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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. Hi, My band is wanting to busk on weekends of gigs our material, of course the bass needs to be amplified. With out spending the £150+ on a battery powered amp, whats the feasibility of modifying an existing practice amp? Even a car battery with a transformer perhaps? It's bound to be cheaper than buying a new busking purpose amp. Thoughts anyone? Dan
  2. Have Aguilar discontinued their AG500 and AG500 SC? They aren't on their website any more; http://aguilaramp.com/products_amplifiers.htm Shame if they have, they're awesome heads. And do you think these heads will have a sudden increased desirability as a result? It seems the old DB heads are high demand as well as the pre amps they did. I know if I had the funds I'd get a DB750 in a heart beat! Dan
  3. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1346099583' post='1785345'] Try playing with the tweeter on playing a 12 or 8 string bass. It sure isn't quiet then. It's hideous. After loads of evenings which involved unumberable head/brick wall interfaces trying to EQ it out without losing all cut and bite, I just turned the damned things off. [/quote] I'll give you that. To be honest, I struggle with 4 strings at the best of times! Dan
  4. Yeah the ritters are great but don't last a great deal of time. Well, not in my hands anyway. The F1 bag's strap design was very similar to that of an adjustable ruck sack. And I almost went for that one. Dan
  5. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1345988947' post='1783818'] Smile! There's nothing worse than seeing a band play where they all look miserable [/quote] I heard from a bassist that "no decent rhythm section ever smiled, EVER!". There is a bazaar truth in it though! Well done on your first gig! Sounds like it went really well. As for advice on what to do, enjoy your self and play more gigs! And enjoy your self! Dan
  6. I have a behringer xynex x2442 USB, 2 RCF's ART 310a's, all powered. We've done weddings with this and it sounds great, excellent portability, surprisingly loud and very easy to use. The drummer in one of my bands is buying an RCF 705 AS and both bands will use the full lot. For m ep launch we borrowed a sub and as no one in the bands has a clue how to work them I did the sound. I seem to be doing something right as there were compliments all round! Dan
  7. I've just had a quick look on the Mono site at them, they look nice! Though I have to admit, I treat my M80 like the Vertigo so I'm not sure theres a desperate need for the vertigo design. I have 1 and only 1 criticism, the shoulder straps need a redesign. They are very close together where they join the bag and pinch against my shoulders and neck like nothing else, resulting in a painful 10 minute walk when using both straps. However, great cases. Very protective, light weight and trustworthy. Dan
  8. Thank Christ it's not just me! I love my 210 and in all fairness the tweeter isn't at all that loud, I can hear it when there is no other sound other wise it's absolutely fine. Good to hear you like the cab! And yes, they are deceptively loud! I used mine at the main hall in the cluny in Newcastle and it was more than loud enough for monitoring. Dan
  9. Im keen to see what people say on this. I'm in the same situation as your self. Dan
  10. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1345729299' post='1780975'] Most of the students that have come and gone have been great to teach despite of their learning aptitude or what the student wants to personally achieve from their lessons, so please don't think I am being elitist. I only remarked on his attitude because I was venting! It's hard enough to aquire students as it is and I don't want to drop him as I lose money, but I feel that I am currently losing out from the cancelations anyway. [/quote] Haha! No worries, no one thinks you're elitist! I know what you mean about students, I'm just starting on teaching and potentially have one student so I can only imagine what it'll be like in 6 years time! Hope you get sorted! Dan
  11. I don't se any reason why you shouldn't teach him again, but it shouldn't be because he just wants to learn songs for his band or he's a slow learner. We are all different and I'm sure that won't be the basis on which you cancel him. Do you not have a cancellation fee, in that he pays for the lesson if cancelled within 48 hours of the lesson starting? Studios do this, in fact so do driving instructors so theres no reason you shouldn't. I'd explain to him that if he doesn't want lessons any more then fair enough, but he has to tell you. If he does then he needs to stop pissing about. Dan
  12. Sandbergs are outstanding for the money, the build quality on my basic is easily up to the standard of the stingray. The day I can afford another bass will definitely be a Sandberg. Dan
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1345225030' post='1775284'] Very much depends on the bass - my Jaydee & Stingray were a nightmare for this, the necks needed adjusting all the time. My lovely old Atilla Balogh Odyssey bass however never needed adjusting in the 20 odd years I owned it. [/quote] Really?! I've only ever adjusted my stingrays neck twice in the 11 years I've had it. Still, they all sound good! Dan
