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Everything posted by flatwound

  1. G'day Pal1972, some people "say what they like", and they might even "like what they say"....but it doesn't necessarily follow that [i]they[/i] know what [i]they[/i] are talking about,... but that doesn't really matter when you talk through your arse !! A lot of people on this forum bash Ashdown,..but in my opinion, a good percentage of those that do, are simply repeating what they hear others say, and have NO experience of the product. If you look through the For Sale Amps / Cabs section on this forum, you will see that only a small percentage is Ashdown gear, ([i]yours included[/i]) and it always seems to resell. I would also use your own experience, with your Mag 300, as a bit of a guide as well...it gave ya no dramas. !! I have been having a play lately at the local music shop with the chrome faced Ashdown amp 500 watt, I think its the ABM ?? and it sounds fantastic, and can give a huge array of tones...its been going through a Mag 4x10 and 1x15. Also,.. the Technician at the same shop offered these comments when I picked his brains about Ashdown gear, he said that "he see's very little of the Ashdown product come through for repair, compared to the high end expensive stuff, and when it does its generally something simple"...that's good enough for me. The shop is run by musicians,.. for musicians, and they don't stock crap according to the manager,...and the place is full of Ashdown gear. ([i]When I have saved enough dollars, I will get myself the Aguilar GS412, simply because I want a cab with all the same size speakers, and 12's seem to be the sweet spot[/i]). (for me) And I will probably get an Ashdown amp, as the recommended amp for the Aguilar cab is ridiculously priced. !! Bassmansky has it right with his comments. As does Andy Martin,...a few words can say so much. !! Warpig is also onto it. This has been a bit "long winded", and I probably haven't helped you very much either, if at all, but,.... I would be inclined to listen to informed individuals and not "tossers"s (as you Brits call w***ers) ??
  2. So,...is it a bass, or a "w***" ?? and I love this... "I'd rather have almost anything else (including piles). Horrible." and this... "Rather slam my knob in the car door again"........ how did ya manage to do that ??
  3. [quote name='kolossusuk' post='591356' date='Sep 6 2009, 10:01 PM']Hi - rather than start a new thread, I find myself in a similar situation. Recently returned to bass after 20 years or so, to help out a band -I was previously guitarist - rhythm and lead I am happy to go up to £300 for a used combo Stuff I play is Rock covers - eagles through to Red hot chilli peppers and metallica I use an Ibanez active SX590 bass Will be the bass player in a 6 piece band - 2 guitars, 2 girlie singers and a loud drummer.. Pub gigs - medium to large Reasonable Bose PA Currently using a Peavey - TNT 100 basic but loud but also limited - and way too heavy for an old man like me to lug around.... I put the bass through my Boss ME 50 guitar fx so I can get some chorus, tuning, reverb and wah..... not ideal I know ;-) I am tracking the following on gumtree and ebay etc: Trace 715 or 7215 or 7210 - 300w - each about 10 + years old or more Trace GP11 and 15" Cab - very aged Line 6 LD300 Pro - 3 years old - been warned away from these but others seem to love them?? Roland CB 100 - new. Maybe too lightweight or something better that I haven't considered?? Please save me - I'm going snowblind!!!! Many thanks Kol[/quote] I have one of these, they are fantastic. ! I pissed myself laughing when I first saw it, but when I heard it, it certainly shut me up !! I think "Out to play Jazz" has one as well, if you want a second opinion..... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2BllVLlH3Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2BllVLlH3Q[/url]
  4. I agree with Bottomendian on both counts there,...and a .357 will work wonders on any drummer.!!
  5. I had "Weekend Detention" so that rules me out, and besides I cant play,...tastily or otherwise. !!
  6. I sent young Pete a set of new D'Addario Flatwounds some time ago, and asked that he send me a British Pound Note, ([i]not for postage or payment, but for my daughters currency collection[/i])... and he sent me a nice crinkly fiver. To cut a long story short, he could have done the " F*%# Him.., he's on the other side of the world thing" but he didn't and duly the note arrived, which shows me his moral values and ethics are good....trivial to some perhaps but not me, as life and some of the arseholes I've met up until now, have made me a cynical old bastard, Pete has restored my faith a bit. Thanks Pete, .. and I hope you enjoy those strings.....I would deal confidently with "PKOMOR"
  7. [quote name='12stringbassist' post='573227' date='Aug 19 2009, 02:30 AM']I've got this one. As I remember they also did them in all black (body and scratchplate). Should have got both![/quote] Geeez,...is there any basses you havent got...???
