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Everything posted by soulstar89

  1. Had to share this. It’s Harvey mason- chameleon band at the Java jazz festival. Freddie’s playing is so good. Pocket legend but so groovy. He has the special sauce. I LOVE how he makes those Bartolini’s sing. Wow. Kamasi is a legend in my eyes. enjoy. I did.
  2. Meeting a local BC’er to try a setup is a great idea actually. I’m on the fence between ashdown and Markbass.
  3. I went to Denmark street central London is rose morris and tried the ashdown ABM600. First ashdown amp I’ve ever tried. Wow the DEPTH in sound. Played my pbass (Asian ash with maple neck). Amazing character. my question is how does the compare? I would It could have been me not knowing the amp but it didn’t sparkle in the top end more of a rolled off vibe. I play mostly finger style funk.
  4. I tried the new line in central london at wunjo’s. Their site says they don’t have any in stock, but they have everything in store. The new line have a plastic looking casing rather than the wood with cloth over. I’m no great knowledge on cabs and head but I have played the new and old versions on the search for my new setup. Sounded cool. I tried the 58r 12” combo and the had the mini version which doesn’t have the plastic casing. Both sounded great. They have different amps in them. It’s weird you can’t turn off the tweeter in either. I tried the ashdown abm600 evo iv and WOW. Also loved the sound of ampeg pf-500. I play pbass dead roto’s finger style funk.
  5. This little thread has been insightful. On the weekend I was looking at the eich t-500 and 900, mesa d-800 and the v2 of Aguilars amp demos. ossyrocks is so right about having to make a leap of faith more often than we would like. Sad thing for me as I’m not great buying blind lmao.
  6. This is interesting. I play a pbass with roto 66 dead rounds. I was looking to pick up the 10 inch BF cab but wasn’t sure on amp. Mitch Friedman who works for labella plays pbass, flats and berg. Tone is INSANE. I’ll drop you a PM to pick your brain
  7. Man, I remember when we spoke on this bargain you got. The timing is bad as I’m in the middle of trying to change my amp rig and also refine the 70’s pbass I have. It’s funny how when you aren’t feeling your current setup for some reason these things pop up lmao
  8. that’s a great shout. is the fretboard another uk bass forum?
  9. put on the kettle, I’m coming over to play them all lol. 😂
  10. So since I posted here I was able to play my preamp pedal with the Bose noise cancelling overear headphones. They are battery operated. Wow. It made me realise how anaemic my akg k52 are. The be frank they are 💩. The difference is massive when you turn the Bose on via switch. I looked at the impedence of the Akg k52 and the are rated at 32. I’m looking to get a better set of headphone and notice that some top headphones like v moda m200, audio technica ath-m50x have a impedence of 32 while the beyerdynamic dt 990 pro x are rated at 80. What would be more suitable for plugging in a pre amp or amp? i prefer playing through speakers but sometimes I have the urge to play late at night.
  11. I’ve a Yamaha pulser 400 from late 70’s, killer bass. The 2000 definitely has an aggressive tone which suits slapping and finger style funk great example. GLWTS
  12. this popped up on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166741111138?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r-2DIzGHQda&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Rn8UiLvPR9K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. I was looking at these amps this morning. I couldn’t find any info on what frequencies the eq was. It’s not even in the manual. So weird as it has a mid frequency selection button. considering all these comments above I’ll pass
  14. Pissed I missed it. 🙈If guy doesn’t get this let me know please
  15. Cheers for that. I’ll have a look those sites.
  16. I definitely see that. I will have to search if the uk or EU have distributors of these Japanese brands. On trusting your hands and ears, I couldn’t agree more.
  17. wow yes you really have a rack of moon basses. I done more digging I played the groove master. Compared to my law suit Yamaha p bass the moon felt light. It was just so refined. What’s a shame is that due to business moving more towards online people don’t get to try different brands. I also tried the G&L 1000 from the 80’s. It was really nice also. I have to put a search on moon basses in the bay and reverb now.
  18. I went to the bass gallery to get some tlc sone with my bass. I played at least 8 fender p basses. Two from Japan the rest from the 70’s. Out of the 8 1 mij a pb-62 sounded nice but the neck was too shallow for me. The other a 73 which was nice until. Went upstairs and tired a moon gm4! Didnt like the colour but my days was it amazing to play. Had a telecaster neck but it felt so smooth to play. Didn’t feel massive at all. I was able to play pocket funk real nice. This bass was a custom order. Has anyone played ,owned or owes a moon p bass? It really made me think are fenders really that good? I normally have a “get to know you period” before I feel comfortable. This moon and a Larry Graham jazz from moon didn’t have that at all.
  19. wow the person backed out. Shocking. I was watching it as thought it would go for around 900. Just under 800 is a bargain. I was wondering if you had a reserve on it
  20. I’ve got akg k52 headphones. I used someone’s bose noise cancelling headphones which you need batteries to activate that feature. Once the Bose headphones is driven by the batteries, my lord it made a world of difference. My akg seem wanting compared to the Bose. issue with headphones is there are so many. Audio technica ath-m50 are ment to be amazing, never listened through them though.
  21. great advise. I think I tried the markbass you own. It was monstrous. Shock the basement of the shop even with me trying to tame it. I love the sound of the acoustic control amps back in 70’s. The videos I’ve seen show them being the size and weight of a teenager lol. You are so right about how things have changed. the laney digbeth seems interesting also. I’ll have to head to Anderton’s to try it. It’s interesting that it doesn’t have a gain control knob. Just to channels (clean and tube) both with volumes so I presume the tube emulation channel acts like the gain.
  22. I’ll check it out. I always felt that Phil jones is perceived as hi-fi sound
  23. Funny stuff it say this as when I was in wunjo guitars the 12” markbass combo was what my ear preferred. I’ve been thinking of maybe getting an amp head and cab. Which ever is more cost effective. Also I realised I need to up my budget.
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