My SD Quarter Pounder has a DC resistance of 11.5k. Both are fitted in to American P basses - same strings, same setups. The QP is noticeably louder than the Thumper (although both are louder than the Custom Shop 62s fitted in a third Precision). In my simple world, I would have thought the Thumper to have the hotter output. What other factors (if any) would determine pickup output? cheers [/quote] Im not an expert on this by any means but I am guessing the large pole pieces of the Quarter pounder pickup are a large factor in output, there is a mod for the weak J pickup in the short scale Squier Jaguar where you put a magnet on top of it and it boosts the output by boosting the magnetic field and I would think the large pole pieces in the Quarter pounder pickup work on the same principle regarding output
  3. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1487092749' post='3237002'] I think I have an unopened set here if you're struggling to get them elsewhere! [/quote] Thanks for the offer , I have gone with Fender 7250 which is my usual favourite as being able to consistently get hold of particular string sets is important to me (after all no-one wants to find after a while they cant get hold of their preferred strings)
  4. I would go with the Harley Benton, the colour is really nice and they have a reputation for punching well above their weight
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1486680984' post='3233891'] Where did you hear that? I'm not sure that's true! [/quote] have heard it from a few sources, maybe Daddario can confirm if this is true or not (i know they are active on this forum)
  6. Hi I have a new unopened packet of Daddario Flexsteels for sale, asking for £18 posted to uk address
  7. drats , just found out they have been discontinued, am hoping I dont get on with them now as it could be frustrating trying to get hold of them in future , wish I had gone with the usual Prosteels now
  8. Thanks , so the feel/roughness is about the same with both then, I think the extra zing of the flexsteels could be a good thing for me
  9. [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Hi[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Have been very curious about the Flexsteels as the consensus seems to be that they are a fairly bright string but with more mids than Prosteels.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Have currently got a set of 100-45 Prosteels on my main bass and have ordered the 105-45 gauge set of Flexsteels as my concern was that going lighter than that may give more fret rattle on the E string. [/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]I have done a comparison of tension of the Prosteels 100-45 vs Flexsteels 105-45 using the information on the Daddario website and the Flexsteels seems to be about 4ib more tension overall, my question is for people who have used both , how does the flexibility of the Flexsteels compare to Prosteels?[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Also is anyone able to comment on the feel of these compared to Prosteels or Rotosound RS66 ? I know these are supposed to be on the rougher side of the spectrum being stainless steel , Prosteels and Rotosound are fine but not sure I want to go any rougher than that[/size][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Thanks[/size][/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1486481715' post='3232167'] is it just a mic in a room though? 'cos where the mic is will make a hell of a difference [/quote] Yes just a mic in the room, that was why I thought maybe it was due to the treble frequencies being directional vs bass frequencies being omni directional , really I should have miked two locations in the room
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1486472374' post='3232060'] Is that when you are listening to the recorded bass in isolation or in the full recorded band mix? [/quote] Full recorded band mix , when I was playing the parts live the bass was actually pretty gritty sounding but listening to the recording it sounds kinda dull, my guess is that the bass was reverberating off the walls/floor and the treble frequencies being directional were being killed by this reverberation but this is just a wild guess
  12. Thanks,i will try some boost a 3khz, i should mention that whilst i was using an overdrive pedal the gain was cranked so it was closer to light(ish) distortion than to a traditional tube overdrive tone
  13. Hi All Was having a band practice the other day and we recorded some of it , I dialled in a nice gritty overdriven tone, I was initially planning on just having a tiny bit of overdrive but once the rest of the band came in the overdrive effect almost seemed to dissapear and I ended up cranking the drive a lot higher, eq wise I boosted the highs to about 3 o click (+12db) and the mids i turned the selector to 2khz and up to about 2 o clock (+9db) and cut the lows to about the 10 o click position (-9db) In practice it sounded great, gritty and never lost in the mix , however when I played back the recording the bass tone was quite dark and lacked bite, seemed to be all lows and low mids, I know there is a simple explanation to this , just wondering what it is , thanks
  14. Used the Ashdown hyperdrive at band practice tonight and found that it actually went fine with the music we were playing, i started with pretty conservative settings and found that with the drums and guitar in the mix the effect became a lot less evident so i cranked the drive to about 3 quarters of the way, sounded pretty good and not overly harsh like it sounds like at home with these setting