  8. [quote name='Faithless' post='548057' date='Jul 23 2009, 04:53 AM']I'm about to get bashed for following, but whatever.. You know, sometimes it just reminds me of those 12-year old kiddies playing Jamiroquai stuff... OK, they KNOW the notes maybe, but they aren't [b]tight [/b]at the end (and, with [i]a bit more[/i] practice, I think, they could..), but, when, especially, being a bassist, [b]what's the point [/b]then? But, then again, they get sweetest applauses (Basschat is not an exeption, sorry..), just because of what? Just because they're young and they try to come over the stuff, that [i]normally[/i] [i]shouldn't[/i] be taken by a kid? You know, I could probably taken one of [i]those [/i]Hadrien Feraud's solos, then get it down to the deepest f*ckin' bottom, but, [b]rhythmically [/b] and musically (phrasing and stuff), I KNOW I couldn't make it, so, what's the point then? You'd praise me just for trying? Thanks, but I don't need that. Zoe, I'm not trying to offend you - I'm not actually 'dedicating' my rubbish thoughts to you, it's for those well-wishers to think about [i]it[/i] a bit more.. I wish you all the best, but, in the end, you know it yourself, that your try needs a bit practice, and you'll nail it. But, not this time. I'm getting my coat, Faith.[/quote] Imbecile, ....give the girl the credit she deserves
  9. ALEMBIC,....well you did say "overrated"
  10. [quote name='bassmanady' post='265823' date='Aug 20 2008, 04:35 AM']After an argument with the wife..i sometimes say "TOTUS"=TOUCH OF THE UGLY STICK...of course she is beautiful IMO..and she hasn't a clue.WTFIM.....LOL[/quote] So,...you like living dangerously mate..? If she finds out,.... "your gone"! I like it though, and I'm gonna pinch (borrow)it....
  11. This question has been asked before and [i]never[/i] had a satisfactory answer....in fact,...as far as I know, never had an answer,...so can those that describe Ashdown cabs as sounding[i][size=3] wooly[/size][/i]....describe "wooly",....c'mon surely [b]you[/b] know what [b]you [/b]mean, I don't, so enlighten me. (and others)
  12. I bought a set of D'Addario Flatwound strings ( Mee-dee-yum [u][b]Scale[/b][/u]) off a Basschat user here in Australia, I was told that he had a "bit of a problem with the silks running on to the nut..([i]easily taken care of with sharp blade[/i]) but length wise they were fine"... as he had them on his P Bass. My research tells me a Precision Bass has a 34" scale. ?? ([i]Not blaming him as I bought them knowing they were medium scale strings, and he did offer me my coin back, but that's not the way I do business[/i]) I also checked with the bass boy at the local music store who said they should.. "just fit"....I am now convinced that he doesn't know "sh*t from clay" as he is the same guy who told me that there was never such a thing as a Rickenbacker Copy made by Kasuga.....there was, [b]I had one[/b] !!! I have advertised them here in OZ on several forums and nobody seems to want them [size=5]OK[/size] if anyone plays a [b]medium scale[/b] bass and would like to try a set of flatwounds, then I am happy to post the bloody things to ya, I will even pay the postage, [i]ya cant beat that[/i], unless I come across there and put them on for you, and I'm not that stupid. (although I question[b][i] that [/i][/b]sometimes) I checked on www.stringsdirect.co.uk and they are about 32 pounds. Dont know how to be fair about this, but if anyone does "need" them, then the first reply [u]to this thread[/u] will get them. I will check back in a day or so...... I will check your profile, and PM you regarding postal address etc Cheers [attachment=27563:D__addar...ings_002.jpg][attachment=27564:D__addar...ings_003.jpg]
  13. This was drilled home by the terrible SWR Combo I keep having to hire at my rehersal studio. I play like sh*t every time I have to use. [i][b]To my mind, SWR are worse than war criminals[/b][/i]. nearly pissed myself when I read that. !!
