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Everything posted by pietruszka
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1337160340' post='1656289'] A "climb" eh? [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1337160660' post='1656296'] Anyone for a bunk-up? [/quote] Hahaha!! Didn't proof read that well enough then. I was just having a think, and I'm insured to cover 8,000 miles a year, even if I did 1,000 of those at peak times, which is very likely, I'll be paying way over £1,000 to use the roads! If I pay 1p - 2p a mile the absolute minimum I'd be spending is at least what I'm paying now! That made my mind up and I'm against it. Is this reminiscent of the rates>polltax thing we had possibly? Dan
I've just watched a bit of the Wright Stuff on 5 and they had a topic on the Governments revised idea to introduce a pay by the mile system for the roads. The reasoning behind it is this, there are more people buying electric and very fuel efficient cars and paying next to no, if not, no road tax. It's reckoned the government is losing somewhere in the region of 30% on road tax as a result. The plan is to reduce fuel tax, scrap the road tax and have a pay as you drive system (for those who aren't familiar on here, ie new drivers etc). This would entail having a black box in every car. This sounds great, you pay less on the roads per mile if you drive at off peak times, especially at night. So working musicians could be paying pennies to go to work. However you could be paying a lot more if you work in standard office hours, up to £1.30 (estimated) per mile. This means it would cost my mum about £5 just to do her return journey to her school. It would cost me about £8 one way just to meet my girlfriend for a climb. And that would be at the bottom end of it, there are a lot of people who would pay more. There are a couple of gripes I have with this. For starters ALL cars should pay a road tax, regardless of emissions, they still use the roads and cause as much damage as any other similarly sized car. Theres the idea that we could all just by more fuel efficient cars, I would love to but theres a reason why I drive a 10 year old cheap car, I can't afford anything else. Fuel tax would have to come DOWN, not just be reduced by 15p a litre. It is an idea to just increase the fuel to accommodate the lack of funds from road tax, so that would price me off the roads and many others. I'm personally not convinced about this, and I don't trust this tory government to not increase something massively elsewhere to compensate. I only pay after all £125 tax. I cant help but think I'd be paying more on this system and feel it would be easier to tax all road cars. Thoughts anyone? Dan
RIP, always a fan of a solid player. Does any one know if Trevor Dunn (of Mr. Bungle/fantomas) is his son? Dan
Then we're all agreed! Tea any one? Dan
I've found my MarkBass cabs are a bit too on the boomy side mic'd up with a bass drum mic. In the studio yesterday I mentioned this to the engineer, he used some Beyer Dynamic mic and the cab sounded so clear and as I hear it, it was wonderful. As for DI's? I love them! Its so much nicer I found, the sound man I tend to use loves the DI on my Aguilar head, he rates it really highly. It gives him an excellent clean strong signal to work with. I know what you mean about guitar cabs being mic'd up so why not bass cabs? Could it be something to do with the frequencies? It is something I've pondered on before. Dan
I recently ordered a PA system with them. All arrived as expected, but the grub screw things for the speaker stands had smashed plastic handles on them. I took some pics and emailed them the same lunch time part of the day askin if they could possibly replace just those bits. 3 hours later I get an email confirming that they had some replacements posted out free of charge. Chase them up or ring them. Don't mention the war. Dan
The presidents of the USA have a 2 string bass and a 3 string guitar, though they aren't that tidy and more of a home mod kinda thing. Sounds great though! Dan
[quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1336660250' post='1649089'] Whichever you get you won't be disappointed. [/quote] Yep! They're industry standard for a reason. Dan
The DB750 is possibly the best head I have ever played through. If I wasn't so happy with my AG500 SC I'd invest in one. Dan
Bass players & structural health.
pietruszka replied to pantherairsoft's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1336589330' post='1648120'] core strength, is all I have to add. [/quote] A climbers best friend. Dan -
You could try behringer desks, cheap, work well, reliable. They've recently really improved their quality of products over recent years, I've jus got he xenyx x2442 USB, it's great! For shops, try thomann.de, excellent service and very cheap. Dan
The strangest bass part I've ever had to play.
