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Everything posted by soulstar89

  1. cheers for the response. I’ve seen a fair amount of secondhand ashdowns some may be an older generation of the rootmaster as the amp layout looks very similar. I’ll keep this in mind.
  2. cheers. I’ve not played a ashdown before I’m not sure of the tone.
  3. i went to wunjo in central london. Tried the fender rumble, ampeg, markbass. Really didn't like the fender. Mark bass was killer!!! killer price though lol. ampeg rocket bass was alright nothing like the markbass. I may have to head to andertons to try GK,Hartke and laney.
  4. wow that is a bargain price.
  5. Cheers bud. Gonna order now
  6. I need to get some foam for my p bass. Dies one strip fit the length of each pickup?
  7. Black bb2000!!!!!! Are you serious 🤯. I’ve never seen an all black one ever before. Is this a special factory order or a repaint. wow
  8. nicely put.
  9. nice one mate. I’m glad I sent you the link. You are in londo so that’s a plus. He has an acoustic pre amp. Man I love the sound of those but it’s over kill for home use. I messaged the seller asking if he had any other basses and he gave me some great advice about buying from Japan. Seemed very genuine. Also as japan is in recession the yen is very low atm. When I checked yesterday it’s 190yen to the pound. A tokai I saw sold for 60000 yen. That is just over £300.
  10. I have a 78 Yamaha pulser 400 which is a lawsuit copy of a late fender p bass with 40mm nut (mine is 39) and a deep chunky neck. Funny thing is it doesn’t feel like a baseball bat. It just feels right. Playing fast isn’t not an issue at all. The fender 60’s neck profile doesn’t agree with my tendons in my forearm after I broke my wrist. Definitely understand you on construction. Japans craftsmanship has always be so refined. Your mass has a neck through with ebony fretboard so it plays a big part. You seemed to have found a keeper. Delete all your saved searches on basses you are after and enjoy the beauty lol. oh how would you describe the jazz pickup?
  11. Great playing and also example. Yes it does have the thumpy sound but with good definition like you stated. Sometimes the traditional p bass pickup tone rolled off can sound a tad muddy. move your picking hand and then you have even more sounds. 70’s-80’s Yamaha are less common here in the uk. Congrats on the purchase.
  12. Nice. I’ve a question. As the pickups are aggressive and punchy (I presume tone wide open) when you rolled off the tone does it more bassy/thumpy like a generic style p bass sound or holds the same aggression and punch but with less treble?
  13. Lmao hahahaha I didn’t notice that. Hilarious. im after a Yamaha pulser 600, bb1000 or possibly bb3000. The bb3000 isn’t a I really want now. Tbh the 600 is
  14. Just found this. It’s literally a 15 min drive from me. Not looking for this bass and remembered you was after one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266735988104?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=C-GOUviuTUW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Rn8UiLvPR9K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  15. These look like the Bartolini HI-A pickups which had an individual coil for each string.
  16. I agree. I was just looking at a MIJ J precision bass. It has a 42mm nut with a soft V profile. It is described as 70's vintage but the depth is 20.60mm. Not deep enough for me. Shame as i found a good deal.
  17. really liking this track atm. Really nice to play
  18. Wow you struck gold. I’ve been trying to source a Yamaha pulser 600 and not had the instant luck like you. you should offer masterclasses on getting what you want lmao.
  19. Are you ok? why does the world always think “negatively” first? No sarcasm at all. A honest comment as I loveed the gesture of passing it on for the same price he got it. what he said “ At the end of the day bass guitars are toys we enjoy until passing on to the next person“ Is such a beautiful and valid point. Anyway this thread is about his bass, let’s keep it that way. Have a great weekend 👍🏾
  20. When you find “ the one” you have zero resistance when playing.
  21. Yep that the one my wrist agrees with. Deep neck with around 40-42mm but width.
  22. This is interesting. Never knew this was a factory option. Beautiful colour https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315217445474?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=elhse3o4su6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Rn8UiLvPR9K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  23. Will is great. I bought my Yamaha pulser 400 which it’s a lawsuit late 70’s pbass. I was going to swap it for a 600 (the higher model) but will wasn’t happy with how the neck settled. This showed me a lot of honesty as he could have sold me the bass and be done with it. I’ll buy more from him for sure.
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