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Everything posted by drlargepants

  1. I ended up keeping the official bag, as I couldn’t be bothered returning it. Tbf it’s very good quality if rather overpriced !
  2. Ahh that would be perfect. Did it come with the foam ?
  3. Hi I’ve gone from an EBS TD650 and EBS Neoline 2x12 to the Darkglass and a Barefaced Super Twin, primarily because the EBS wouldn’t fit in the boot of my car. If it hadn’t been for that I’d have never have changed it, it just did what I wanted with minimum messing around with dials ! I would have kept the head, but I got so many very good offers for both the head and cab it was hard to turn down. I’ve yet to really get to grip with the EQ on the Darkglass and I’m currently using it with a cab that doesn’t really work for me whilst waiting for the Barefaced so it’s hard to judge currently. I got the VT to basically improve on the somewhat ropey amps available in the rehearsal rooms we use, but now I have a rig that fits in the car and it’s heavy it’s not really needed now. I’m very much at the traditional end of the tone scale so the Darkglass might seem an odd choice, but I’ve managed to get some impressively 70s metal sounds out of it so I’m quite happy with it really. Overpriced in my opinion but that’s another story !
  4. Sorry no.
  5. It’s funny when I bought my OW Jazz from Dawson’s I was desperately trying to find one of these but they’d all gone. You then bought that off me, and now you’re selling this. Hmm.
  6. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323306810380
  7. That’s stunning
  8. Can anyone recommend a case for the MT900 which isn’t the official one please ? the Darkglass one is ridiculously expensive. Ta !
  9. Thank you. My stubby fingers scream in dispair 😉
  10. What’s the nut width on that please ?
  11. ‘I don’t need another jazz, I don’t need another jazz’
  12. Incoming Barefaced cab, so I really don't need this anymore. any interest ?
  13. Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe absolutely mint, with box and instructions. This pedal allows you to save multiple presets of your favourite tones. Its a truly great piece of kit, but no longer required due to inbound Darkglass M900 Save a good few quid on new price, and help fund a Darkglass bag for me 😉 £200
  14. Sold pending payment (heartbreaking!)
  15. Sold pending payment
  16. Just right, which is unusual for a P
  17. I miss mine, wish I hadn’t sold it
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