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Everything posted by drlargepants

  1. Interestingly bar the bass that’s the settings I happened upon last night that I was quite happy with. Probably less drive also. Actually I had the blend over 12 o’clock also. Worked very well.
  2. Yes very much so, thank you ! i also very much agree about the b3k being generally better sounding for more vintage stuff (which isn’t what you’d expect)
  3. Yes, will do. Will be tomorrow now.
  4. Over all volume wise, how to they compare ?
  5. That they do lol ! I suppose it’s getting it repaired/replaced if anything goes wrong during the warrenty period and actually getting to try one before buying that is the issue. They ain’t cheap either.
  6. I really like the idea & sound of these, it just seems too much hard work to get one in the UK
  7. Thank you. That’s very interesting actually.
  8. Is the rack case included ?
  9. Dare I ask how heavy the head is ?
  10. It is indeed, thank you ! Ive had a good blast through it today and I just can’t quite get what I want from it. Its a shame as it’s so light and powerful.
  11. If you’re in Budapest I might be pursaded to fly it over 😉 @talalala
  12. I’ve had this for a while now and done a couple of gigs and rehearsals with it. Its incredibly light and loud but I can’t get a tone I’m %100 happy with. For reference I’m big into vintage slightly overdriven tones (think early Geezer Butler). This doesn’t do that (that I can work out anyway). Boxed with manual and the small footswitch (unused) Id say it’s in mint condition. Case is the official, insanely expensive, Darkglass case. I’m in Chester but I’m quite happy to post at your expense. Specs etc here: https://www.darkglass.com/microtubes-900/ Trades welcome.
  13. So it is, lol !
  14. I’m a bi-curious drummer and this program looks fascinating.
  15. Where was this ? Just curious !
  16. Yes very much so. I’m a big G&L fan.
  17. It’s just to risky I think.
  18. These are brilliant, I’ve had one for nearly 30 years. Great value and they play incredibly well. Good luck with sale !
  19. They do a fabulous espresso there so I’m told.
  20. We had one in Liverpool in the early 90s, two bands, promoter/manager blowing smoke up our behinds etc. Thing was he quite literally did nothing to promote it, not even a flyer. Consistently nobody turned up, and I mean nobody ! Free practice with a lighting rig if nothing else !
  21. Diet or caffeine free ?
  22. I grew up listening to metal/thrash/prog/punk etc, and Disco couldn’t be anything further away from what I like, but yeah Bernard Edwards was just incredible and in my middle age I can finally admit to loving Chic 😉
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