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Everything posted by JPAC

  1. Just seen this on the TV, story from 2003. A woman who was 8 1/2 months pregnant when she was impaled on a microphone stand has only minor aches and a 3-inch scar two weeks later, and her newborn son is perfectly healthy. Jessie Wickham, 34, lost her balance and fell from the second (UK=1st) floor of a loft (landing) onto the 3-foot microphone stand. The pole went through the upper chest just millimetres from her heart, penetrating the upper left lobe of her lung and hitting one of her shoulder bones. Her son, Ryan, was delivered just days after the accident. The boy went home from the hospital last week. "He's beautiful. He's been healthy from the beginning," Wickham said Monday at the University of Michigan Hospital, where she has been recovering since the June 11 fall. "I miss him so bad." Wickham is expected to make a full recovery from a ruptured lung and soon could join her son at their Livingston County home 40 miles west of Detroit. "It was amazing that falling face down hard enough to drive that pole through her chest, that there was no injury to the baby," Dr. Stewart Wang, a surgeon at the hospital, said Monday.
  2. +2 here. Well there's over 6 730 members, so even at one each, that figure has to be way low.
  3. Problem gone, very bad experience not going through that again.
  4. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='524798' date='Jun 26 2009, 12:55 PM']Just thought i'd take a minute to recommend Soundslive. Recently bought a Stagg EUB from them which had faults, so back it went. Got a replacement just over a week later (i believe they had to ship this from somewhere else and run it through their QC as they had no stock) Have to say they were excellent throughout, nice to speak to staff who are pleasant and know what they're on about for a change So, cheers to Soundslive! [/quote] I had just the opposite experience and will never use them again. It was documented in the repairs forum.
  5. JPAC

    Bass tone

    How much do you change the tone of your bass?
  6. I'd like to add this to my collection but the timing is wrong for me. I wonder when they changed the battery compartment from the one needing a screwdriver to the clip version. Looks fabulous though.
  7. skillbass, I have have good news and some bad news for you. Good news first, you are already better than me (but that doesn't take much), the bad news is you are too old to be a child prodigy.
  8. [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7342168.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7342168.stm[/url]
  9. Nothing specific but just so I feel I'm making some progress. I'll probably give the lessons a go when I know the notes and scales.
  10. Getting nowhere fast here.
  11. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='517463' date='Jun 18 2009, 03:30 PM']I can't wait.. for me.. this is possibly one of the most amazing things to ever happen. im stupidly excited! Z x[/quote] Are you excited about Billy Sheehan or Mr BIG?
  12. Paypal and eBay are not to be trusted. Having said that I sold a very expensive camera to someone from Greece who had me send it to his family in Newcastle, but I made sure the cheque cleared first.
  13. Sharing make up? Shocking pink lipstick.
  14. Yamaha and Ibanez both Indonesia. Not able to vote in your poll.
  15. Well it's not my thing at all but you can see the show again on the BBC iPlayer. SimBass is obscured by a large female much of the time on the wide shots. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00kvgmt/Thats_the_Spirit!/"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00kv...he_Spirit!/[/url]
  16. JPAC

    I'm off to NZ.

    That's just how I thought it would be, thanks. Or like this, [url="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_Street"]http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_Street[/url] My dad still insists on Anchor butter, despite the high price and carbon footprint of travelling half way around the world.
  17. Thanks for all the replies so far. They really show what's important in a bass guitar, more so than just the makers specifications or price.
  18. JPAC

    I'm off to NZ.

    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='500535' date='May 29 2009, 05:41 AM']I know, but anyway...just for you. Freshly picked this morning after I went for a drive. ...[/quote] You know your sheep all right and so big. What about some street scenes? 600px x 400px would be fine. GPS co-ordinates would be great so I can look it up on my Tomtom. I've heard that NZ is the way the UK was in the 50's.
  19. It's not what I'm used to.
  20. Are those inlays in the right places?
  21. Are strings extra?
  22. JPAC

    I'm off to NZ.

    Mmm that would be nice. Just the cute ones though. [i]Kidding[/i]. Don't know much about NZ really so it would be interesting to see a few street photos to compare it with the UK. My junior school teacher in the 60's said they made 25 tons of butter at a time there and it freaked her out. The Co-Op bought Somerfields recently and closed my local supermarket so now I have to shop in a different supermarket, all very strange, and more expensive. A lot of young people here don't even bother with insurance, the 18 yr old apprentice mechanic in my street just had a 15 year old Renault Clio that cost £2,500 to insure. £100 to buy. Tomtom just released an update for NZ maps if you have one, very useful. One guy I was an apprentice with wanted to go to NZ but they wanted £100,000 in savings to allow him in.
  23. JPAC

    I'm off to NZ.

    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='498383' date='May 26 2009, 11:30 PM']Hi everyone, I made it over in one piece! No sign of swine flu, plus I had a great stop over in food-tastic Bangkok and my family were there to meet me at the airport. Things seem a load more positive here than in the UK, by comparison people here so far seem optimistic and perhaps a little grateful that NZ hasn't been stung by the credit crunch as badly as the UK. It's a stark contrast to the cynicism and bitterness being played out in the media and political arenas in the UK at the moment and very refreshing, I have to say. People who I've caught up with are all telling me I made the right decision in coming back and the level of support here is quite touching. For example, I was chatting to a woman who runs a shop in Chch that imports english food items. I noted that she'd imported packs of McVities caramel chocolate digestives (very moreish) and she offered me a free pack! I can't imagine that ever happening in the UK. I'd also forgotten how cheap it was to live here. While food is about the same cost as the UK, other living costs like car insurance seem incredibly cheap. My father pays $500 (£200) a year to insure his 4 year old Honda Accord fully comprehensive and I've been made an additional driver for no extra charge! Haircuts can be had for $10 (thats about £4). There's also a greater range of property prices being offered by estate agents. While houses can be as expensive as the UK (and much larger) at the upper end of the market, there are more cheaper properties around for first time buyers to pick up too.[/quote] Never mind all that, tell us about the sheep, the sheep!
  24. If you've had more than one bass guitar, what made you change to your current one? If you're happy with your current one, what model is it and will you keep it? What would be your main reason to change, if any? Noob curiousity.
  25. SX usually get a good review on US bass sites but I've never seen one so I can't say. Difficult to find a cheaper bass now. That particular one does look smart though.
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