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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. Hi I have recently received a harley benton p bass and have switched the strings from the stock 105-45 roundwounds to labella 96-39 flatwounds and am experiencing some buzz on the g string on some of the upper frets (particularly the 12th fret) am i right in thinking that I need to loosen the truss rod? I am thinking that the lower gauge flatwounds must have less tension which is reducing the forward bow , thanks
  2. Ok i have loosened the truss rod about quarter of a turn,still buzzing quite a bit on the 12th fret g string, i have gone from the stock strings (roundwound 105-45) to labella 96-39 gauge flatwounds, anybody able to offer any ballpark opinions on roughly how much i can expect to adjust my neck ?
  3. Ok, managed to find a shop selling various hardware items and managed to pick up a set of hex keys in varying diameter for about 2 quid, heres praying the truss rod is a hex
  4. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Hi[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I have started playing again after a long break, I need to buy a truss rod wrench but not sure what size, was hoping that maybe someone on here has owned a harley benton and knows what size wrench I will need, I know its a long shot , thanks[/font][/color]
  5. Hi After a long break from playing i have started playing again One of the basslines I wanted to nail is Mccartneys bass playing on the song Something by The Beatles. To try and learn the bass part I have been playing along with the isolated bass track and stopping and notating. Ive got to say that anybody who ever thought his playing was overrated really needs to try and learn this part, I had to stop and have a break after about the 2 min mark it was wearing me out lol and just when you feel that your getting close to nailing the bass part he throws in a new syncopation,deliberately skips a note and just basically plays something completely unexpected, pure genius. And to think George Harrison didn't like his part part on this song.
  6. I ended up buying the fender rumble 25,i was after a small amp with a good sound and this fit the bill, the guy in the shop suggested it and i was sceptical at first due to it only being 25 watts but it has a suprisingly warm sound for a 25 watt amp
  7. Also , can I buy an amp head and just use it with headphones? (Assuming it has a headphone socket) If i can do that then it means I have the tone options that i would gety with a combo through headphones but without the size taken up by the speaker
  8. Have been giving this some thought and I am thinking that being as I will (for quite a while) be playing most of the time through headphones and with very limited space maybe something like a behringer v amp or some other similar item with an input and a line in may be a better idea
  9. Thanks for the replies i will have to have a look at the ebs amps
  10. Hi As per the title I need a suggestion for a small combo for home use, I will be using it probably 60% of the time through headphones and the remainder at very low volumes, the problem I have found is that most if not all of the practice amps I have tried have had a very honky midrange prominent sound with little to no bass. I am after an amp that I can use for home use at low volume with a resonably warm tone, doesn't have to have wall shaking bass (after all it is for home use) but should be capable of delivering a relatively warm tone, I have considered a 50w combo but i think this may be overkill for the application, I am looking at the Roland cube 20xl as a possible contender , thanks
  11. Hi Bit of a noob question here. Am soon to be starting playing again after a long long break, once thing has occured to me and that is that I have always had shops do my setups and have never adjusted a truss rod myself. I know it is meant to be left to loosen and right to tighten the truss rod and was wondering if it is left/right when looking down the neck with the bass upright and the body resting on the floor or whether it is left/right with the bass neck facing downwards towards the floor Also, am I right in thinking turning right counteracts forward bow and turning left does the opposite Thanks is advance
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1332372843' post='1587565'] I love that pick on flats tone on the little bass solo on The Beatles 'Everybodys Got Something To Hide' Macca on a Fender Jazz, I read somewhere. [/quote] + 1 Awesome, awesome tone
  13. dont know if this is any help but this is the back of an MB4 neck [url="http://media.photobucket.com/image/SQUIER%20MB4%20neck/guitar4u/neck3/28.jpg"]http://media.photobucket.com/image/SQUIER%...4u/neck3/28.jpg[/url]
  14. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='995692' date='Oct 21 2010, 11:00 AM']Now then! I've been offered this bass in a trade for my epiphone eb3. Its a Squier mb-4 and doesnt have all the sh*tty skull rubbish that the one in the picture does. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/squier-mb4-skull-and-crossbones-bass--40774"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/squier-mb4-sk...nes-bass--40774[/url] I'll be looking to replace the neck, pickups and bridge. I know replacement pickups will fit but do you reckon i'd have a hard time replacing the neck? Also, can anyone recommend me some PJ pickup sets that may be of use to me. CHEERS Paul[/quote] I shouldnt think a replacement neck would be that hard to come by but I wouldn't replace the neck tbh, the neck is likely to be absolutely fine and probably a truss rod adjustment and fret dress will have it playing well, I would put the money into the pick ups and bridge tbh
  15. sorry i see ive posted this thread twice oops
  16. Ashdown Five Fifteen amp up for grabs, just moved and need shot of it , no pics of it but its in good working order just needs someone to collect it , im in Croydon (thornton heath) area
  17. Ashdown Five Fifteen amp up for grabs, just moved and need shot of it , no pics of it but its in good working order just needs someone to collect it , im in Croydon (thornton heath) area
  18. [quote name='Mikey R' post='903836' date='Jul 24 2010, 10:40 AM']If we made basses from MDF then I reckon they would all sound the same, and taste as good as a McDonalds whereever you ate it...[/quote] lol
  19. Selling my Ashdown Five Fifteen , it is 100 watts 1 x 15" speaker combo amp , not really powerful enough for gigs but would be a good amp for practice. Looking for £50 for the amp, would be collection only, i am in Thornton heath, Croydon area will put pics up later today , this is the lowdown from the Ashdown website [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=82"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=82[/url]
  20. [quote name='maxrossell' post='693897' date='Dec 26 2009, 06:43 PM'][url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/75471"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/75471[/url][/quote] Thanks , that one is actually nicer than the one I saw for £429 , bridge on that one looks much sturdier
  21. How much is the asking price for one of these basses new? I saw one of these in a local music shop for £429 and was shocked as I always thought these went for much less than this , also for a £429 bass the hardware looked really cheap , Im not bashing Ibanez as I love Ibanez basses and am sure that the shop just really overpriced this one
  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='693421' date='Dec 25 2009, 04:55 PM']You having a party to celebrate? <edit> I see the 'ladys' are well catered for! [/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWo01rn7O1s&feature=PlayList&p=4079EF06ED8A2192&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=62"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWo01rn7O1s...PL&index=62[/url]
  23. [quote name='ashevans09' post='688640' date='Dec 18 2009, 07:07 PM']tbh i like both incarnations of his sig bass . Also reckon he's a vastly underrated bassist and producer but that's another can of worms... [/quote] +1 , I love his tone
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