  14. When you said "top right", it makes me think it is a multi speaker cab, if so try swapping the speaker position, if the noise follows it then it is the speaker.
  15. New Warwicks,...anyone like em. ? I personally dont. The manager at the local bass store sent me these photos cause he thinks I have a fist full of dollars...he's right, but I will be buying another CORT...(T74 image included) [attachment=26326:warwick_...1_walnut.jpg][attachment=26327:warwick_...rLX4_blk.jpg] [attachment=26328:warwick_...rLX5_nat.jpg][attachment=26329:warwick_...STG1_red.jpg] [attachment=26330:warwick_zender_blk.jpg][attachment=26332:cort_T74_blkchry.jpg] now that Zender is a sad lookin bit of gear isnt it ?
  16. [quote name='gbm' post='491316' date='May 18 2009, 10:08 PM']Surely as we use amplification to make our instruments louder we should have a glimmer of understanding of how it all works. You have an excellent wiki here on basschat that explains it all very clearly so I dont understand what excuse people have for being "not technically minded".[/quote] The guy said he was trying to learn. Try answering his question, ya cant can ya ? (sorry,...couldn't help myself)
  17. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='492308' date='May 19 2009, 10:18 PM']G'day cobber! Welcome mate. Nice to hear from someone from round t'other side of the planet. Spent my honeymoon travelling the east coast of Oz, and have relations living in Melbourne, so I envy you every waking day! Have fun on here mate. All the best, Pete.[/quote] Thanks Pete, I was just tryin to be sarcastic , with that comment and Zoe was spot on....most of you guys seem to be decent chaps, [u]and girls [/u](sorry Zoe) I have had a heap more questions I would like answers to,and/or opinions on, but reluctant to post anymore, (I'm trying to just be an observer these days) as some smart arse young c%#@head will get straight into me (and others) about it "being posted elsewhere, just do a search", [i]or[/i] "its in the wrong place", [i]or[/i] "not specific enough"...need I go on. Those lot spoil this forum, which is an excellent forum. I have also noted that these forums seem to have their own little family groups that tend to piss in each others pockets, and tell each other how wonderful they think they are. I'm also wondering, how many [i]genuine[/i] Bass Players, use the forum as it seems to me, a fair percentage are concerned more about how the instrument "[b]looks[/b]", I'll bet they have big mirrors at home, and I would think it would be extremely difficult if not impossible, to play a bass with one hand around their "you know what" I have PM'd several users and only yesterday received a reply from a female user, (or non user now for some of the very reasons I have just outlined) she was pissed off, and said that,... that particular element, put off young guys and girls which is a shame, cause girls can play bass as well. Hey Zoe? and where do the young guys starting out get their information from if not on these forums, after all, that is what it is for.! Or at least one of the reasons a forum exists. I should really apologize and piss off,....as I have just noticed that this forum is for [u]UK bass players[/u]...how dare I, but its not going to stop me reading the posts, I might learn something, ya never know.! This is most likely going to get a few noses out of joint as well, ( I would be more than happy to put them back in for ya's) I think I have private messages enabled if anybody wants to [u]agree[/u] with me, or [b]have a go at me[/b] Geeez, I only wanted to say thanks to Pete...(thanks again Pete) and would also like to thank those guys that have given decent answers to the very few questions I have posted, and a big thanks to Andy Martin the only bloke that said welcome to Basschat, without me soliciting it. And I'll bet this is in the wrong place...see ya's
  18. Thanks for the welcome Crazy Kiwi, Telebass, and Zoe.....apart from you three..."you're a friendly lot are'nt ya's"
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' post='491033' date='May 18 2009, 09:13 AM']I played one of these in a local music shop a few years ago - couldn't put it down & [i]almost[/i] ended up taking it home... I've subsequently watched a few on Ebay & they don't go for huge sums - I suppose because Cort ain't a hugely fashionable brand. Jon.[/quote] Well they should be ....I have got two Cort basses, a G series and an A4 Artisan....fantastic basses. !! Just ordered the T74 as well, cant wait.
