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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. Try Lamb, Kosheen, Aphex Twin, Prodigy, Sunlight Square for something a bit more funk sided. And Mr. Scruff! Dan
  2. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1334576364' post='1617793'] Doesn't get any better IMHO, especially for the money they go for S/H. [/quote] Yep! I have a Basic fretless (from Giblett123) and I love it. You can still get that MM style sound from it, but of course it's not a StingRay! And yes, they do have very favourable used prices. Dan
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1334576052' post='1617785'] Sandberg Basics too! [/quote] Hahaha!! My thoughts precisely! Dan
  4. I've owned one for almost 11 years now, I love it. Great sound, great neck and great playability. I know what you mean about the looks, I wasn't that keen on them at first but when it came to looking at one seriously I fell head over for it. If I'm not mistaken they were pretty popular at one point, it seemed everyone had one (70's/80's), certainly every time I watched TOTP2 a lot of the players were using one. But then it's the old age discussion, why are people using other companies J's and P's? And now 'Ray copies? Because there is more market choice and people make similar spec'd basses. But will it sound like a 'Ray? Well, thats up to your ears. I am a big fan of StingRays and will continue to use it for many years to come. Dan
  5. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1334323035' post='1614520'] I like that [/quote] +1! Dan
  6. I had a play and recorded with a DB750, brilliant heads! Lovely and full sounding with all the tube warmth you could ever ask for! The recordings I did with it are on my sound cloud if you want to listen (check signature), any of the Soul Technique tracks. Dan
  7. This is us, Chloe And The High Tides. https://www.facebook.com/ChloeandtheHighTides We are a country/rockabilly/blues type outfit. The gigs we've played have been very successful so far and we have our debut EP out in May time. You can listen to our sounds via the facebook page or on my soundcloud (look in my sig). If you like what we do, please 'like' us. We'd really appreciate the support! Any feed back would be very welcomed! Dan
  8. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1334229818' post='1612823'] A drummer I used to play with hated Bonham, but idolised Neil Peart to the point of having the stupidly big red kit, signature sticks, etc. To cut a long story short, I didn't play with him for long. When you meet a drummer and if they say they like Bonham and/or Tony Thompson. you're usually onto a good thing. [/quote] Yep, I'd go with that! He also liked to play the groove from Aaron Spears playing 'Caught Up'. It's the video of him doing it at a drum clinic or something, either way it's some stunning groove playing! [url="http://youtu.be/TNJMI7UMv44"]http://youtu.be/TNJMI7UMv44[/url] Dan
  9. A drummer I used to play for is a massive Bonham fan. Totally understandable! Dan
  10. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1334228258' post='1612786'] "Pitchy" A word usually uttered by crappy TV show judges. " You were a bit pitchy in places." Usually accompanied with a reciprocating wavy hand gesture. [/quote] Never heard that one, sounds like it could be really patronising! Dan
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1334151083' post='1611636'] It's all about entertainment. You'll never get many gigs if you are a bunch of virtuoso shoe gazers. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't work on your music but there becomes a point of diminishing returns where the music is 'good enough' and you have to work on your stage presence and attitude. But some people are natural at that, especially in front of their mates. Wait see how they perform in front of a strange audience. [/quote] Couldn't agree more. Especially the last sentence, if they really are gash then they will know at this support gig as will the promotors. When I played for a hip hop/funk soul band we had many many excellent words and support from radio DJ's, even Craig Charles took a liking to our single and sang along to it on national radio! But we couldn't get a gig for love nor money because we weren't the shoe gazery indie hair cut lot that got crowds through the door. Dan
  12. Im very biased to the Aguilar AG500 SC, awesome clean smooth sound. Big by todays standards I suppose but still a favourite of mine. Im in North Shields if you want to come over and try it out. Dan
  13. Hi, welcome to BC! You're asking a pretty big question. Firstly it depends on what sort of music you play and what kind of sound you're after. Ultimately it's what is going to sound best to your ears. Try as many as you can within your budget regardless of what it is. Horses for courses and that. Are you after a half stack (seperate head and cab?) Or a combo? There always loads going on the for sale section on BC and it's worth looking into. Hartke served me extremely well when I started and Ampegs sound great to. Trace Elliot are fantastic work horses but can be heavy. Dan