  14. I dont think the issue is with regards to tuning the bass it self, but more to changes in neck set up due to the humidity as of late. I think this is what the OP is getting at. Either way, my basses haven't suffered. And yes, they are tuned before each play and checked during. Dan
  15. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1345132582' post='1774074'] I love the groove on Josie, especially the bridge before the solo and the way it melts back into the verse. Genius. [/quote] That bar of 3 at the end with the snare fill, dukka dak dukka dak! It's so nice to listen to! Dan
  16. I'd love to play it! The notation for it is on the internet, I should probably get round to learning it. It sounded great when I saw you play it Pete, Im looking forward to hearing it again when ND are at the SageGateshead again. I've just got the hang of Josie and Peg, they're great tracks to play to. Dan
  17. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1345013528' post='1772228'] It's getting those landlords and venues to simply answer the phone, or text, or email or return your call with a gig. That's it. That's the single hardest part in my twenty years gigging experience! [/quote] Yes, yes, and yes!!! [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1345014450' post='1772235'] Getting gigs is easy if your band is any good. I'd say the hardest thing is to get all the band members to pull in roughly the same direction. [/quote] Well, the thing is, we are good, very good in fact with out blowing our own trumpets. But venues just don't seem to want to book us, some won't even entertain the idea of a discussion. And I kinda agree with your second point, it does bloody help! Dan
  18. [quote name='Grant' timestamp='1344872270' post='1770429'] Been there with the female singer... too much red wine during gigs, that was her problem. [/quote] Haha! Perhaps not enough in our singers case! Dan
  19. Going through it now mate. The singer in one of my bands seems to get the impression her ideas and thoughts aren't welcome all the time. She can be very difficult, I won't go into details on a public forum, but trust me it's a headache not worth having. I feel for you I really do. Dan
  20. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1344854596' post='1770018'] Hi Guys, Thanks all for the replies, Bremen, My cab was backed up, as close as the speakon would allow to a solid stone wall but It didn't cross my mind to try it without the Gramma to be honest. We were very rushed setting everything up so we basically had 10 minutes to soundcheck and tweak once the PA was up and running. Next time I'll try that. Stu and Dan, Like you say, I think Subs will be the order of the day for the future. I have two passive ones but they're massive and very heavy. I'll keep dropping hints that we ought to buy a powered Sub for the bigger rooms. I was worried about going through the PA as we just had the pair of 12's, I didn't want to get in the way of the vocals etc. I'll be cranking the Bass from now on until we get one hehe Cheers Guys. Pete. [/quote] You wouldn't be 'getting in the way' of the vocals, I'd be more concerned about whether the 12's would be able to cope with bass. Try bass bunny's suggestion of putting a little bit through. I have RCF art 310A's so wouldn't put bass through them without a sub. Your passive subs will be fine as long as they have their own amp, perhaps take just one? Another option is to get your selves into a big room, school hall type thing, have a play about with the sound so you know what to expect/remedy next time. Dan
  21. I get this, as will everyone, you will need to crank your volume and bass end right up. The bottom end will disappear a lot more than you think, so you'll need to over compensate on stage for it to carry. The downside is you'll no doubt deafen everyone on stage which will makes things difficult for themselves to hear anything else. If you can, buy a sub. If not, hire one for the bigger gigs and put your bass through it. This will let you use your amp as more of a monitor as the PA will take most of the brunt. Until my band gets a sub this is what we do. The band acknowledge that the bass will be turned up on the gigs without a sub, and it will be lower for gigs with one. It's all compromise! Dan
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1341169766' post='1714675'] The Mono is the lightest of these but it's not much smaller or lighter than a Hiscox Liteflight. Also IMO it's not as comfortable to wear for long periods as the Ritter. [/quote] My thoughts precisely. My shoulder and neck muscles ache something rotten after a 10 minutes or so. Wonderful gig bag, really protective, light, just enough storage space. Enough room to fit a hand towel behind the neck inside the case to, but if they'd only spent a bit more time designing the shoulder straps, for long walk carrying they're just too narrow at the top. dan
  23. Im really impressed with the low end on it, I was blown away the first time I used one. Even the guitarist leant over after the first set and said "that cab sounds great". And they fit in the boot of a micra effortlessly to. Dan
  24. Thats the same one I have, so yes it will be a traveller cab. Brilliant cabs! I love mine to bits. Posted at 3pm and it hasn't sold yet? Bloody hell! Good luck with the sale. Dan
  25. [quote name='Kesh' timestamp='1344338860' post='1762952'] I wonder if you can make a bass out of a ring tailed lemur. [/quote] Hahaha!!! Its a good job most gigs are at night then!
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