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Everything posted by soulstar89

  1. If this was fretted I would already have jumped on my Brompton and be cycling to you lol. great example. Aria, Greco, tokai, Yamaha and Fernandes of this era made amazing copies of fenders.
  2. Oh never knew about them. I’ll add this shop to my list. Cheers.
  3. Very true. If it was paul Jackson’s ex bass it would be already be in my house taking the spare room lol. The one you was after is a 72 also. Which site is this from?
  4. I agree with both of your. This is the exact combo I’m after but I refuse to spend that kind of money tbh. It is funny how the 70’s pbass neck profile feels so at home compared to the early 60’s.
  5. Yep. it was a artist bass. Probably why it was more. 77 my mistake https://www.wunjoguitars.com/products/1977-fender-precision-bass-ex-katrina-and-the-waves
  6. Wow really? I was in wunjo guitars in Denmark street yesterday trying a 78 p bass which was £3495. loved it, played like a finger funk machine 😍. Didn’t like that the Tone control never stopped either side. The price was another put off also
  7. Wow how things has changed lol
  8. Glad you are on the road to recovery bud. I just saw your video on YouTube regarding this build. Found it rather interesting so I will follow the progress. hope you are well
  9. Update. I just called will. They are updating the server. He didn’t realise things wasn’t going through his side both email and what’s app. I would suggest giving him a call as you are sure to get hold of him. As normal his a great person to communicate with regarding possible purchases.
  10. Yeah I’m not enraged in the slightest. Genuinely wanted to see if everything is ok. I’ve interacted with him before.
  11. Yes normally I use the what’s app function and he replies rather swiftly also. Not been the case this time. I sent a whats app message then a couple days in I went on the contact section to send a email.
  12. Oh ok. That is weird. Maybe they got caught up. I emailed kloppmann pickups. They took a while to reply but apologised saying the email got lost in filter. That happens sometimes. It go to junk mail. Happened to me with clients lol
  13. Hey peeps. I was wondering if anyone has gotten in contact with bass bros within the past weeks? sent a message via what’s app link and then email but no response as yet. They normally respond promptly.
  14. 75 fender jazz just up on bassbro. https://bassbros.co.uk/product/1975-fender-jazz-bass-3/ Found a PB70 which I may be interested in. Thing is the serial number is dated 1984-1987. The very first production of the pb70 was 1990. I’ve checked all catalogues. I’ve messaged will anyhow.
  15. I’m really looking for a p but you are making me think as I know how good these are.
  16. What wood is the body?
  17. A person I follow has the standard wound pickups in a 77 p bass (ash body/maple neck) and it sounds sooo nice. kloppman ate another amazing sounding pickup. Congrats 🥳 Let us know how you get on with them.
  18. I saw this in the morning also. The pickups hand changed also. Like you said the info is shocking. im on the hunt for a 70’s p so I have a saved search I look at.
  19. Wow truly is a bargain. If you have any precisions I’ll be ready to pounce. I’ve found any product from japan has a level of precision. good luck.
  20. I was just about to say that it back. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266360366114? mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BB7G2mDXRVS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Rn8UiLvPR9K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY suspect?
  21. congrats! I’m sure it will serve you well. You guys are making me crave my mid 70’s p bass even more lol
  22. Oh. What did you pick up this evening? It’s a nice weight. For me the 70’s neck are the most comfortable for me.
  23. Thanks for info. It will be my first vintage bass. I actually saw the ash body on bass bro. It was a three piece natural finish. Tbh the three piece put me off. I played a mocha 77 ash body maple neck in wunjo’s in central london. It was out of this world. Problem is it’s 3.5k. 1k more than going price is a tad to much for my liking.
  24. Very very nice. I’m after a maple neck. im sure this will go in a flash
  25. After me racking my brains on the black poles in pick up. I found that kloppman pick up poles are indeed black just like the ones in the 1980 p bass I tried. what is the price range for a mid to late 70’s fender p bass?
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