pietruszka replied to leschirons's topic in General Discussion
That sounds mint! Please post it when you get it. I've played for myself Pink Floyd's Money in 6/4 and 5/4, that made my fiddle player's brain melt a little. Farmers Market did ferry Cross the Mersey in 9/8 which is stunning. Dan -
Bass players & structural health.
pietruszka replied to pantherairsoft's topic in General Discussion
Chiropractors are wonderful people. I have one and get adjusted once every 8 months ish. It used to be once every couple of months but I climb so regularly that alone keeps me in check. She has looked after me well and any problems I have she helps as much as she can. I had problems with a couple of my fingers, they were really sore around the joints. The problem? My forearms! A bit of stretching sorted it out, it turned out I wasn't stretching properly post climbs. The theory behind it makes perfect sense and of course only individuals can confirm it's truth. They have long been in a battle with NHS, physiotherapists and what have you. I personally recommend them as they have done wonders for me. Be warned, treatment can be expensive! Nothing wrong with physio's though. as someone else said here, I do think the physio part is the bit after treatment. Dan -
I think I'll follow this thread as Im going to be buying a sub soon. A friend had a Mackie 15"sub and it sounded great. He loved it to and he didnt have any problems with reliability, he only had it however, for a couple of gigs. My issue is more along the lines of space, I have the PA as well as my bass gear to go in the back of a Micra (!). I was looking at the Behringer 1500 and Im also looking at 12" subs to. Any one any experience or thoughts on 12" sub woofers? Dan
Hi! Chloe And The High Tides are playing the 3 Tunns in Gateshead this Sunday, live rockabilly/country/blues rock. Check us out at [url="http://www.facebook.com/chloeandthehightides"]http://www.facebook.com/chloeandthehightides[/url] Hope to see some of you there and meet some people! Dan
He used to live in the next street up from me in Whitley Bay and I did spend about an hour chatting to him, really sound bloke. I know a lot of people rave about him, but to be honest, it doesn't do anything for me either. He can play certainly, and it's nice to see a busker not playing 'High and Dry' on an acoustic for a change but as a few others have said, that style of playing isn't for me. Dan
I have to be nasty and extend that to ALL Ampeg heads. I've never been able to get a decent sound out of them. I love the cabs though! It'll no doubt boil down to horses for courses and all that but I've never been able to get a decent sound out of the heads. I particularly didn't like the SVT pro 4, no idea why but couldn't get a likeable sound out of it, and it was through a Ampeg 810 to. Again, the cab was lush! Weird how they work for some and not others. Dan
[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1335346455' post='1629479'] If you switch one on and nobody can hear a difference then you're doing it wrong. When used correctly they make things sound different, so if you're not getting any difference in sound you must be doing it wrong. For the record I agree you (just you) shouldn't use effect pedals. [/quote] My point is if you have several of the same pedal. When we've done don't upset the Rythym iv played it with the distortion and with out. He distortion was loud enough to hear and iv never had any one actually tell it was there so I've never bothered, again, it's less to go wrong. Dan
[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1335298683' post='1629031'] You're doing it wrong. [/quote] No I'm not, I know how to use an effect pedal. I'll reiterate my reasoning, not one person has ever said "I like the use of such and such a pedal on that track, it really added something". To be taking along gear that won't be noticed is just taking it along for your self, and I'd personally rather not be faffing about with gear that people won't appreciate/notice when I could be playing my heart out. I also understand the use of effects and how they can be used, my guitarist makes his guitar sound like a Hammond and its great, again he knows what he's doing. He doesnt bother wih subtle differences and accuracies to the original track because as he puts it, "no one cares". My point I was making with pointless is when you have say, 3 distortions, is that a lot, not all guitarists have far too subtle differences between them. This is why my mate gave up taking 3 different distortions. And in his words it was pointless, because again as he said, no one will hear the difference and appreciate them. These are based on my personal experiences, I'm not wrong and I'm not stating them as fact that everyone should follow. Dan
[quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1335285747' post='1628665'] Shep has 20.... Anyway you should go about telling him issue's with his sound should be sorted before rehearsals, taking up valuable time that the band can not spare, watching him fiddle knobs etc. But quiet clearly it's not working and should be thrown out for the sake of the band, it's about compromise from all parties. [/quote] 20?! Thats just a shop isn't it? Im not out to tell people they're wrong or to not use effects at all, as already agreed by several; if you know what you're doing then great. But it's when you use up valuable time getting plugged in, set up, got your settings just right etc etc. I've used pedals live several times before, but it's pointless as it has no noticable affect on anything. IMHO if it doesn't make a difference that people will hear then why bother? I'd personally be happier being able to play gear I'm very lucky to have than worry about whether I have my pedals textures right. Dan
[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1335283031' post='1628605'] Maybe I'm getting so frustrated because I work very hard a keeping things really simple. I play passive P basses that have just two knobs. I chose an amp that has the minimum amount of knobs, switches and dials. I don't use any effects or pedals at all. I choose this sort of setup because it suits me - I feel I can concentrate my time and energy playing to the best of my (limited) ability. But that's just me. [/quote] Im the same! Dan
[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1335281004' post='1628554'] Judgmental nonsense. [/quote] Haha! Fair enough. I'll admit I'm pretty cynical about people changing their 'sound' for the song. And it's simply on the basis of will any one notice? My reason behind him not needing the 16 pedals is because I have never played a gig which has required anyone to need 16 pedals, and that is everything from a play around in a garage right up to playing in band costing £4,000. And that guitarist only used the clean and overdrive channels on his mesa combo. No one will sit in the crowd and think " 'ang about, that guitarist needs 7.8% more of chorus pulsing at a rate of 42 BMP." Again, in my experience, no one notices. Certainly not live anyways. Each to their own i suppose. Dan
[quote name='dogload' timestamp='1335279234' post='1628507'] There's a thin line between want and need... [i]however[/i], I couldn't agree more about the second point. My rig has 13 pedals in one case, with one universal psu and a psu for my Holy Grail reverb, a lead in, a lead out and the whole thing takes about five minutes to set up. [/quote] Thats fine and very workable in a band, you have however displayed knowing your equipment, matron, and you don't waste time. I get the impression the OP guitarist has got the pedals because he possibly feels he needs them? My guitarist in the function band is like your self, everything is on a pedal board and he plugs it in and away he goes. Or am I being too harsh by expecting musicians to know what they're doing? Christ I've stopped bringing my fretless to gigs because no one hears the difference and it wastes time on stage I find, especially when we don't play to a set list. No one notices so it stays at home. Less to carry, less to go wrong, less time wasted. Dan
Im going to be really brutal about this. I really am not a huge fan of effects, I personally don't see much gain for any one but the person using them. I have a few myself but rarely do they leave the shelf at home. And I'll explain my harshness; A friend used to play guitar in a rock band and had 3 different distortion pedals with different settings. Why I asked him, he told me it was because they had different qualities. The next gig he only had 1, his reason was because you couldn't hear the different to make it worth carrying the extra luggage. He only had them for his own benefit. There is no way your guitarist NEEDS 16 pedals. And to take 2 hours setting up he is wasting everyones time including his own. I do apologise to any one who thinks I'm being OTT, but I really have no time for people who take a life time to set up with an excessive amount of gear not knowing how to set it up ready to go. Band practice is just that, BAND practice, it's for the benefit of the band and if he needs time to run through his set up then he should be doing that at home in his own time. I'd be inclined to get rid of him, but thats me. If this is what he's like in rehearsal what is he going to be like for a gig? It always amazes pubs when my function band plays them as we take about 10 bars to sound check following the 20 minute set up. Why? Because we know our gear inside out. And breath! Dan
Hahaha! You know what? I would love one. Every time I show my GF a bass she always says "you don't need another bass!". Very true actually, I don't NEED one. But Stingrays are heavy and eventually I will need to get a lighter full time bass and a Sandberg will the one I think. Dan