  20. flatwound


    Gooday everybody, I'm Jeff from Canberra in Australia, and I thought I would stick my beak in here, just to say g'day and get a... "Welcome to Basschat" from Zoe , and I think [i]she [/i]should be made the "[u]Official[/u] Meeter and Greeter" Just an opinion !
  21. [quote name='Amafi' post='487762' date='May 14 2009, 09:17 PM']Hi all, Iv'e just been to collect my replacement Fender Jazz 70's stylee Standard Bass from the store. (Mexican) The original NEW Fender had problems with the saddles lowering by themselves causing the bass to go out of tune. This one is completely different..I got it home and began to set it up and it just [i]wrong.[/i] The neck is straight as a die, yet still get fretbuzz even though the saddles are really high, which of course makes the action at the higher end terrible. The saddles also seem to splay out a bit, making me think it's poorly made. I have been playing for 20+ years and have set up a few basses in my time but even the previous one was completely different. Has anyone had problems with inferior quality in this range? Or am I just unlucky~? Amafi[/quote] I think Skankdelvar might be the man to talk to, as he seems to be a Fender man, but for my 2 bobs worth.....my mate is a "Fender Nut" (for want of a better description), and has about 30 years experience on bass and he has quite a few of em, only Fenders. He bought a Fender Precision, (MIM) about 9 months ago now, and it lasted about a week before he took it back to the shop and told them to "shove it"...you know where. Not sure exactly what the problem was, with the bass, I think from memory it was a slight twist in the neck, and something else ?? He is a fairly pedantic sort of bloke and likes everything to be spot on, which in my opinion is fair enough, but this one really pissed him off..... so I don't think you are alone in that respect and NO I don't think you are [u]unlucky[/u]. His second favourite "[i][b]Fender Precision[/b][/i]" is made in [b][b]Japan[/b][/b] what does that say to ya.....??
  22. [quote name='RhysP' post='485625' date='May 12 2009, 06:33 PM']The conflicting comments about the weight in the reviews will obviously be down to how much of a wuss the reviewer is. I'd say just over 8lbs is quite light for a bass, that's certainly no heavier than your average Gibson Les Paul guitar. Heaviest bass I've ever played was a horrible dead plank of a 70s Precision that weighed just over 13lbs![/quote] F*&#,....hows ya back. !?
  23. G'day all, someone, anyone.....I recently bought a couple of new basses , and on reading the reviews on different forums etc, one was described as being "one Hefty four string", another review said, "this is quite a light bass". I'm confused, ([i]although nothing unusual there[/i]) they both weigh 8lbs and a little bit, [i]cant be more accurate as scales aren't real flash[/i].... is this considered to be, heavy, light or average ?? I like the weight. Thanks for any input.
  24. [quote name='Linus27' post='483467' date='May 9 2009, 09:38 AM'][b]Rickenbacker[/b] What a total mess, trying to be a guitar or look different, the morris dancer of bass guitars[/quote] How can you possibly call a Rickenbacker a "total mess"...???
  25. [quote name='OldGit' post='475744' date='Apr 30 2009, 06:23 PM']Thanks Any idea what vintage these specs are from?[/quote] 1971 I think ! Scroll around this page and site, it may be of help to you. [url="http://www.rickenbacker.com/catalog_poster_piece.asp?poster_piece=cf84-bass-6.jpg"]http://www.rickenbacker.com/catalog_poster...cf84-bass-6.jpg[/url]
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