  14. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1334075778' post='1610567'] This. House band needs to be there to fill in if it gets quiet, give support where its wanted, and to stay out of the way when it's not wanted (and to have slot of there own commensurate with everyone else's slot) Try very hard to share the available time evenly. I go to one open mike (Mostly singing rather than playing) and there a few people who push themselves forward all the time and monopolise it, and I know of a couple of decent acts that have given up coming because they don't get a go. Managing one must be very difficult and I wouldn't want to try it myself. I guess "firm but polite" is required when people have had their share of the time. The one I go to is is run by a lovely bloke, but he tends not to be firm enough. Probably best to set the ground rules from day one, even put them up somewhere, so everyone knows what they are. [/quote] Absolutely bang on! There was one I used to go to and it got so clique I couldn't bare it. There was 4 bass players one evening and only the runner of the night played bass, utter waste of time. Have rules and don't bend them for anyone, any special nights you may have advertise them in advance so people don't turn up wanting to play and can't. Dan
  15. How did it all begin? Well, when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much... Ill get my coat. Dan
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333969358' post='1608813'] Yes! or, 'our own interpretation'... inevitably v. poor and gets 'nul points'. [/quote] Perhaps musical euphemisms could be another thread! Dan
  17. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1333967969' post='1608780'] It annoys me when people refer to "fourths, wholes, eights" etc instead of crotchets, semibreves and quavers. It's not rocket science people! Also the common misconception that he/she can play slap/fretless/tap/pointless fretw***ery - he/she is amazing! [/quote] Yep, another one I use! Sorry! And yes, people who think you're mint because you can a million miles an hour. Also i particularly don't like "can you play like Flea?". The answer is generally not any more as I don't live at my mums and have some vague musical knowledge at least. Dan
  18. Cat is coming up rather a lot. It seems like a pretentous name to me, and a very good point, if you're not a cat does that make you a kitten? And if you go beyond cat would that make you a Thundercat? [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1333910216' post='1608142'] 'The tone' I find the word tone infuriating.... For example : 'I really found my tone with these new strings' kill me now.. growl bark bite any other similar meaningless adjective. [/quote] Yep, 'tone' boils my piss to. Like its the be all and end all. It's not and no one notices so please just crack on with playing! However! I do use growl, I have to admit. Dan
  19. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1333891488' post='1607785'] Guitarist :" Wow , I've definately found my sound !! " Other Guitarist " Oh ,man , I'm really struggling with my sound " To me , they sound exactly the same ( too loud ) [/quote] Yep, that's a good one. And yes they're generally a tad on the loud side, though I'm fortunate with mine. Plus he has all he chops! Dan
  20. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1333892063' post='1607795'] Sorry Dan, i was not being harsh or trying to offend. Dudes & Cats, that's all. Garry [/quote] No worries and no offence caused. To be fair he is getting married so I suppose him having a life now is debatable. I concur on the 'killer tone' one! Dan
  21. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1333890016' post='1607758'] Hey dude - you and the cat on six strings need to get a life. Garry [/quote] A little bit harsh don't you think? This thread is no more pointless than 'wealthiest bassists' or the one on growing chilis. It's merely a musical conversation piece. Dan
  22. At last nights gig, I was chatting to our guitarist and we got on the subject of things musicians say. Now, of course, some of them make sense and some of them are just stupid (we thought any way). I personally don't care much for "in the pocket". the way I see it, any good musician will do that any way. My guitarist's one was "he/she has chops!". He just thinks its ridiculous! After all, would you say that about a singer? My personal most hated is the 'eternal quest for tone'. I just think it's nonsense! Tilt your rig 10 degrees either way and the sound changes and you'll have to start again! Of course this is just a bit of light hearted fun and not meant to dig at any one. So come on! What have musicians said over the years that you don't like? Dan p.s The guitarist finished the night off by telling me I was in the 'pocket'.
  23. I have the Mono and I really like it. Cases of that cost will be worth the extra bit. On the Mono site they drop a guitar in one of their cases from about shoulder height, that's having a fair amount of confidence in your product. They look great to! I don't think you'll be disappointed with which ever case you get, but it's which case you will prefer to own. Dan
  24. I bought a MarkBass 102P cab off Higgie, everything was as advertised, it turned up well packaged and on time. Higgie is a hassle free pleasure to deal with, buy/sell with him in confidence! Thanks Higgie (and his dad who's cab it was). Dan P.s Sorry for all the texts! I do have the patience and excitable mannerisms of a 5 year old with new toys!
  25. Given how dim stage lighting is at the best of times, I don't think any one would notice them anyway and so I wouldn't bother. I certainly haven't on my Sandberg. Just a thought. Dan
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