  15. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1485776607' post='3226521'] FB radius doesn't affect action appart from the exception that Dood mentioned. When a bass is set with a very low action the playing attack must be adapted to it, digging the strings harder will make the hit the other frets causing the "choke" and fretbuzz. If the OP want's low action he needs to play softer and IMO get some higher tension strings as the .040-.100 gauge is too soft and the strings will have a bigger travel when vibrating. [/quote] So many variables involved in action , my Squier has 100-40 gauge strings, I think my action is relatively low
  16. Seriously I know I have mentioned it already but the Joyo Dr J Sparrow will give you more brightness than you could possibly ever need, there is a treble eq that seems to have a lot of boost and then there is a harmonics dial which is basically a 2nd treble control that is voiced very slightly differently to the treble eq , just be sure to not dial up the gain too high and this pedal sounds awesome for that type of tone
  17. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1486025482' post='3228547'] If you search YouTube there's a video of James Lomenzo demo'ing the pedal himself. He gets some really cool tones from it on the vid. [/quote] Thanks, will check out the vid [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1486026042' post='3228551'] You'll note from the video that his bass sound is lovely and warm BEFORE he kicks the pedal on... [/quote] Ok thanks, i have a Boss bass eq pedal pedal so I might try using it before the overdrive boosting the lows slightly and cutting the highs and high mids slightly, I think this may work especially as this pedal only applies the effect to the mids
  18. Hi all Have recently brought an Ashdown James Lomenzo Hyperdrive and so far really like it, i can very easily dial in a good metal bass tone but it would be awesome if i could use this pedal in my classic rock (cream,hendrix etc) band but i am struggling to dial in a good warm overdrive, has anybody who has used this pedal got any good settings for this that they could share? Thanks
  19. Hi, I went with Feline guitars, I emailed several places and mentioned that I had a Squier bass with good low action and said that it would be great if I could get my Fender that way also, I suggested also that the Fender may benefit from a fret dress as well as a setup. Feline said to bring the Fender in and to bring the Squier in and they would try and match the setup, they were the only ones out of the places I emailed to suggest this and this suggestion put me at ease that they would take my preferences on board and not just give me a generic one size fits all setup. Took both basses in , Jonathan at Feline was surprised by how low I had the action on my Squier and said it was lower than he set his guitars action, we chatted about the setup and he said that he would try and match the action on the Squier but said that it was extremely low, he agreed that a fret dress would help greatly with the action. Collected the bass this weekend and he did a great job, the action is nice and low and the bass plays like butter, I would recommend Feline without hesitation.
  20. Flatwounds often have an E that sounds different but this usually goes once the strings are broken in, if they are new/newish give them a bit longer and see if the E calms down a bit
  21. Hi all Have done a mod on my Badmonkey pedal, i read that removing the .047uf capacitor found at c5 on the circuit board removes the mid range hump , i did this mod and now although the mid range hump is gone the treble control on the pedal does not work,it is like the treble is maxxed regardless of how much i have the treble control turned up. There are 2 possible reasons that i can think of why this would happen, 1st is that i have cooked a component with the soldering iron when removing the capacitor, the 2nd possibility is that the .047uf capacitor controls the treble control and removing this capacitor has resulted in the treble being maxxed , what do you think?
  22. Hi , just to give an update on this, I have found my strings Fender 7250L , these strings are awesome, really growly and ballsy sounding, they have great bite to them
  23. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1485293980' post='3222927'] Hi peeps Not sure which section to put this in I'm looking for a very ' clangy' bass sound sort of chris squire but even more clangy, lots of treble, presence, not bothered about low end as such, this is more for recoring Am I looking for a specific amp, is it the strings? Or a pre amp? At moment I've got 2 active basses and a small practise amp and there's no ' clang' I guess I need a decent bass amp but what do people suggest? Yes I could get a ticket backer but would still need an amp too Ang suggestions. .or is the clang down to using a pick , something I've never done!? Cheers Z [/quote] Hi What bass are you using? I would advise first looking at your string choice, stainless steel are usually brightest but depending on brand etc this may not always be the case, also some strings are just a poor match for some basses for example I have had Roto stainless steel strings sound great on one bass, bright and aggressive etc and dull on another bass. The Joyo Dr J Sparrow is my magic bullet for my tone [url="http://www.joyoaudio.co.uk/dr-j-d-53-sparrow-bass-di-xlr-and-drive-effect-pedal"]http://www.joyoaudio.co.uk/dr-j-d-53-sparrow-bass-di-xlr-and-drive-effect-pedal[/url] and does a great job of adding some brightness, I keep the drive on mine fairly low as it does not sound good turned up high
  24. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1484614631' post='3216928'] have you tried Feline in Croydon? Am also intrigued by the guy in Orpington, let us know how you get on if you end up there. [/quote] is Feline still running from Martin Phelps? I see they have a slightly different address but i am sure they used to be run by the same people
  25. Thanks for the suggestions, Planet Guitar sounds very promising
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