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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. You appear to have affixed your strap locks to a Liquorice Allsort...
  2. I don't condom what you've just said...
  3. Good work on these Ped, they're Kraken!
  4. I stole yours. They're mine now.
  5. I just did one if you'd like to purchase it? 😁
  6. Moral of the story, wait till the end of the year to buy your crap!
  7. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/201026363384025--ibanez-sr875-autumn-leaf-gradation Another one for you 5 stringers...
  8. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/191223353021008--ibanez-premium-btb1906sm-6-string-surreal-black-burst?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqdP9BRDVARIsAGSZ8Am0A19EDc0xFFThF-LpCEyDCTxvA2v88gxWfhB7pWLh6k9Gh2UVEHkaAozsEALw_wcB £1000 instead of £1600... tempted myself!!
  9. When did this sell? I was finally about to cave... 😫
  10. Well then! I stand corrected... I remember seeing one 20 odd years ago in the Bass Centre for £80 or so. Times change!
  11. Lots of traffic on here sir! You can bump your ad every 36 hours to push it to the top of the pile. Looks like a beautiful bass mate, as a 6 string player myself I'd very happily give this a home if funds permitted, which they unfortunately don't! Folk on here are the discerning kind and Will usually insist on good details, especially on high value basses like this, it will definitely increase your sale chances! Good luck with the sale, tis a beauty!!
  12. Sadly no sir, it's just a promo model that Warwick made 100 of so of in the late 90's. Though I have heard that someone did make a functional one. It is a solid through neck with accurate fret spacing so it could be done! The Warwick is around 14", the Bee Bass 5 is 20.5", the ACG is 30.5" and the Bee Bass 10 (Binky!) is 34".
  13. Just a pointless photo! Anyone got a smaller bass so I can see how far i can take this!
  14. I had a destroyer once back in the day! And a Blazer... now I'm just left with my 79 Roadster. 2 strings fewer than I need, but its got a lot of sentimental value!
  15. To be honest I'd settle for finding a fiver on the floor! Though I'd need to do that 300 times before I could buy your bass!
  16. I keep looking at this, and I keep wanting it, but my finances keep me from it! I don't even have anything to sell on at the moment!
  17. You're right, it is a stunning rug. The bass is quite nice too!
  18. I spoke with Sander some time ago about exactly that, he said that he was taking so many more orders for the more 'standard' style basses than he did for the custom ones like the Origin and Elevation that from a business perspective it made sense to discontinue those models, though I dare say he'd still build one as a custom order!
  19. I own two De Gier Elevation 6 string basses, they are absolutely superb things, some of the best build quality available at any price range.
  20. That is a tasty bit of buckeye! Oscar Prat builds some exceptional basses! If I had money/good trade bait I'd be all over this. Looks absolutely beautiful.
  21. Yes. Most of my bases are satin, including my Overwater 7. All of the examples in my other post are all satin too!
  22. For me, a good top REALLY makes the bass truly unique and yours. Woods such as these are like finger prints and snow flakes... pretty much no two are the same! These are a few of the tops on some of my basses/guitars. You can easily get lost in the figuring of the woods.
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